Chapter 5

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"C'mon, Kit! You gotta go with us and meet the Colony!" Snake meowed cheerfully. "But what if they don't accept me...?" White Moon said sadly. "Snake is our leader, kitten." WhiteHeart. "Oh." White Moon responded. He followed them to a big abandoned human house. "Ta-da! Home!" Snake meowed. White Moon looked at the large building, then walked inside. The place was crawling with cats. "Excuse me, everyone!" Snake yowled with authority. Cats turned and looked at him. "Meeting!" Snake jumped onto a giant soft tree thing. "I found a kitten!" Cats turned to look at White Moon. " Nightpouncer's son." Snake continued. The cat's curiosity turned to hostility and many cats hissed at White Moon. "Order!" WhiteHeart yowled. The cat's begrudgingly stopped and turned away. "He is to help us fight Nightpouncer!" Snake yowled. "Hah!" A gray tabby Tom-cat growled. "This kit!? He couldn't beat a flea!" He taunted. Snake's response chilled White Moon to the bone. "Well then, SmokeyStripes. Why don't you fight him?"

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