White Dream

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I did miss my family and my friends but I new I would be ok because now I had Orin and he was close enough to my family to be like my brother and friend. All that time in the mountains I forgot what a great singer he is. The song he was singing was from the village a lullaby that my dad sang when I was afraid or sad. As I fell asleep I saw them it was a memory of the Homecoming Heroes celebration.
I was dressed in a long white dress with a light pink cardigan. My mother had finished curling my hair when dad walked in to see his baby girl all grown up an going to the Homecoming Heroes celebration. The celebration was held once every year to celebrate returning soldiers and to honor fallen ones. Every year a child between 15 and 20 is chosen to become a soldier before the legal age.
When we got there it was just like I dreamed it would be all young men waiting with there dates to be chosen as that lucky child. I found Orin in a crowd of boys all dressed in black. He was wearing a whit tie to sand out from the others. I swayed my way over to him. Then nudged him on the arm to get his attention." You look nice." I told him.
"Oh hey!! Uh you two." He was nervous I could tell. "You nervous about it." He asked.
"No but someone is." I said giving him a look. He looked at me and we both laughed. My father walked over and asked me for a dance.
" you two seem to be inseparable." He said with a hit of amusement.
"Dad don't start." I said annoyed. The rest of the night I spent with friends and family. The person chosen was a young man one of the most athletic in are school. As he came up to receive his badge the Armada came and shoot him in place. The soldiers fought valiantly as we ran away. I remember running, Orin holding my hand and we were running. One Armada troop jumped in front of us and Orin told me to run home and I did. That was weeks before the invasion of my planet. Now that I think about it throughout my life there has been signs that I would become the white ranger. Many times I would save the cat or just do something to help the community and all of a sudden I would just stop. I stopped because I had these things these visions I called white dreams every time I would see. ... These white Rangers I didn't understand them then they would just stand there and nothing would happen I will try to talk to them and they turn around and walk away. Now I see I was apart of them they were calling to me. Now I had to live up to the legacy and I intend to. I will become the WHITE RANGER. I am the white ranger!

Hi I know this is short but it's been a while since I've done this I almost completely forgot about it. If you like this and if you want to know more please comment, like, and share with friends. If you can't wait for the next chapter read some of my other stuff like spoilers return conscience the daughter of Archangel Heather pan in the lost girls and others also please support my friends Giannaandhalo ,haloassassin ,and Hitterrollins and read some of their stuff.

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