6. Hope

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Once I met a wailing girl,
Her eyes were shining like a pearl.
"What is your name?" I softly asked.
"Hope!" She cried, her voice aghast.

"Hope, my dear! Who made you cry?" 
"This world that gives up without a try."
"They try their best!" I defended mankind.
The proof lay sadly nowhere I could find.

"They shed hope after failures,
They throw me from the panniers,
Life is but too precious,
and without me becomes precarious."

"Never do they try again, 
Failures often prove a bane.
Giving up on life seems right, 
So soon, how can they lose the fight?"

"It pains me, seeing them depart,
Shatters my soul, breaks my heart.
But they are only partially at fault,
Succumbing to pressure, feeling the jolt."

I could hear no longer the pain, 
That voice of despair, that weep of disdain. 
"On reaching the pinnacle of ignorance" I began, 
"We tend to give up, it's only humane." 

"For confidence when some support we seek,
When failure and pessimism are at its peak,
Nags the brain when thought of surrender,
The desire to cut through the skin so tender."

"We try, we really do, 
More often than not to hold onto you, 
Alas, but! We fail miserably, 
For the society blames us viscerally."

"Then annihilate these beliefs", she began, wide-eyed,
"The people with each other should be emotionally tied,
Once with heart, they hold onto one another,
The sympathy, the pity they shall never smother. "

That day I realized the reason why,
People let go with one last sigh,
It wasn't because they'd given up finally,
But because they lacked the backup mentally.

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