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The first day it wiped out hundreds. People dropping to the ground clutching their throats like something was choking them. Each one convulsing until blood spewed from their mouths in the most grotesque way. Their hair turning white along with their eyes before they landed face first onto the dirty ground where they laid lifeless.

Mass panic ensued after. A mandatory quarantine fell over major cities. While smaller ones stayed unaffected for the time being.

Shelves in stores began to empty as the days went by. People were buying out everything from canned foods to every last package of meat and eggs.

Some bought out ammo in anticipation for the dead to rise. Which never came to pass. Some were disappointed, while others were thankful that no one would die from being eaten by someone they once loved.

The military was called into action after three months of hundreds of thousands of people dropping dead in the streets.

Citizens remained in doors waiting for more information. A vaccine had been administered to a few volunteers and some that weren't so willing. But nonetheless one was given.

Six months in the trial run for the vaccine appeared to be working well. None of the ones that were given the B strain had shown symptoms. However, those given the A strain died within the first week.

Except for two. One being Avery, who was given the A strain vaccine. His mother locked him in the attic the day after he had received it to protect him. Or hide him away until he died. Everyday his mom would make her way up the ladder. Peeking over the ledge to find him staring at her from the corner. He neither smiled nor gave her any indication that he was happy.

"Sweetie how are you feeling?" She would ask in a soft voice. He knew she meant well. Avery just didn't understand why she kept him up there. He had nothing to do up there.

"I'm fine. Just like all the other days." He grumbled. She would nod solemnly almost as if she wanted him to die. The truth was she wished he hadn't gotten the vaccine. Now she counted the hours until he would leave this world. He wouldn't find that out until the following week.

Avery's Mom

It's been a week since Avery volunteered to be vaccinated. Granted he was 18 years old and he could do what he wanted with his life. However, my heart just can't handle the thought of losing my only son. I already lost his father to the war almost a year ago. Right before the first wave of the virus swept the city.

The doctors asked me to keep a journal of my son's progress and if there were any changes to his appearance or symptoms. His first day home from the facility a white strand of hair appeared on his head taking over his dark brown hair. He thought it was cool, but she could also see the reserved fear hidden behind his hazel eyes.

That night they sat watching the 6 o'clock news. Hoping for something positive. Only to be greeted with ice cold fear. People that were administered the vaccine were dying. Over two hundred people who were vaccinated had passed away. Only a hundred remained.

My heart raced as I stared at my only son. The only person I had left in this world. I couldn't lose him.

Slowly I made my way out the living room and into the kitchen to make a phone call.


A gritty man's voice answered. I bit my fingernails nervously. I didn't want to ask what strain my son was given. I didn't want to know and yet I did. I needed to know how long I had left with him.

"Hi, i-is this Phil?" I stammered slightly. At this point my hands were shaking and tears were threatening to fall down my face.


"Uh... my so-son was given a vac..."

He didn't even let me finish.

"Did the subject pass?"


"Then what is the meaning of this call?" The man sounded almost annoyed.

"Look Phil it's Genie, I'm calling about your brother's son. You know the one you vaccinated. Because you wanted to keep the family line alive."

He exhaled deeply, taking in another breath before speaking again.

"I'm sorry G... I've gotten so many calls in the past hour. Every subject from strain A has died. Aside from... Avery and one other."

My throat felt as if it was closing. There were only two left alive from the vaccine! The one given to my baby boy.

"One other?"

"Yes...he is in another country. I'm not allowed to release that information."

He started coughing violently into the phone and the sound of something splattering hit. A loud groan followed by a thud. I gasped, dropping the phone. My brother in law just died on the phone. Which meant another wave of the virus was hitting.

"AVERY!!! GET TO THE ATTIC!" I half sobbed and half screamed. He looked panicked as he darted up the stairs. How do you explain the fear you feel without scaring him as well?

As soon as Avery had climbed up the ladder. I quickly slammed the door shut and sent the lock home. He banged on the door for hours that night. Until finally he had calmed down or wore himself out.

Day 2
Avery's Mom

I feel terrible for the pain I have caused my son. I wish I could have talked him out of getting the vaccine. But we didn't know it would kill him.

Slowly I opened the door to find Avery passed out. His knuckles were red and swollen from beating at the door. His eyes were tear stained. None of that was as alarming as his once chocolate brown hair. His hair was white, no trace of any other color.

My heart hurt. My baby would soon die from this. His chest rose and fell slowly, his breathing normal. No changes other than his hair.

I left the door open and returned with a tray holding a grilled cheese sandwich and a coke. He was tucked in the corner where I would find him from here on out. He didn't even try to escape.

"How are you sweetie?"

"What do you care?" He challenged balling his fists at his sides. I watched him carefully. His hazel eyes glistening with tears.

"I did this to keep you safe, baby."

"I don't believe you. You are keeping you safe from me!" He spat turning away from me completely.

"It's for your own good." I whispered, securing the door once more. Disappearing to the welcoming darkness of my bedroom. Where I was consumed by my guilt, fear, and overwhelmed by the never ending helplessness.

Day 2

My hands ached and my stomach was growling. My mom freaked me out yesterday when she practically screamed at me to hide in the attic. A bit of a hypochondriac that one.

However, when I got up here I didn't bring my phone or anything with me so I was stuck with dust and cobwebs as my entertainment.

The door to the attic was opened when I woke up what seemed like hours later. Although I didn't dare go down the ladder for fear of what was down there.

The sound of the ladder straining sent me crawling to the back corner of the attic. Heart racing until I saw her pale face appear. Anger pooled in my gut as I stared at her. My eyes darted to the tray of food she sat down on the ledge. Stomach rumbling but I didn't budge.

How are you sweetie? She asked her tone was off. I wanted to tell her to fuck off. But I kept it simple. My hot head wasn't going to help here.

"What do you care?" I spat out. She seemed almost hurt which made me feel guilty. Her response was it was for my own good. Again trying to keep a level head I ended up hurting her feelings more.

"I don't believe you. You are keeping you safe from me!" I spat turning away from my mom completely.

She whispered something incoherently. Probably something along the lines of "it's for your own good."

Yea I'm sure it is. Damn... I should of asked for my phone. I could of messaged Lucas. Cursing myself for not thinking of that sooner. I crawled to where the tray was and ate the sandwich while guzzling down the soda.

Looking down at the napkin on the tray. There was a note scribbled on it.

Remember, I love you.

I was angry with her but this made the tears I had been fighting before fall. Dropping onto the napkin smudging the words as the fell.

"I love you too, mom."

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