Chapter Fourteen: massive strike

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This is a Bleach fanfiction story that I am teaming up with Openminded15 (from to write. We do not own anything associated with the Bleach series and/or its characters. However this story is an original idea as some of the characters may seem a bit OC as we have also thrown in some completely OCC characters for this story. Please leave your comments and reviews telling us what you think. Thank you!

Key guide: bold - hollow voice, italic - zanpakuto voice, *mental speech*, "regular speech", 'thinking', bold italics - attacks, (author notes/translation)

Chapter Fourteen: massive strike

Now that Hakurai's final form has taken place, all he has to do is wait. Plot to take Ichigo Kurosaki out and finish taking control of the Soul Society. He could see that he has built up a good bunch of allies. He's even managed to team up with some of the Arrancar that he sent to kill the substitute shinigami. Ichigo is a worthy opponent for him but, Hakurai had one last trick up his sleeve.
"You're last hope in defeating Kurosaki. Do not disappoint me." Hakurai said to the Captain of Squad Eleven.
"Don't worry. Leave this all to me." said the newly hollowfied Kenpachi Zaraki.

Now that everyone is back at the squad four barracks, they can start piecing together the final details of the plan.
"I think Ichigo should head towards Squad Twelve Barracks, so it makes it look like you're still searching for Mayuri. While you are there, each of the groups will split up into three groups." Rukia suggested. "Love, Hiyori and Starrk can be one group." Love and Hiyori nodded in agreement. Starrk only shrugged, signifying that he could care less. "Shinji and Mashiro can team up with Nell. And Kensei, Grimmjow and I will head out together as well."
"I think Grimmjow should go with Ichigo." Kensei said.
"Without some Arrancar with us, the hollofied shinigami will be after us." Rukia testified.
"We can handle ourselves just fine." Kensei argued. "But if Ichigo is going to be a decoy, most of the hollows will be after him. Letting him go without any protection could be suicide."
"So that means I have to go with him?" Grimmjow asked.
"I really don't trust any of you Arrancar at the moment. But yes..... I think it would be wise if you accompany Kurosaki." Kensei answered. Grimmjow let out a low growl as he got up from his seat and walking over towards Ichigo.
"We will all make our way up past the clouds from different directions. Starrk's team will go up form Squad Two barracks, Nell's team will go from Squad Six barracks, and Kensei and I will go from Squad Thirteen barracks." Rukia ordered. Everyone agreed to those orders and let Ichigo and Grimmjow leave first to give them a head start. Once they gave them a good ten minutes of a head start, everyone then left to their designated barracks.

As Ichigo and Grimmjow traveled towards their destination they noticed that there were hardly any hollowfied Shinigami around.
*I don't like this King. Where are they?* Shiro asked mentally.
*I have no clue Shiro but I don't like this either. Could Hakurai be aware of our plot?* Ichigo asked.
*I highly doubt it. Just be careful as we don't know if Grimmjow will try to kill us again.* Shiro replied.
"How do you do it Kurosaki?" Grimmjow asked breaking the silence.
"Do what exactly?" Ichigo asked not sure what the sixth Espada was talking about.
"Manage to get stronger. Each time I have fought you, your power seemed to grow even stronger. I didn't even realize that you had the ability to become a vasto lorde. So how do you do it?" Grimmjow asked.
"I simply fight for those who can't protect themselves as my friends and allies are always willing to put their lives on the line for me as they believe in the power that I hold within me. I am willing to protect those who I don't know as well as those that I do know." answered Ichigo. 'Then again I do have my zanpakuto and hollow who are willing to help me out when I need it.' Ichigo thought to himself.
*Awe sucks King. You flatter us.* stated Shiro. Ichigo just shook his head while rolling his eyes.
"What I don't get is if you have this kind of power, why don't you rule this world as it would be yours for the taking." Grimmjow stated.
"Because I am still human Grimmjow. I am still alive. And besides things like ruling the Seireitei isn't on my list of things to do. I know that at times the Seireitei can handle itself. But when it can't, I will be here to help in any way that I can." answered Ichigo truthfully.

Suddenly Ichigo could sense a massive amount of spiritual pressure. He wasn't the only one who could sense it as Grimmjow could sense it as well as he went for his sword. Ichigo clearly recognized the spiritual pressure as it belonged to Kenpachi Zaraki. *Remind me to kill you later Shiro. Now I have no choice but to fight a mad crazed Kenpachi who is under Hakurai's spell. To think he was just as bad as before, he will be much worse.* Ichigo hissed towards his inner hollow.
*Oh come on King. He can't be that bad!* Shiro hissed. Boy was he wrong. Kenpachi came out of the shadows as he didn't even looked human anymore. He looked more like an actual demon with a gladiator face mask for a hollow mask. A large hole sat in the center of his chest as he dragged his sword against the ground. His long prehensile tail whipped by his side as the form almost looked similar to the first time Ichigo had completely hollowfied. Sharp spikes covered certain parts of Kenpachi's body as his body was now tan in color as he still wore part of his shikasho around his waist. *Kay I stand corrected. He has been completely taken over by Hakurai and is out for your blood.* Shiro stated.
*Tell me something that I don't know.* Ichigo stated as he pulled his zanpakuto out. Grimmjow did the same.
"Ichigo Kurosaki..... Master Hakurai wants you dead. Grimmjow Jaegerjaques..... Master isn't pleased that you failed in your task." hissed Kenpachi.
"I answer to no one. Especially some mad crazed science experiment gone wrong!" roared Grimmjow. The lightning and thunder crashed all around them as it sounded like Hakurai had heard Grimmjow's words and weren't pleased in one bit.
"Careful Grimmjow. Kenpachi isn't one to take too lightly. I barely managed to make a dent in him last time that I fought him." Ichigo hissed in a low voice. His only choice was hopefully to break Kenpachi free of the hollowfication that controlled him. Hollows of all shapes and sizes also came out of the shadows along with hollowfied Shinigami and Arrancars. 'I have a feeling that I am not going to make it out of this battle in one piece. I can already feel the vasto lorde form itching to get out.' Ichigo thought to himself.
*King, I know you don't want to, but you have to go into your vasto lorde form.* Shiro said mentally.
*I know. But I don't want to lose any control, like I almost did last time,* Ichigo answered. He looked over at Grimmjow and noticed he had already started transforming into his Segunda Etapa form. Maybe if he work together with Grimmjow they might have a chance to win.
*Trust me, King. I will make sure you have full control.*
*Okay, Shiro. We just need control long enough for us to stun him. If we stun him long enough I may be able to turn him back like I had with Yamamoto.*

Kenpachi didn't even let Ichigo transform before he decided to attack. He slammed down on the ground as hard as he could between the two, slashing his zanpakuto into the dust. Both of them narrowly escaped that attack. Zaraki immediately swung to the left of him, aiming for Ichigo. Grimmjow rushed at Zaraki and tried to scratch at him. He dug forcefully into the Captain's back, causing him to groan and turn around.
"Ichigo, you need to turn into your vasto lorde form." Grimmjow commanded.
"I'm trying! Just get him off of me for a second!" Ichigo hissed back. In an attempt to distract Kenpachi, Grimmjow threw a cero attack at him. He knew that it wouldn't effect him in the slightest but, it was used just so Ichigo could transform. Kenpachi rushed towards Grimmjow and swiped his zanpakuto around at him. But Grimmjow was able to maneuver back and forth to avoid being hit. Zaraki may have power on his side but, Grimmjow had speed on his. His Segunda Etapa form had increased his speed ten fold. Ichigo's increase in spiritual pressure stopped both of them in their tracks. Kenpachi turned towards Ichigo, licking his lips, letting his blade rest on his shoulders.
"I knew you were holdin' out on my Kurosaki. Now, the real fun can begin." Kenpachi growled once Ichigo had transformed into his vasto lorde form.

Grimmjow nodded at Ichigo's vasto lorde form as he nodded in response. It was an unspoken language, saying "let's give it our all." They both rushed at the hollowfied captain simultaneously. Ichigo's blade fully extended and Grimmjow's claws stretched out. One side, Kenpachi blocked Ichigo's zanpakuto with his and on the other side he caught Grimmjow's claws in his bare hands. They broke free and jumped back away from Zaraki. They jumped at him again and again, posing only the same results. As they paused to see which way they could attack him and land a hit. But it seemed that Zaraki had vanished. He appeared behind Ichigo and swiped his zanpakuto at him. Ichigo moved in time to try and avoid it however, the blade still left a heavy and deep cut in his left arm. Ichigo screeched in his demonic, deathly voice. Within the time that he had jumped away, Kenpachi had started to grow a yellow ball of energy in his hands. It was growing into a massive size. It looked to be the size off all three men put together. How Zaraki could even hold it with one hand astounded Grimmjow. He licked his lips again.
"Thought you guys were would have more up your sleeve than this." Kenpachi hissed. "It's too bad this fight didn't last long. I was hoping you two were stronger than that with all of your hidden powers." Kenpachi said. He then let go of the giagantic yellow cero at the two. An explosion erupted, kicking dust up all around the fight. It was hard for Kenpachi to see through the destruction but, he already assumed the match was over.

He was shocked when the dust started to settle, and he saw the dark outlines of the Ichigo and Grimmjow still standing. He was sure that he had put all of his rietsu into the cero. When the air was finally cleared, it seemed as if Grimmjow had only sustained minor scratches from the attack. Ichigo looked like he took most of the force. He was bleeding immensely from his midsection, and cuts and scrapes were sprawled across his body. Even though he looks like he was in critical condition, he still stands as if he's perfectly fine.
"W-what the hell? How did you two survive that?" Kenpachi asked. He just smiled and chuckled a bit to himself. "Good, this is a promising fight after all." Ichigo only stands there, motionless and staring at Kenpachi. Grimmjow was the first to move. His body began to glow a bright blue, and the claws on his paws also glowed blue, and grew longer and sharper. His eyes changed to become more cat like. He got down on all fours, and began to sprint after Kenpachi. He speed was incredible, only being identified as a blue blur. He jumped up, extending his front claws as much as he could. He pierced Kenpachi on his shoulders with them, bringing him closer to Grimmjow. His hind legs began to kick, and scratch at him. Kenpachi struggled, and smacked Grimmjow away. Grimmjow landed on the ground, and tumbled, spitted blood out of his mouth. Kenpachi returned his gaze to Ichigo as Grimmjow struggled to get up. "What's your next move, Kurosaki?" Kenpachi asked.

As if on cue, Ichigo snapped out of his gaze, and screeched. He rushed towards Kenpachi, grabbing him by the neck, and pushing him all the way to the nearest building. He tried to reach his zanpakuto up but, Ichigo used his leg and smashed his hand back against the building. A cero began to grow in between the horns of his hollow mask.
*King..... wait! You said you wanted to spare him and turn him back to normal!* Shiro intervened before Ichigo decided to make a horrible decision. Not listening, Ichigo continued to make his cero attack stronger, and bigger. *Please don't do this! You're going to regret it!* He still wasn't listening. *King, please listen!*

Slowly, the cero started to recede, and shrink in size. It disappeared, and Kenpachi looked ay him and frowned.
"You're too weak Kurosaki and kind hearted. That will be your downfall." Kenpachi spat at the vasto lorde. Instead of attacking him with a cero, Ichigo took out his zanpakuto and swiped down on Kenpachi's shoulder. Blood spurted from it, as he let the hollowfied Captain fall to the ground. Ichigo met up with him on the ground, and then stuck his blade into Kenpachi's midsection, and began to pour his reitsu into him. Slowly transforming the captain back into a normal Shinigami. Both Ichigo and Kenpachi collapsed as the vasto lorde form on Ichigo unraveled revealing a bruised and battered teen. Grimmjow walked up to the two as he transformed back into his normal form.

"Damn kid..... Remind me never to truly fight you when you are pissed off or in that form." Grimmjow stated looking at the two. He knew that he couldn't leave the shinigami here as he would become hollowfied in an instant. 'I suppose I should do the right thing and bring him back to the others. Kurosaki isn't in any shape to go against Hakurai not after what he had done.' Grimmjow thought to himself. He picked up the two unconscious beings slinging them over his shoulders as he ran back to the squad barracks. "Hang in there Kurosaki." he whispered softly. For the first time in his life he was actually worried about the kid. He had hoped that Ichigo's people would know how to help the young teen because he could feel Ichigo's spiritual pressure dropping and fast.

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