Cover Me I cover you

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This was a very bad idea. The turbulence alone was enough to rattle your bones, maybe even break them. My body was in so much pain it felt nearly impossible to fall asleep. I was in for a terrible ride and we were only thirty minutes into an almost 14 hour ride.

Why the hell did I agree to this?


If it wasn't for the girl pressed against my back, shivering like a crazy person... I think I would be dead. I hope Avery is good. I feel like maybe perhaps he needed the warmth more than I did.

"You good?"

"Y-y-yes..." she shivered, trying to snuggle closer to me. I was tempted to turn around with no regard to her rules before take off.

"You know I can turn around..." I could feel her warm breath against the back of my neck as she sighed heavily.


I almost squealed at how happy I was. Now I could breathe in her honey strawberry scent without waiting for her to move.

"D-d-don't t-try any fun-funny business!" She whispered, snuggling into my chest. I wrapped my arms around her, placing my chin on the top of her head. Pretty sure I had stupid ass grin on my face. But I didn't care. I was just too damn happy.


If it wasn't for the fact that I was literally freezing my booty off, I would not be turning around. I hope Avery is okay. He's all by himself without human body heat to help him stay warm. Maybe he packed more things to keep him warm. I could only hope.

This boy needs to learn some personal hygiene. I don't even remember him taking a shower at all while we were at Avery's. I know Avery did.

I put on my headphones to drown out Lucas' constant compliment of how good I smelled. Like thank you, but that's not gonna win me over.

I buried my face further into his shirt as the truth untold started playing. This song always lulled me to sleep and in this moment, that is exactly what I needed.

Secret Service

"Think they just ran off?" Tucker asked, looking inside the cabinets. He had a bad feeling that the two kids didn't just run off. He knew he should of checked the undercarriage better, but he was so aggravated by Angus that he just said fuck it. The man acted like he had a pine cone shoved up his ass.

"Tucker man, if they are anywhere on this plane we will find them." Delta grumbled, adjusting his earpiece.

"I don't understand what's gotten up Angus' ass lately.."

"Bro, nobody knows."

Tucker sighed, flopping down onto one of the couches. He could catch some much needed sleep while they were in the air.

"Get up, Ass hat!" Barked Angus, he threw a shoe at Tucker hitting him square in the face.

"Ow!" He cried out, rubbing his now stinging face.

"You are going to be put up for review soon, so you best fix your shit. Or else I will make sure they can your ass!" Angus jabbed Tucker with a well manicured finger.

Tucker jumped up, shoving Angus against the cabin wall.

"Watch who you threaten! I wasn't the only one who lost them!" He seethed.

Angus narrowed his eyes, casting a death glare before pushing the short man away from him.

Delta scratched his head, wondering what was going on with the two guys lately. Maybe it was the virus.
Come to think of it... it had to be. They were best buds until Jepson fell ill. Perhaps she was the glue that held them together.

Pulling a pillow to his chest, Delta cuddled into it falling fast asleep.

(1 Hour until landing in South Korea)


The pain is getting worse, I really need to use the bathroom and I feel like I'm going to throw up all the zebra cakes I've consumed in the last ten minutes.

They've hit some turbulence and I'm pretty sure my head is bleeding from when I was jolted upwards hitting a bolt. This has to be the most miserable plane ride in the history of mankind ever.

Digging through my backpack I found an empty water bottle so I could relieve myself. Sealing the lid, I realized just how warm the bottle was. In any other circumstance I would find my next action very disgusting, however right now I needed the extra warmth. Taking the bottle I slid it into my shirt underneath the extra layers, adding an extra heat source.

"So gross, but I'm a lot warmer now."

I could feel the plane losing altitude, which meant we were getting closer to our destination. If I was right we were landing in Incheon International AirPort in South Korea. That only made the most sense.

The engines started slowing down and the landing gear started to open. Panic struck hard as the air whipped into the opening.

"Shit!" I screamed. The wrappers from my cakes started flying out the opening. I gripped the sides as best I could trying not to be sucked out.

"Please... please...please." I begged, squeezing my eyes shut, all my muscles in my body ached as I strained to keep myself in place. The screeching of tires hurt my ears so bad. I swear one of my eardrums ruptured.

This was a bad idea... Why did I agree to this? After several minutes of holding on for dear life, the plane finally stopped. The strange thing was, it was extremely dark out. It couldn't possibly be night time here... could it?

I looked down at my phone, pressing the button to show the display screen.

10:46 AM

Then why the hell was it so dark?


"I think you broke my nose!" I whined. In the darkness I could see her roll her eyes at me while she rubbed her elbow.

"Should have kept your hands to yourself."

"I was just trying to stay warm." I tried to defend my actions. There was no justification for touching her butt. Alas I did it anyway and my nose is suffering. Warm blood pooled in my hands as I tried to pinch the bridge to stop it.

"Pervert." She hissed, throwing a shirt at me.

"Thanks..." I mumbled, pressing the shirt to my nose. Down below the wheels we could hear the men doing their checks. So it was best for us to stay hidden.

"Why is it so dark?" Y/N asked. I could only hope she saw me shrug. I didn't want to say anything else for fear of being caught.


The realization and the urgent need to pee hit me. My bladder felt like it was going to explode. If you looked at me I'm certain you could see the piss starting to rise in my eyes. Or was that blood?

Hopefully they finish their security checks soon. Trying to distract myself I squirmed. Even tried to make my nose hurt to distract me. Which hurt like hell by the way.

"Are you stupid!" She hissed angrily at me. I groaned.

"I have to pee..:" I jogged my leg to try to help.

"Stay still, you are going to get us caught!"

This girl had no sympathy for my dying bladder, I bit my lip staring down at the ground below the wheel. If it wasn't for the fact that she was a girl, I would have done whipped out my junk and let out a glorious golden arch of relief.

At least I'm respectful to that extent.

"Tucker!" The man with the mustache screamed. Dude man seemed to have some serious anger issues. I almost felt bad for the short guy.


"Did you check the wheels?"

"I'm doing that now! Angus get off my nuts." The last part was slightly lower than the first part. I couldn't help but laugh. Which was a bad thing because now that short man was staring me right in the face.

"Fuck!" Agent Tucker and I said in unison. What happened next surprised me more than anything. The man brought his hand up to his mouth with his finger against his lips, he shushed me. I don't think he could see Y/N.

I nodded, gulping hard trying to collect my nerves. That guy was probably just covering his ass. I am thankful for that.

"Lucas!" Y/N hissed, shoving me hard with a look of pure disgust on her face.

"Are you kidding me right now!" She gestured to my pants.

How embarrassing.

My pants were completely soaked. I guess you could say he scared the piss right out of me. In front of my potential girlfriend of all people. I looked over at Y/N apologetically. She just shook her head at me in the darkness.

"I really had to go... and he scared the bejeezus out of me."

"Do you even have a change of clothes?" She asked in a whisper. You know come to think of it... I don't think
I do.

"I don't know."

Pretty sure this girl was pissed beyond words. That and if it wasn't for the fact that my nose was already bleeding, I'm certain it would be right now. Judging by the death glare I'm getting from her. Oh that expression is terrifying and cute at the same time. Lord help me.

"All clear!" Agent Tucker called out to the angry mustache agent.

"Good, you didn't fuck up for once."

After several minutes we heard a loud door open, a bright light washed over the landing area, taking away what shadows used to be there. Why didn't they check it when it was lit up like this? I wondered. I got my answer a few seconds later when the door slammed shut once more. It was timed.

"Think it's safe?" I barely got the question out, Y/N had already slid down and onto the ground. How'd that girl do these things with such grace? She didn't even need someone to hold her hand to help her down.


Once those doors closed, I didn't hesitate to get out of that wheel well. I needed to know that Avery was okay. Plus the smell of urine and smelly gym bag dorito boy was getting to me. I ran to the rear wheels to find him. When I looked up, Avery was staring at me with his grayish white eyes.

"Are you okay?"

He simply nodded, tossing down his pack followed closely by himself. He didn't land on his feet though. Avery crumbled like a ton of bricks. Pain struck clean across his severely pale face. He was getting worse, my heart squeezed at the realization that we may not have him with us much longer.

"Avery!" I panicked, dropping to my knees, reaching out to touch his forehead. His skin was like fire. Lucas ran over to us looking worried.

"Bro, are you okay?"

"I'm fine. We need to get out of here." Was all he said, before he painfully got to his feet. Why'd he have to be so... I don't even know. I literally just want to make him some hot tea and soup. So he could relax. But of course, he was right. We needed to get out of here.

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