2. Real Death

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To beat my heart one day shall cease,
Inevitably ending this life of lease.
Bereft I shall become of life and soul,
Of breath and beats, of hope and goal.

Expectantly you shall label it death, 
For the Lord will have snatched away my breath.
Raise your hands high up at that moment,
Instead of opting to remain dormant.

With conviction keep those hands held high,
Shout out, so recently I did not die,
For my soul may have just reached the sky,
But my life, all along, was wrongfully lived by I.

Destroyed maybe the thread,
That binds me to the planet.
But I am irrevocably dead
I share a grave with my dreams, dammit! 

Yes, my soul was taken,
Long back, I was broken.
Marked long ago was the end of my road,
From my dream ship since I hopped off-board.

The death of my dreams, hence
Was indeed the death of me.
So mark my grave whence,
My dream and I, we became an 'I' from a 'we'.

The experience, the success, transient, however,
Shaped a personality truthful forever.
With veracity hence I say these words,
Follow your heart, be free as the birds.

Fret not as my face goes ashen,
For I shall have long died, my life barren.
Life ends with the final failure bogging you down,
Forcing you to halt, living life with a frown.

Hence dear world do what you desire,
For it's no use living on the edge of a wire.
Take in stride the failures positively,
Success you shall taste, boosting you radically.

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