Chapter Nine: plan of action

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This is a Bleach fanfiction story that I am teaming up with Openmonded15 (from to write. We do not own anything associated with the Bleach series and/or its characters. However this story is an original idea as some of the characters may seem a bit OC as we have also thrown in some completely OCC characters for this story. Please leave your comments and reviews telling us what you think. Thank you!

Key guide: bold - hollow voice, italic - zanpakuto voice, *mental speech*, "regular speech", 'thinking', bold italics - attacks, (author notes/translations)

Chapter Nine: plan of action

Ichigo hurried as fast as he could towards the pit. He was surprised that none of them jumped up to his level, trying to tackle him out of the sky.... yet. They all just shuffled over one another on the ground, keeping up with his pace. We're they too infatuated with their desire to catch him. Have they forgotten they could jump to his height, or even higher? Wherever the reason, it worked to Ichigo's advantage.

He jumped over to the center of the giant pit and watched as all of the crazed Hollowfied shinigami fell into the hole. Even though each of them saw the one in front of them disappear into the large hole, they all continued to pile into the hole. When they are finally done, the pit was filled up about halfway. Ichigo sighed in relief, and headed back to the tower.

Shinji and Kensei waited for Ichigo's return in the tower. They were talking with the other Hollows, trying to get some information on Mayuri's location out of them. They had no luck.

"Where should we start looking for Mayuri?" Kensei asked.

"No clue. Maybe we should spread out and start searching," Ichigo suggested.

"You can't possibly think that us three can search the entire Seireitei by ourselves!" Shinji argued.

*He's right, King. It would take too long. If you want to find Mayuri, you will need more help.* Shiro spoke.

"I can help." Rukia interrupted.

"Are you crazy, Rukia? You'll become a Hollow the second you step outside these doors! I won't let you!" Ichigo protested.

"I'll wear protection, like I did before." Rukia was determined to go out of the tower.

"If you get one little drop on you, you will be Hollowfied. I can't let that happen. Besides we need someone here to watch these hollows." growled Ichigo in protest as he looked at Shinji and Kensei to back him up.

"These guys aren't going anywhere. There's no way to escape this cell. Plus, you need help finding Mayuri." stated Rukia.

"We can find other Vizards." Shinji added as he knew that the other Vizards had returned back to the Seireitei even though they weren't captains and such they could prove useful. Rukia showed Shinji an irritated face, then focused back on Ichigo.

"I'm going. Whether you like it or not." she stated setting her foot down. 'Damn it all Ichigo, I am a lieutenant as you should be taking orders from your higher ups. Not the other way around.' Rukia thought to herself.

'I hate the thought of her going out there, even if she is heavily protected. I don't want to have to find her turned into a hollow, but she seems dead set on going. There's no way to stop her from doing what she wants.' Ichigo thought to himself as he let out a hesitant sigh while running his hand through his hair. "Okay, Rukia. But if you insist on going out there I want you wearing a lot of protective layers. And to let one of us know where you are at periodically." Ichigo said. Rukia smiled as she saluted Ichigo. The substitute shinigami rolled his eyes as Shiro burst out laughing in the back of his mindscape.

*She is a regular spitfire!* Shiro stated.

The other Vizards two gave Ichigo a look, signaling that this was a bad decision. Ichigo didn't really care. He cared for Rukia's safety of course but, allow this argument of whether or not she could go was pointless and a waste of time. They gathered up tons of coats for Rukia to slip into. She also put on gloves and a poncho. She was now ready to leave with the rest of them, and be protected against the white rain. Before the group headed out Shinji took out a map of the Seireitei opening it up.

"Kay we have already checked out Squad Twelve barracks. That leaves at least eleven other barracks to check out let alone the main hall." stated Shinji.

"I think we should check out the main hall last. Besides that is where the heaviest amount of rain is as no doubt that Hakurai will be in that area." stated Ichigo.

"I agree with Ichigo. We should split up and try to check out the other barracks and meet back here in an hour." replied Kensei.

"If we encounter any other hollowfied shinigami try to subdue them. It is the only way to prevent them from hurting us and any others as we don't want to try to kill them. We have to figure out a way to reverse these changes." added Rukia. Once the plan was put in place the four of them left the prison tower heading back out to the rain.

Rukia was checking in her squad thirteen area, Shinji was checking in his squad five area, Kensei was checking in his squad nine area, while Ichigo was given squad four area.  Squad four was the healers of the Seireitei.  The rest of the group knew that Ichigo played an important part of saving the whole Seireitei.  The rest of the group hoped that Hakurai wouldn't put the pieces together and send every hollowfied Shinigami after Ichigo.

*Hey Shiro I have been thinking.* Ichigo stated as he walked around the Seireitei keeping his senses open. 

*Well that is new.  But tell me what is on your mind?* asked Shiro.

*Do you remember back to the time when Rukia was possessed by that hollow twins who were actually two kids she used to look after before she became a shinigami?* asked Ichigo.

*Yeah I remember.  What about it?* replied Shiro.

*I was wondering if the same thing would be possible again.  How to free them by pouring my powers into them.*

*Wow King.....  It might work but then again it might not.  We can't be certain.* 

*I am willing to try it against the next hollowfied shinigami we find.  We have to see if my hunch is right.  Hopefully things will work out.* Ichigo stated as he found himself within the center of squad four barracks. 

Meanwhile up above the Seireitei, Hakurai had come out of his newest transformation as his senses allowed him to sense that the group who was sent here to stop him had split up into four small groups.  The main one that had went to an area where the weakest of the hollowfied shinigamis were.

"So they are trying to play it safe.  Lets see how their main member can handle themselves against someone with incredible powers." Hakurai stated out loud as he felt for one who had a strong power that could easily kill off the one who could possibly stop him.  He sent the main leader of the Seireitei against the one in squad four.  'Lets see how you handle this.' Hakurai thought to himself as he totally allow his white rain to possess Head captain Yamamoto.

Ichigo slushed through the white drenched streets of squad four's barracks. He could feel the hot water splash on his head and drizzle down the nape of his neck. He knew that the water's mysterious powers had no effect on him but, the feeling of it on him still made his skin crawl.

As he finally stood in the middle of squad four's barracks where all the streets meet, he could feel a strong presence. He looked up at the roves of the building and saw a shadow. It looked old and hunched over.

"Ichigo Kurosaki." the shadow stated. The voice behind the shadow was none other than head captain Yamamoto. Ichigo's throat tightened as he knew that he was hollowfied and crazed. Although, he didn't seem as bloodthirsty as the others. He was calm and collected.

‘Is he really a Hollow?’ Ichigo thought to himself.

*Remember King, pour your powers into Yamamoto!* Shiro reminded him.

"Kurosaki, You must be punished!" Yamamoto jumped down from the building top. On the way down, his uniform fluttered off of him and revealed his tall and muscular stature that is now white. His zanapkito still rests at his side. Ichigo places his hand on the handle of his blade, ready to fight at a moment’s notice.

"Yamamoto listen, this rain is making you think strangely," Ichigo said.

"Don't be stupid. Rain is just water as it has no negative effect on people!" Yamamoto replied.

"But it turns you white it transforms you into a Hollow! I want to try something. I want to try and pour some of my power into you. Maybe it will reverse the effect the rain has on you."

"Do not touch me! I told you I am fine. You on the other hand, must die."

Yamamoto whipped out his sword and lunged for Ichigo. Ichigo quickly took out his zanpakuto  and clashed against Yamamoto's just in time. The two had a struggle over power for a while before Yamamoto gave up and pushed away.  Ichigo charged at him quickly, flash stepping over him and landing behind him. Ichigo swiped his blade to the side, expecting to hit Yamamoto. But, the head captain jumped up and dodged the attack. The head captain came crashing down on Ichigo. His blade went crashing into Ichigo's shoulder. He moaned out in pain as the blade came out. He grabbed his shoulder as his shoulder felt like a thousand needles are being shoved into the wound. He grits his teeth and bears the pain.

"Yamamoto! Listen to me!" Ichigo shouted. The Head Captain ignored his plea as he continued his attacks. He jumped around, trying to find better angles to hit Ichigo from. Each hit he threw, Ichigo's zanpakuto was there to block it. Growing tired, Yamamoto resheathed his zanpakuto. He clasped his hands together, and soon a red ball of energy started to grow between his palms.

*King! That's a cero (doom blast) attack! Be careful!* Shiro warned.

Ichigo watched it as it grew to the size of Yamamoto's hands. It didn't stop there, it kept growing to almost twice its size. He wouldn't be able to control it for much longer.

'I have to figure out a way to calm him down long enough to experiment my theory, but how?' Ichigo asked himself.

*This may be dangerous but, what if you counter his cero (doom blast) attack with Zangetsu? It may bounce back and stun him long enough for you to pour your powers into him.* Shiro suggested.

‘That just might work.’ Ichigo kept his hand on his zanpakuto, waiting for the right timing. As the ball of energy grew to enormous size, the Head Captain let it loose. Ichigo quickly summoned his reitsu (spirit energy) around his blade.

"Getsuga Tensho (moon fang heaven piecer)!" Ichigo shouted out releasing the reitsu at the cero (doom blast). The cero (doom blast) did just as Shiro had hoped. Ichigo's Getsuga Tensho (moon fang heaven piecer) had bounced it back towards Yamamoto. The cero (doom blast) hit the head captain, and made him stumble backwards. He lost his balance and fell over with a daze.

*Great job King! I would suggest that you use a Kido spell on him just in case.* Shiro stated. Ichigo used the bakudo spell Rukia taught him to keep Yamamoto where he was.

‘But I can’t do it out in this rain as the minute I release him, he will become hollowfied again.’

=Maybe you should get him inside.= stated Zangetsu.  Ichigo grabbed Yamamoto as he dragged him into one of the barracks.  There were a lot of unconscious soul reapers held up in the shelter as Ichigo could see Captain Reitsu Unohana treating the wounded as the hollowified Shinigami laid behind a barrier put up by Hichigen Ushoda another vizard much like Ichigo only he used to be on the Kido Core.  Both Unohana and Hichigen looked surprised to see Ichigo and the head captain.

“Substitute Shinigami Kurosaki!” Unohana stated in shock.

“Stay back.  Yamamoto is still possessed.  Hichigen, can you contain us in a barrier?  I want to try to release Yamamoto of his hollowfication but I am not certain if it will work.” Ichigo asked.

“But of course.” replied Hichigen as he caused a barrier to form over both Ichigo and Yamamoto.  Ichigo could feel the barrier similar to Orihime’s power surround him as he kept his sight trained on Yamamoto. 

‘Please let this work!’ Ichigo thought to himself as he poured every bit of reitsu into his zanpakuto causing it to hum.  Ichigo could feel even Shiro’s and Zangetsu’s power flowing through him as his zanpakuto blade glowed brightly.  Just as it looked like Yamamoto was coming back around, Ichigo ran at him ramming the zanpakuto into Yamamoto’s gut.  Almost instantly the hollowfication seemed to evaporate into nothingness revealing that Yamamoto had returned back to normal.  Ichigo pulled his zanpakuto out of Yamamoto as he stumbled backwards feeling a bit weakened and light headed.  Ichigo could feel Hichigen drop the barrier as he and Unohana rushed to his and Yamamoto’s aid.  “Great only a thousand more souls to go!” Ichigo stated weakly before his eyes rolled to the back of his head.

*Rest for now King and regain your strength.  You can fill them all in after you have rested.* Shiro stated.  For once Ichigo wasn’t going to argue with his inner hollow as he allowed himself to slump over going completely unconscious.

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