Chapter 2

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I woke up laing my head on his chest with the sun seeping from the blinds. Or at least that's what I thought till I opened my eyes and realized I was in a hospital bed, strapped down to the bed. I was wearing a white gown. I pulled my arms breaking the straps. When a woman walked in. She tried to stop me when I jumped out the window. I took off running down the street. I looked around realizing I was no longer in my home town. I was somewhere in the country the buildings were very old and rugged. I walked around aimlessly. Till I seen a house far from the hospital. When I noticed a man playing with a younger girl. I was walking past when she ran over not paying attention and hit me almost knocking her over. I grabbed her arm before she fell pulling her to her feet. When he ran over pulling her to him.

"Sorry." I said, walking away hesitantly. I walked to a near by store.

"Hello?" I yelled, the store was empty. Till a man walked out from the back.

"Hello little lady what I do you for?" He said, he had an accent I didn't recognize.

"Where am I?" I asked. He laughed at my question.

"Your in Greece my dear." He exclaimed, I froze.

"Why am I in Greece?" I blurted.

"I don't know why are you?" He joked. When I noticed a picture of a siren on the wall.

"Ahh I see you've noticed my beautiful siren." He said, I hid when I heard sirens out side the store.

"Hello sir have you seen a beautiful young woman with blond hair in a white gown walk in here?" She asked.

"And why would you like to know?" He questioned.

"Because she's the last of her species. So she was brought to Greece to repopulate the species. She very valuable." She said, pointing at the picture.

"You actually believe that wise old tail." He said, when a man pulled me out.

"Ma'am I found her." He said, she smiled walking over.

"Well hello again Seren. I need you to be a good girl and come with me." She said, I struggled when he pinned my arms behind my back.

"Wait stop you might hurt her." She said, he loosened his grip and I slipped out one of my wings hitting him. He hit the wall. He pulled out a gun as I took a beep breath using my voice to hypnotize him. Making him drop it and kick it over to me. But she picked it up and hugged me rubbing my back making me stop.

"Sh sh sh little one we didn't mean to scare you. Poor thing she's shaking. She must be terrified. See this is why I told you not to use force. She's young and skittish. You must be gentle." She said, softly. I sobbed looking down. The man got up walking over. He ruffled my hair.

"I'm sorry." He whispered, picking me up.

"Good now let's get her back to the facility." She whispered.

"I don't want to I might be a winged siren but I still have my rights. I didn't agree to this." I said, she petted my head.

"Yes but we had the higher up non humans send you here so we could repopulate your species." She exclaimed.

"Well they have no right. I'm an American. They don't have the right to tell me what I want. Neither do you. I demand to be returned to my family and my mate." I demanded.

"Your mate? Luka never mentioned you had a mate." She said, I froze.

"Luka's my mate." I exclaimed.

"But he already has one Deliah." The woman informed me. Tears seeped from my eyes. I jumped out of the man's arms.

"That's not true it can't be. He promised." I whispered, as I curled up in the corner. She tried walking over but I shot off electricity from my body. The woman pulled out her phone as I buried my face in my knees sobbing.

"Hello Luka we've got a problem. She's not cooperating. She said you were mates." She said, stopping.

"Ok." She replied putting him on speaker.

"Seren I'm gonna need you to listen to them. It's what's best for you." He exclaimed. I lifted my head.

"FUCK YOU. Who Are You To Tell Me What's Best For Me And Here I Thought You Actually Gave A Flying Fuck About Me. I'm Such A Fucking Idiot. Your Worse Then Ken You Used Me You Bastard." I yelled as tears ran down my face.

"Don't ever compare me to him." He growled.

"Well Then Maybe You Be The Man I Fell In Love With And Grow A Fucking Pair Instead of Being The Pussy And Ran Away Sending Me to Fucking Greece Ass Whole. I Will Never Forgive You I Never Want To See You Again." I yelled.

"Great Luka hope your happy if she kills herself it's on you." She yelled, and he hung up. She dragged me to the car sticking me in the back. The man climbed into the passenger seat and handed the woman her phone. When we got back to the hospital the man carried me in laying me on the bed. The next weeks I stared out the window in my happy place, it was the only thing that gave me comfort. At least there Luka was still like he was before the love of my life. I didn't eat, drink, sleep, or talk to anyone. The woman brought me males to try to talk to and doctors to monitor me everyday but I didn't even acknowledge them. When one day a doctor ran something over my belly.

"Well this could be why the lose of her mates effecting her so much she's pregnant. But if this keeps up we could lose her and the baby. The babys taking all of the nutrients from her body it's going to end up killing her." He exclaimed.

"So it's more serious than we thought." She said, pulling out her phone.

"Hello sir I'd like you to bring Seren closest friends and family. She's in bad condition and I don't know how much longer she has. Did you know she was pregnant?" She questioned.

"Yes the doctor just confirmed it. Its taking all the nutrients out of her body and shes not eating, drinking, or sleeping. She wouldn't even talk to anyone I've tried everything I can think of. The only thing keeping her alive is the IV. If this keeps up we'll lose her and the growing child in her." She exclaimed.

"No she didn't mate with any of the males I introduced her to and from the looks of it she conceived before she was sent here. Listen I don't care if she means nothing to you. But if you were mates and it's yours you don't have much time left." She replied.

"Ahh there they are. Well it's a boy. I might only be able only to save baby but even then he wouldn't last long without his mother." The doctor said, she looked at the monitor.

"He's beautiful. We have to think of something. We can afford to lose them both. Your going to have to force feed her through a tube but its the only thing I can think of." He suggested, she nodded.

"We're going to have to. We have no choice." She exclaimed.

"Why would you like her and your unborn son to die just like that. She can't eat Luka she can't even turn her head for crying out loud." She said angrily hanging up. The doctor lifted my head, shoved a tub down my throat I gagged and started funneling something through the tube and down past my throat. Then they left. I don't know how much time past, when it became impossible for me to breath. I closed my eyes. When the next thing I know is the room was crowded with familiar faces and someone was pressing on my chest giving me compressions.

"Is she okay?" Livia asked, with tears running down her face.

"No her conditions keeps getting worse. The only thing keeping her alive is the IV." The woman said, shoving a tube down my throat.

"Wait what are you doing to my sister." My brother demanded.

"We've been force feeding her. The little ones taking all her nutrients so she'll die if she runs out which is why she almost flat lined." She exclaimed.

"Little one." They questioned.

"She's pregnant. Its a boy." She informed them. They gasped. As she shoved that weird stuff through the tube. When she pulled it out. I squeezed the blanket when I felt a sharp pain.

"My water broke." I said, the doctor ran over.

"But that's not right. She's not that far along." The woman said, as the doctor slipped a blanket under my lower region and propped up my legs.

"Every nonhuman maturity is different from the other." He replied.

"Son of a..." I yelled.

"Oh my here we go. Margit get over here I think we got our selves a big one." He said, reaching his hand in trying to pull it out. I screamed. Moments later I heard not a cry but a similar noice to a eagle. I smiled when he put them on my chest. But I was surprised to see a fiery bird that looked like a eagle a pheonix laying on my chest. As soon as he opened he's eyes looked at me and nuzzled up against my. It flames didn't hurt like I thought they would. When I felt something wet hit my neck. I realized it was his tears. When my body stated healing its self back to health.

"There see good as new luckily for you phoenix tears can heal anything." The doctor exclaimed. I kissed his head as he changed his form into a human baby. I brought him up to my chest and he latched on instinctively. I smiled cradling him and petting his head.

"He's completely healthy nothing wrong with him." The doctor exclaimed.

"We better let her get some rest...." My eyes fluttered shut before she could finish.

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