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"Who are you?" His voice drifted through the darkness. I froze in place. This must be Hobi's room.

"I'm Y/N..."

"How'd you get in here?" He seemed annoyed, nothing like his sunshine self at all.


"Yoongi, let you in?" He scoffed in disbelief. I sighed, rubbing my eyes to see if they would adjust so I could see him. It was no use though, the room was quite dark.

"Why is it so dark in here?" I asked, not answering his question at first.

" I was going to go to sleep."

If I didn't know Yoongi was somewhere else. I'd think I was talking to him.

"My friends and I are looking for a cure. Avery is a survivor of the vaccine."

"Really? But I thought..." he drifted off in his thoughts. More coughing started and a slight shuffle from somewhere in the kitchen.

Hobi moves past me to peek out his door. He had pink hair right now, wearing an oversized hoodie with skinny jeans. That's what I could see in the light at least. I heard him sigh.

"Is that your friend?"

I looked over his shoulder. There on the ground was Lucas. He had blood trickling out the side of his mouth and his eyes were pleading for help. I shoved Hobi out the way, running for my friend.

Falling to my knees I scooped his head up, resting it on my lap. Lucas stared up at me with tear filled eyes. He seemed so scared, the pain evident in the way he curled his arms around his body.

"It hurts..." he cried, I stroked his hair, trying to comfort him. Hobi stood at the edge of the counter, looking down at us in frustration.

"What?" I was annoyed at his expression. Why was he being so moody?

"I don't know how to help." He sighed. In truth there was nothing he could do. None of us could. Except for maybe Avery and one other person.

"That makes two of us."

Lucas curled into a ball as the wave of bone rattling coughs took over. I could almost hear his ribs snapping from the force of each one.

Hobi cringed, taking a step back. I couldn't blame him for that. I would do the same thing if it wasn't for this boy being the closest thing to a friend I've had lately.

"It's okay..." I lied. It wasn't okay. He knew it, I knew it, and so did everyone else.

I held him tight with each wave of coughs, until the final wave hit. This one is far worse than the others. Lucas gasped for air, his lips turning a bluish purple. His hair started to turn white and his eyes... his eyes turned that awful grayish white. I sobbed.

My heart couldn't take it. I was losing yet another person. Who knew how long Avery had left. Or anyone else locked in this penthouse that seemed more like a tomb now.

"Come on Lucas! You can make it. Breathe!!" I cried, Hobi handed me a dish towel. Carefully I dabbed the sides of Lucas' blood stained lips.

Lucas' body shook uncontrollably with each fit of coughs. They just wouldn't stop. Blood sprayed the cabinet doors, He gripped his sides so tight that his knuckles turned white and then an audible pop. Followed by a final gasp for air.

He was gone.

My head fell on his shoulder and I cried. I cried for what seemed like hours.

"Y/N..." his tone was soft and careful. Avery pulled me away from Lucas' still body. Bringing me into a hug. I buried my face into his shirt and I screamed. Then broke down sobbing. He just held onto me, never letting me go.

"Is that what you experience every time?" I heard Hobi ask Avery. I peeked up from his chest to see him nod slowly.

"Why hasn't it killed you?" The question was unfair. Yet fitting for the current situation.

"I don't know."

Hobi sighed, then walked away down the hall.

"It was awful..."

"I know." Whispered Avery, his eyes were fixed on Lucas' still frame.

Yoongi came into the kitchen with a white sheet, covering our friend.

"I'm sorry." He gave his condolences, then left the room quickly.


How do you keep it together when everyone around you is dying?

It's nearly impossible. I came out of the closet to find Y/N holding onto someone on the floor. When I got closer, my heart fell into the pit of my stomach. I felt like I was going to be sick.

Taking a deep breath, I called her name and then pulled her into a hug. There was nothing else we could do. My best friend was gone.

I felt as if my knees were going to give out as I stood there holding onto her for dear life. I only hoped that my grip on her was that of comfort. She was all I had left in this world. I prayed that I could keep her. That God wouldn't take her away too.

I vaguely remember being asked questions by a boy with pink hair. I do remember when Yoongi came in and covered Lucas. They all disappeared leaving us standing in the kitchen.

Some time later, Namjoon came out followed by five other boys.

Jin and Yoongi I knew. Behind them was the pink haired boy, closely followed by a short one with blonde hair and then a raven haired boy. They all crowded around the table.

Y/N rested her head on my chest, watching them.

"Where is Taehyung?" She blurted out. Six pairs of eyes fell on her.

"He's locked himself away to keep us safe." Jin frowned, looking down at his hands. The boy with the blonde hair squeezed his shoulder.

"But he suffers alone." Y/N complained, moving away from me. I suddenly missed the warmth and the closeness.

"His choice not ours." Namjoon sighed.

"Can I talk to him?" I asked. Y/N looked up at me with curious eyes. I smiled down at her. 

Namjoon's brows knitted together, his finger tapping his lip as he thought about it. He heaved a great sigh, then waved his hand for me to follow.

Y/N's fingers laced into mine as we slowly made our way down a hallway that seemed to go on forever. Namjoon pressed a few buttons on a keypad making a door disappear into the wall.

"Watch your step." He warned. I wasn't quite sure what he meant until I saw the body laying a few feet within.

This one didn't die from the virus but a gunshot instead.

"We were attacked." Was the only explanation given. I didn't pry further. Y/N moved even closer to me. I would say it made it harder to walk. But it didn't.

Namjoon stopped about halfway down the hall, staring at a door with a slot for a food tray cut into it.

"It's like a prison!" Cried Y/N, rushing you the door.

"He wanted it that way." Mumbled Namjoon.

I moved up to stand next to Y/N as she tried to look through the slot. Namjoon rubbed the back of his neck. Probably wondering if it was a good idea to bring us back here.

"Who's there?" A deep scratchy voice called from behind the door.

"It's Namjoon... I brought someone who wants to talk to you."

"Tell them to go away if they know what's good for them."

"I'm like you."

I heard a slight shuffle from within, and then the creaking of hinges that haven't been used in awhile. In the crack of the doorway, a pair of gray white eyes peered out at me, growing wide as they focused.

Quickly a hand reached out, yanking me into the room. The door slammed shut and the lock slid home.


He questioned.

"I don't know."

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