Unedited Chapters 1-9

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So, I've been looking back at this story, and... well... it's kind of shit. I don't think I really knew what I was doing back when I wrote this. However, I don't want to just delete all on you guys, and I didn't want to create an entirely new book for the edited version, so all of the unedited, old chapters will be condensed into this one chapter. If you're new and not interested in the old, unedited version, skip to the next chapter.

Warning: There will probably be a few spoilers for some people if you've only read the edited version of the main story. I'm probably going to be keeping this AU a bit more straightforward when it comes to Masami and her character. Also, this new and edited version of the AU will probably be a lot darker and more angsty than the original, so, uh, proceed with caution.


A hooded figure let out a soft sigh as she swung her legs back and forth from atop the building she was sitting. Silvery wisps of white hair flew out from her hood as the wind blew loudly at the high spot. At the present moment, she was watching Detective Naomasa Tsukauchi place his hands on his knees, panting in exhaustion as he stood in the alleyway below.

"Apologies Detective," He looked up at the girl in surprise as she spoke up. He hadn't even realized she was there! "I didn't realize this little chase would last for so long. I have to give you guys some credit! I never would have imagined that you guys would have come so close to actually catching me."

In all actuality, they were nowhere close to catching her.

And Naomasa knew that.

"And yet, you always manage to slip away." The detective sighed. It always ended this way, and it was almost starting to seem like an endless game of cat and mouse. "You're an enigma, Shirokage. In both your strength and your thought processes. You really are..."

"Sorry about that," The girl, now known as Shirokage, gave a soft, unnoticeable smile that was hidden by her gas mask as she jumped down from the building and landed in a crouch in front of Naomasa. Her lithe movements almost reminded the man of a cat but a dangerous one. "I like to think I'm entitled to my secrets though."

"As true as that may be," Speaking of truth, Naomasa couldn't deny that Shirokage was probably one of the most honest criminals, or vigilante as she liked to point out, that he knew. He had never once heard her tell a lie in his presence. "It still doesn't make it easy to understand why you chose to become a vigilante over a hero. Unlike other vigilantes, you follow the same rules as heroes, and you refuse to hurt those that try to arrest you. In fact, you barely even harm the villains you capture."

"Well," Shirokage sighed as she began to lean against one of the brick walls. "As ironic as it is, I am against violence. As for why I don't become a hero... I don't deserve that title. I never have, and I never will..."

Naomasa frowned at that. With his quirk, he could tell that she truly believed that. It only raised even more questions. However, there were always questions when it came to this certain vigilante.

"That matter aside," Naomasa could only sweat drop at the mischievous tone in the vigilante's voice. It was clear that she was smirking... "You look quite exhausted. Don't tell me you're starting to get a bit old?"

The detective wasn't even offended at this point. She did stuff like this every time they met. Though, she normally waited to start her teasing until she wanted to change the topic. And now, Naomasa could only sigh at the attempts to offend him.

"I wish I could say the same to you," It was true. Shirokage most definitely seemed young. If Naomasa had to guess, he would say the vigilante was only in her only twenties. She definitely had the figure and spunk of someone that young.

Shirokage had to chuckle at the man's response. "Well, I'm an entirely different story."

The detective wasn't surprised when she kicked off the wall and headed in his direction. At the same moment, he was covered in a white fire. However, the fire didn't harm him. On the contrary, whilst the fire was warm, it was comforting, and it took away any feeling of exhaustion that he previously had.

She always did this for those in the police force that chased after her.

If they were being honest, Shirokage made it very hard for them to want to catch her. They couldn't deny that Shirokage's healing made them feel more relaxed than any other time. And with their job working with the police, they were almost strangers to relaxation.

"Consider this an apology for not allowing you to catch me." She always said that too. She was always apologizing.

And the police force found that a bit sad.

If she had chosen to become a hero, they were sure that they would have loved working with her. They didn't even mind her spunk and minor teasing. Though, they could probably do without her puns.

It was a shame that they were in charge of arresting her.

Chapter 1

"You seem distracted."

My head popped up quickly at the statement coming from the boy in front of me. My black hair dangled in front of my face annoyingly at the sudden movement, but my bright, green eyes were still visible. My eyes seemed to practically scream exhaustion. And, unfortunately, he was right. I had been in a bit of a daze all morning.

"S-sorry about that, Hi-Hitoshi-san." I tried my best to give the purple haired male a reassuring smile, but that only ended with me yawning. I nearly sweat dropped at the awwing coming from my fellow classmates. "I didn't g-get to bed until late l-last night."

"Let me guess," He rolled his eyes jokingly at me. "You did another extra credit project for class."

"Something like t-that." I gave an embarrassed laugh as I rubbed the back of my head out of habit. It was at this point that more of our classmates decided to join in our conversation.

"I've never understood why you do so many extra credit projects," One girl started.

"Yeah, you're already the smartest person in class." Another agreed. "You don't have much need to do them!"

"T-that may be so," I gave them all a light smile. "B-but I want to do as much as I-I can. One day, t-this kind of work will e-end, and I w-want to learn as much as possible. A-after all, learning i-is one of the only t-things I'm good at. W-well, besides cooking!"

"Don't say that!" One of the boys, Ichiro, came to me with a confident look on his face. "You're one of the most talented and b-beautiful girls here! You're just too modest!"

I blushed a little as compliment after compliment came. Though, this was one of the reasons why I normally hang out with Hitoshi. He treats me like everybody else and doesn't make me blush in embarrassment 24/7.

"Th-thank you for your k-kind words," I tried to give them my attempt at a close eyed smile. Though, I'm not sure how great that turned out with my social ineptness. It was a miracle, yet a curse, that people still felt inclined to talk to me despite it. "I'm r-really not that special, though."

"Kana," Hitoshi let out a sigh at my obliviousness. "You're only encouraging them more."


Well... I suppose that explains the metaphorical fire that has appeared in their eyes.


Mio Kana(Last then First): She's a shy girl and a bit oblivious. She finds herself awkward in social situations and doesn't have many friends despite being fairly popular at her junior high. Her quirk is known as Black Flames. It's exactly as it sounds.


I sighed as we finally got out of school. We were in our third year of junior high, so the teachers were already trying to get us to decide where we wanted to go to high school. Of course, they were especially brutal right now as we only had two months left before entrance exams would start.

"H-have you figured out where y-you want to go to school yet, Hitoshi-san?" I questioned my friend as we walked out of the school. We went in the same direction, so we had decided back in the first year of junior high to always walk together.

"I plan on sticking to U.A." It didn't come as a surprise to me. Personally, I was rooting for him all the way. I'm sure he'd make an excellent hero! "And you? I know you don't have any interest in becoming a hero despite having a powerful quirk."

"Hmm," I tapped my chin in thought as I looked up at the sky. "I'll probably t-try to get into U.A., too. Though, I'll probably only try for the G-General Studies Course. I hear t-that the course load there is q-quite large."

"We can always count on you to want more work," Hitoshi shook his head tiredly with a smirk.

"Heheh, sorry about t-that," I rubbed the back of my head with a small smile as I apologized.

"Don't worry about it," Hitoshi waved me off as he stepped into the gate of his house. He used to walk me all the way to where I worked, but I managed to get him to stop after second year. "See ya'."

"B-bye!" I gave him a small smile and wave before walking off in the direction of my work. It was nothing special really, yet, at the same time, it was one of the most special places in the world.

At least to me.



I stopped in confusion on my way home.

I had gotten out early today, so the sun was just setting. Since I had a bit of extra time, I thought I would swing by Dagobah Municipal Beach Park in Musutafu. I remember going there with my mom all the time as a child. Though, we never went there for the typical reason a mother and daughter would go to a beach. We went there to clean up the garbage that would wash up on its shores. Seeing as it's been forever since our last visit, I could only imagine how much trash had washed up since then.

So, you can imagine my surprise when I saw two people, two awfully familiar people, cleaning up the beach.

Well... It was more so Izuku than Yagi-san. Yagi-san was just watching and giving the younger boy directions. I could only assume that Izuku was being trained by the man. Though, how they knew each other was beyond me.

And yes.

The two people on the beach were none other than Midoriya Izuku and Yagi Toshinori.

It may be surprising that I know who they are. Why? Because they have absolutely no clue who I am. Or, at least, I hope that's the case.

I would have run for it before they noticed me if it wasn't for a giant, wobbly object that I noticed on top of one of the piles of trash. If it were to fall within the next few seconds, I wouldn't be surprised if it fell on one of the two.

A loud creak resounded as the object began to tumble. The two barely had any time to react as it went right in Izuku's direction.

"Watch out!" I called out as I used my quirk, Black Flames, to catch the incoming object. My fire was special, in a way. Though, technically, it's not even my fire in the first place. I can control the temperature, the solidity, the movements, as well as the other properties of the fire. So right now...

It almost looked like the object was floating on top of a floating ball of black fire.


Izuku was freaking out.

"A-are you alright?!" I called out as I made my way over to the pair. Yagi-san had stood up from where he was sitting and had also made his way over to Izuku.

"O-oh, um, yes!" Izuku stuttered out at the sight of me. Luckily, I didn't see any recognition in his or Yagi-san's eyes. I guess I was in the clear. For now. "Thank you!"

"O-oh, it w-was no problem!" I stuttered even more than Izuku. "I-I'm just glad t-that nobody got hurt!"

"You seem to have quite good control over your quirk." Yagi-san commented, not sparing me much of a glance as he looked at my fire that was still holding the large object. That was before he noticed my school uniform. "Are you planning on going to school for heroics?"

"N-no, sir," I did my best to place the object down as gently as I could, and now that I was up close, I realized that it had been an entire refrigerator. "I d-don't think I'm really s-suited for heroics. But I d-do plan on applying for the General Studies Course at U.A.!"

He didn't seem too surprised but kept a pretty straight face about it.

"Well, that's also an admirable goal." He told me before telling Izuku to go back to his training. He had turned back to me, however, and seemed to have a few more questions. "Isn't it a little late for someone your age to be out alone?"

"I-I'm just on my way b-back home from work." I admitted. I didn't hold much caution when telling him this as I knew he wouldn't do anything bad with this knowledge."I-I should actually be heading back before i-it gets too dark out. I'm glad n-nobody got hurt, and I t-think it's admirable that you g-guys are cleaning the beach! It was nice t-to meet you!"

I gave a small bow before running off in the direction of my home. From behind, I heard them both call out for me to stay safe making me smile.

I'm glad that they're doing well.

Chapter 2

Two months seemed to go by in a flash as the day of the entrance exams finally came. During those two months, I had ran into Izuku and Yagi-san a few more times, and we formally introduced ourselves to each other. It was a bit awkward at first, but I like to think that I formed a fairly decent relationship with them.

So yeah....

Yay friends!

I swear that wasn't sarcastic.

At the present moment, I was trying to convince myself to actually go into the building of U.A. instead of standing around like a lost child. But I couldn't help it. The school just seemed so dauntingly large, and I didn't even have Hitoshi with me. He was taking the exam for the Hero Course, so we came separately. Though, I'm pretty sure he still applied for General Studies as well, just in case.

"A-ah, Mio-san!" Oh thank the Lord, it's somebody I know.

"M-Midoriya-san!" I almost cried in joy at the sight of him. "Are you about t-to go in?"

"Mhm" Izuku nodded before the determined expression he had gained faded away. "Though, I don't know if I'm ready... I've already tripped and almost fell just on the way in..."

I frowned at the dejected look on his face. It really didn't suit him. Being a hero has been his dream since childhood. And a hero he's going to be!

"I'm sure y-you'll do great!" I tried to reassure him with a small smile and a pat on the back. "After all, y-you've trained hard for this, and y-you probably want to be a hero m-more than anyone! All y-you have to do is believe in yourself!"

"Thanks, Mio-san," I was glad to see that he seemed to relax a bit at my words. "I feel a lot better about going in now."

"Though..." I could see Izuku's face drop a bit as I started."W-we'll both fail if we end up b-being late!"

"Gah!" He finally noticed that we had less than five minutes to get where we were going. "We'll have to run for it!"

"I'll talk t-to you later, Midoriya-san!" I yelled out to him as we both ran our separate ways.

As I was running I rounded multiple corners without looking. Unfortunately, this ended up with me crashing into another person, and I immediately went tumbling to the ground in surprise.

"Oww," I winced, rubbing the back of my head as I looked up to see who I bumped into.

Almost immediately, my eyes turned into saucers at the sight.

There was no way...

It was the Erasure Hero: Eraser Head! I hadn't realized that he was a teacher here...

Now I'm starting to wonder if I made the right choice in coming here...

"I-I'm so sorry, sir!" I bowed multiple times after I had stood up from my place on the ground. "I wasn't l-looking where I was going! I promise it w-won't happen again!"

"Don't worry about it," I almost winced at the bored and almost dead look he held in his eyes. He seemed act even more dead inside than me! And that's saying something. (How many of you guys from the other version understand this joke?) "You better hurry, or you'll be late."

"O-oh, right!" I exclaimed as I remembered the time, and I immediately stopped bowing. "I'm sorry again, s-sir!"

And with that, I ran off in the direction of the testing room I was supposed to be in and nearly sighed in relief when I made it with two minutes to spare. Though, the room was jam packed with people. I suppose it's probably due to everybody here having applied to General Studies alone. I'm sure that there were plenty of people here who would rather be in the Hero Course, but they would rather take their chances with getting transferred due to the Sports Festival.

I considered myself lucky when I easily managed to find a seat in the back of the classroom next to quite the pretty blue haired girl. She seemed excited, albeit a bit nervous. Her leg bobbed up and down as she waited for whoever was going to administer the test to walk in. Thankfully, she didn't try to pressure me into talking or anything. I've noticed that almost everybody else in the room was chatting. They chatted about their quirks, their previous schools, as well the common introductions you would hear in any normal conversation.

They were quite loud.

"That's enough talking." A male at the front of the room, the one I just ran into moments ago, spoke up in a monotonous tone. I was honestly surprised that everyone heard him as they quieted down. Though, you could still hear a few whispers going throughout the room about the man. I suppose I could understand. He appeared to be very scruffy with his casual looking black clothing along with his unkempt hair. And, of course, considering he was an underground hero, not many of the students seemed to realize who he was. "This is no time to be making friends. It's not gonna help you pass."

Well... True enough, I suppose...

"All of you know the rules of testing, so don't make me bother telling you." He went around passing out papers to everyone, and he barely even bat an eye as he passed me my own. "You can start when you get your paper. You know the drill."

After receiving my paper, I nearly sighed in relief at the sight of the problems. With one glance through the booklet, I knew that I would be able to pass with a decent grade. And within about forty five minutes, I was done. I had double checked all of my work, and I was ready to turn it in.

I could feel the stares on my back as I walked to the front to turn my paper in. I had been the first one to finish apparently, and no one else was even close.

"You're done already?" Aizawa Shota raised a brow at my nervous form as I handed the packet to him.

"Y-yes, sir." I shuffled nervously as I looked at my feet. I didn't dare look him in the eye.

"...You can leave then." He sighed as he pointed at the door. "You'll get your results in a few weeks."

"T-thank you, sir!" I gave one final bow before hurrying out the door with my head down.

Everybody was still staring!

I could only sigh in relief as I made it outside.

That was one of the most awkward moments of my life...

Chapter 3

I stared at the enclosed letter in my hand nervously as I sat at one of the tables in the currently empty cafe I work at. After about two weeks of waiting, I had finally received my letter and was just now opening it.

I nearly sighed in relief after having opened it to discover that I had actually been accepted into Hogwarts- I mean U.A. Whoops.

"Sooooo? My employer, Hinamori Kiyoko, looked at me in anticipation ahead I had finished reading through the letter completely. She practically squealed when I replied with a small smile and nod. She even went so far as to grab my hands and start jumping up and down in excitement. "I knew you could do it! Which is why..." She let go of my hands and went behind the counter. "I made you a cake!"

From behind the counter, she brought out a fairly large cake decorated with white and blue icing as well as the words 'Congrats Kana!' spelled out in a bright green color.

"Kiyoko-san!" I exclaimed as I looked at the beautiful cake in surprise. "You really didn't have to do that!"

"Of course, I did!" The woman cried out indignantly. "My baby's all growing up!"

She started to sniffle as she brought me into a hug after setting the cake down gently. Meanwhile, I could only sweat drop at her proclamation and tight hug. She always was one for dramatics.

To properly explain, Kiyoko had been my boss for years. She had been the only one to even consider hiring me at the small age of eight. Of course, she would only give me light jobs back then, but as I got older, she eventually taught me everything she knew. At this point, she reminded me of an aunt-like figure. She also knew my mother before she died, but she's yet to realize who I am. Even still, she's treated me with the most care anyone has in a while, and she always makes sure to look out for me.

It's safe to say that Kiyoko is one of my most important people.

Though, I could do without her smacking me everytime I stutter...


Hinamori Kiyoko: An owner of a small music cafe. Her quirk, Resonance, allows her to feel the emotions of others as well as emit emotions in order to effect the emotions of others.


If it wasn't for her, I'd probably be downright broke and possibly dead. I owe her my life, and someday, I hope to repay that debt.

"Thank you," I finally sighed with a grateful smile as I hugged her back. "I mean it."

She gave me a large smile as she pulled back and patted me on my head. "You're a sweet girl. You really are... I just wish you would actually take care of yourself for once, or at least let me take care of you!"

I gave her a soft smile as I went to go grab a knife to cut the cake. "I take care of myself plenty, Kiyoko-san. You really shouldn't worry so much."

"So you say..." She walked towards me with a frown before she began pinching my cheeks. "But your pale complexion and thin figure say otherwise! If you need anything, you know you can ask, right?"

I looked down at my figure, and, personally, I didn't see what was wrong. Sure, I was thin, but I ate plenty and then some. My quirk requires food for energy, so I actually have a tendency to eat more than a normal person.

"I know, Kiyoko-san," I stuck my tongue out at her as I pulled her hands away from my face. "But if you keep feeding me cake and the like everyday like you have been, I fear I may become a bit plump!"

She only rolled her eyes at my teasing. "Please, we both know that you work out enough to rid yourself of any weight you may gain. Me on the other hand..." I had to laugh as she gave her stomach a big pat. "I'll probably get fat a lot faster than you will. I'm the one that lives around all this food, after all!"

"Well, then maybe you should just let me eat all this cake myself then..." I gave her a mischievous grin at the look that appeared on her face.

"Don't you dare..." She let out a shriek as I grabbed the cake and began running from her. "Kana-chan! Get back here!"

"Never!" I cackled. "The cake is mine!"

"You evil fiend!"

Chapter 4

I could only stare at my over enthusiastic homeroom teacher with a twitching eye as he went a bit overkill with his hyper attitude.

Our homeroom teacher of Class 1-D was none other than Present Mic, or Yamada Hizashi, and, as it goes with his quirk, he was quite loud...

We had already finished up with orientation and had gone straight into learning after we received our syllabi. It was just like any typical school. We even had the same subjects which included English, Mathematics, History, and Science. And, of course, there were electives. The General Studies Course was different from the other courses in the way that they didn't focus on a single elective like the other courses. For example; The Hero Course had hero training classes instead of electives. And furthermore, the Support Course obviously had classes focusing on support while the Business Course had special business classes... The Business Course sounds kind of boring if you ask me.

We, in the General Studies Course actually got to choose two electives. The two I chose were Physical Education as well as Music, and I was excited for both. And it just so happened that I had P.E. near the end of today.

I walked into the girls locker room next to the gymnasium after we were instructed to change into the schools gym uniform. It was actually fairly comfy, and I was surprised that they were the same for both male and female.

"No way..." I glanced over to the other girls in the locker to see them staring at me as I changed. I suddenly became very uncomfortable.

"You have, like, a six pack!" A girl with short brown hair exclaimed as she looked at my stomach.

"And you're so skinny!" Another girl with light green hair looked at me in awe.

"Yeah, a bit too skinny..." A girl, the one with blue hair from the exam, muttered as she looked at me with narrow eyes.

"U-um," I didn't know what to do with all this attention. It was kind of freaking me out.

"Where did you get those scars?!"

Oh, right, I forgot about that.

I had multiple scars on my otherwise clear skin. Most were only tiny scratches, but I had one large scar that spanned across my entire back. And it was definitely noticeable.

"O-oh, u-um-" I was cut off.

"Do you work out at a gym or something?!"

"What's your quirk?!"

Questions were thrown left and right, and I was quickly becoming overwhelmed.

"Alright!" The blue haired girl finally yelled effectively silencing the other girls. "Leave the poor girl alone. Yeesh, you guys are going to give her a heart attack, and it's only the first day. Besides, we still need to get to class." She turned to me. "You can go ahead and come with me since we're both already changed."

Yes, in the madness, I did actually manage to get changed.

"O-ok," I scrambled towards her as she headed out the door while the other girls looked disappointed. The two of us walked towards the gym in silence until I finally decided to speak up. "U-um, thank you... F-for before!"

"It's no problem," The girl gave a soft smile towards me making her suddenly seem a lot more approachable than before. "My name's Takenaka Michiko, by the way, and my quirk is called Water Change."


Takenaka Michiko (last then first): A first year at U.A. in class 1-D with Masami. Her quirk, Water Change, allows her to transform different parts of her body into water. However, she can't transform her entire body at the same time.


"O-oh, my name is Mio Kana!" We had reached the gym by this point and found that we were the first ones there. "My quirk is called Black Flames."

"Really?!" She seemed surprised as I replied with a nod. "So we're like polar opposites! I wonder if our personalities are like that too!"

"I guess s-so" I smiled softly. Though, I wondered if being opposites would scare her away from being friends...

"It's not a bad thing though!" Takenaka said quickly as she saw my slightly downcast look. "It just means that we can be those amazing friends that nobody would suspect of being so awesome!"

"Mhm," I smiled. "Thank you, Takenaka-san."

"Just call me Michiko!" She grinned right back at me.

"Then you c-can just call me Kana!" I think I just made a new friend!

At this point, a majority of the class had finally shown up, and we were only waiting for the teacher to arrive. None of us knew who our teacher was going to be, and I could already hear people whispering about who it was going to be. One of the more outrageous theories included Endeavor or the Best Jeanist. Like, seriously, they don't even teach here.

We all silenced, however, when the door slammed open.

"I am..." The number one hero shouted as he entered the room in a dramatic manner. "... Coming through the door like a normal person!"

What about that was normal...?

I was the only person who sweat dropped at the over dramatic entrance of All Might. Everyone else was busy gasping or starting in awe and surprise. Even Michiko was looking at All Might in admiration. Seriously though, I'm pretty sure I saw sparkles coming out of her....

Is that healthy...?

"Unfortunately, your regular PE teacher has fallen ill," All Might explained to us. "Therefore, I will be taking over the class for today! But don't think I'll be going easy on you just because I'm a substitute, you zygotes!"


Looking around me, I noticed that nobody else seemed to care about his odd word usage or his over dramatic behavior. Everybody was still in such awe that they didn't even care. I only sweat dropped at their attitude.

"So, today, we will be playing a common sport played in America!" All Might is really loud... "Yes... We will be playing the sport known as dodgeball! And what's more, all of you are allowed to use your quirks to the fullest in this activity!"

I immediately deadpanned at all the sadistic looks that started to shine in my classmates eyes.

I'm starting to think that they're out to kill....

Chapter 5

I stood opposite of Michiko as we both sent each other a pouting frown. We, unfortunately, had been chosen for opposite teams, myself on the blue team with Michiko on the red team. We had been hoping to be on the same team, but it seems fate was against us. I was a bit nervous to be honest. It's not as though I wasn't athletic or anything, but I didn't want to really gain too much attention.

As if that ever works out for me...

Almost immediately after All Might blew his whistle, the gym became a battle zone. The other team had a large amount of people with mutant quirks, and they were taking out my team one by one. And soon enough, only three of us were left on my team with eight on the other. I had mainly only made it this far due to dodging.

"You guys should just go ahead and give up!" An orange haired boy called out to our team as he used his speed quirk to dodge incoming balls.

"As if!" A navy blue haired boy retorted as he used his tail to catch one of the dodge balls, effectively getting another person out.

The two began to get into a debate as they fought over who would win, and they both began throwing dodge balls at each other at an indescribable speed. Everybody, even those who were still playing, just sort of stopped and watched the two argue.

That went on for a few minutes until they were finally interrupted by a large smack.

The orange haired boy had finally been hit, but it wasn't the blue haired boy who threw it.

It was me.

"O-oh," I blinked in a surprised manner. "D-does this mean we win?"

"What are you talking about?!" The orange haired boy went to turn to the rest of his team. "We still... Have..."

"Ah," I scratched the back of my head as he stared at his nonexistent team. "I-I s-sort of, kind o-of got everybody else out while they w-were focusing o-on you."

I gave a small blush as I realized everyone was staring at me. Most of them were in shock, but I could see Michiko grinning from where she stood in the out area.

"B-but.... how?" I think I broke his mind.

"U-um," What was I supposed to say?

"Well!" All Might saved me from having to speak. "I guess this means the blue team wins!"

Everybody finally broke out of their stupor, and those on the blue team, as well as Michiko, began cheering. And once again, I was surrounded by people asking questions.

"Alright!" Thank you, All Might. "That's the end of class for today! After you change back into your uniform, you can go ahead and head back to your homeroom"

I bolted out of the room almost immediately as I tried to dodge being questioned by anybody. I quickly changed and managed to get out the door of the locker room before anybody else had even left the gym. I feel kind of bad about leaving Michiko there, but everybody surrounding me was a bit too overwhelming.

I was so focused on avoiding my class that I wasn't paying attention to what was in front of me, and I, once again, ran into someone causing me to fall back.

"I'm s-sorry!" I apologized after wincing due to the fall, and I looked up to see a familiar face that I didn't expect to see here of all places. "Yagi-san?"

"Ah, Young Mio," The seemingly frail man seemed surprised to see me here. Though, I feel as though I should be the one surprised to see him here. "I see you passed the entrance exam like you hoped."

"Yes, s-sir," I looked up at him with a small smile after I stood up. Yes, it was still necessary to look up at him. Despite his frail appearance, he was still quite tall. "D-do you know if M-Midoriya-san passed?"

"He did indeed," Yagi-san returned my smile. "I believe he's in Class 1-A."

"O-oh," I knew he would get in. "I'm glad. I-I'll have to find him and c-congratulate him."

"I'm sure he'd appreciate that." He gave a small chuckle at the thought of the nervous boy.

As he was chuckling, I had to frown. I still wasn't sure why he was here. I mean, I don't want to sound rude, but he didn't seem like someone who would be a teacher. And furthermore, all the teachers here are professional heroes.

It just raised a few questions.

"W-what are you doing here, Y-Yagi-san?" I tilted my head a bit in confusion as I decided not to beat around the bush.

"Ah, well," He seemed to tense up a bit at the question. Hmm, how suspicious... "I help out the teachers at times and the like, you know?"

"O-oh," I suppose that made a bit of sense, but I'm sure that wasn't the entire story. "Okay."

He seemed to sweat drop a little at my nonchalant answer, but I noticed his eyes widen a little as he stole a glance at his watch.

"I should probably get going," He gave me a somewhat apologetic look. "Or else I'll be late for a teachers meeting."

"O-oh, you should p-probably hurry then!" Oh no! I didn't mean to hold him up! "I'm s-sorry for holding you u-up!"

"Don't worry about it," I sighed in relief as he smiled a reassuring smile down at me. "I just hadn't been paying attention to the time. Have a good day."

"Y-you too!"

Chapter 6

The white haired girl grimaced underneath her gas mask as she listened to two villains discussing some sort of plan. She was, once again, watching from the top of a building as they stood in an alley way. Luckily, she was still able to hear the conversation with her heightened senses. While it was very useful information, Shirokage wasn't pleased with what the plan was.

"Man," The first villain, who looked similar to a reptile, began complaining. "Shigaraki's been a real pain in the neck lately. Won't stop nagging us about making sure the plan goes perfectly!"

"Shigaraki?" The second villain, who spoke in a rather gruff manner, seemed confused as to who the other was talking about. "Who the hell is Shigaraki, and what kind of plan are you talking about?"

"Ah, I almost forgot!" The first villain chuckled. He sounded like the type of person who smoked five packs of cigarettes a day. "You haven't been recruited yet!"

"You're speaking nonsense, Kain!" The second villain was getting annoyed by now. "What do you mean by recruited?!"

"Consider this me recruiting you then," The newly dubbed Kain smirked. "That dude, Shigaraki, is forming a league, a League of Villains. And once we're finally assembled, we're going to break into U.A...."

His next words brought both Shirokage and the other villain into a state of shock.

"And we're going to kill All Might..."

Complete and total silence...

Until suddenly, the second villain broke into a psychotic laughter, doubling over as he struggled to speak.

It's safe to say that the shock came from the sheer stupidity of the plan...

"K-kill All Might!" He wheezed out between laughs. "And how exactly do you guys plan on doing that?!"

"I..." Kain looked away in hesitation before smirking again. "I'm not sure, Shigaraki won't let us in on that part of the plan, but he sounded confident. And if somebody can actually sound confident when talking about killing someone like All Might, then that's enough for me."

"You..." The other villain just stared at Kain incredulously. "You're an idiot! If you wanna believe that there's a way to kill All Might than go ahead, but I want no part of it."

He began to walk away as Kain grew irritated and started glaring at the guy.

"Now, now," Shirokage finally dropped down and landed in between the two men as they both turned to stare at her in shock. "I don't mean to interrupt this lovers quarrel, but I have to say, I'm grateful for all this lovely information you've given me. Who would've thought that villains are actually cooperating and planning to attack U.A. of all places... Kind of stupid if you ask me."

"Who the hell are you?!" The second villain yelled while Kain only looked at the girl in apprehension and slight fear.

"Y-you..." Kain stuttered as he took a step back causing the other guy to stare at him curiously. "Y-you're Shirokage!"

Finally, a flash of recognition entered the other villain's eyes as he too took a step back.

"Ooooh," Shirokage grinned as she leaned against the wall of the alleyway. "It's nice to know that I'm oh-so-feared around here. I always appreciate the recognition! Granted, I don't exactly blame you for being scared. I mean, seriously, it's not as though you have any chance of beating me."

The two villains trembled slightly as they readied themselves to run. They obviously knew that they stood no chance against the number one vigilante. They took off running but stopped when they heard a 'tch' coming from the girl.

"Just so you know," She kicked lightly off the wall as she walked towards the middle of the alleyway with a red glint coming from eyes within the mask. The lights flickered on and off before the three were engulfed in darkness. "I have no plans on letting either of you go..."

The next morning, the police found two tied up villains with light burn marks littering their bodies in front of the police station.

Chapter 7

The next few days went by as usual minus the occasional explosions caused by the Hero Course that only myself and Yamada-sensei could hear. There was no way of telling what the exact cause of the explosions were, but I think I had a vague idea.

Today was a bit different though. Unfortunately, the media had finally gained wind about All Might being a teacher at U.A. They were literally crowded at the entrance to the school, and I had to squeeze my way past them as they bombarded me with questions.

I sweat dropped nervously as they yelled.

"Will you tell us what the Symbol of Peace is like as a teacher?" A women shoved a microphone in my face.

"U-um, I m-mean..." I looked around nervously before I noticed a scruffy, black haired man that I had seen a couple of times around the school. "A-ah! A-Aizawa-sensei!"

I darted towards him and may or may not have hid behind him as he stared at the news reporters. News reporters are scarier than Aizawa-sensei will ever be....

"Wow, you're scruffy..." The news reporter seemed nervous as she held a microphone towards him. "What's your deal?"

"He's not on duty today..." Aizawa-sensei drawled before making a shooing motion with one hand. "You are disturbing the classes. Please leave. And if you continue harassing students, then I'd suggest you worry more about people filing charges against you than All Might."

He turned away and began walking towards the school with me close behind him.

"I would like to speak directly with All Might!" The female yelled from behind us.

"I feel like I've seen him before..." A male reporter spoke.

"Don't you think your too scruffy?" Isn't that kind of rude? "Hey! Just a little time is fine! Just let me see All Might-"

"-Ah, idiot!"

I jumped and looked behind me as I heard an alarm go off with a wall raising in order to block the news reporters from coming in. So that's the U.A. barrier that keeps anyone without a student ID or a pass to enter...

"...U-um," I looked towards the man who helped me out, but he only gave me a sideways glance. "T-thank you, f-for helping m-me."

"You should learn to defend yourself," He drawled out without looking at me. "You're a stuttering mess."

And with that lovely note, we went our separate ways.

I actually stood a bit dejected for a couple minutes before finally making the decision to make my way towards class.

He was right though. My stuttering was a problem that I needed to fix. I couldn't be relying on others all the time.


Over the past few days I had become better friends with Michiko, and we often sat together at lunch. However, today, Michiko had to stay behind for tutoring. Yes, it was the beginning of the year, and she already had tutoring. That was mainly due to her not turning in her homework though.

So now, here I was, in the cafeteria, looking around nervously as I looked for a place to sit. I couldn't find anybody I knew, and I think Hitoshi was out sick today...

My eyes almost lit up as I took notice of Izuku and a couple of his friends. I jogged over to his table and immediately gained their attention.

"Mio-san!" Izuku exclaimed in surprise.

"Midoriya-san!" I greeted with a small smile as I tried to refrain from shying back from the curious stares I was receiving from his friends. "U-um, I was wondering, i-if maybe, I-I could s-sit with you guys today at l-lunch. I-I mean, I wouldn't b-bother y-you guys normally, b-but, um-"

"Sure!" I was cut off by one of Izuku's friends. She was a bit short with brown hair and a sincere grin on her face. I blinked in surprise at her get response. "The more the merrier!"

"Yes," The boy with glasses agreed. "Any friend of Midoriya's is a friend of ours."

"T-thank you v-very much!" I gave a bow towards them before hesitantly taking a seat. "M-my name is Kana, by the way, M-Mio Kana. I'm a-apart of C-Class 1-D i-in the General Studies C-Course."

"I'm Uraraka Ochaco!" The girl smiled.

"And I am Iida Tenya," The boy introduced himself. "We are both members of class 1-A in the Hero Course along with Midoriya-kun. It is a pleasure to meet another friend of Midoriya's."

"A-ah," I smiled. "I-it's a p-pleasure to m-meet the both of you a-as well. I a-apologize if I interrupted a-anything."

"Not at all," Izuku gave a small smile. "We were just talking about the election for class rep."

"A-ah, who won?" I asked curiously as Izuku started to twitch.

"Midoriya-kun managed to win with three votes!" Uraraka informed me with her constant smile.

"O-oh!" My eyes widened in surprise. "C-congratulations!"

"Mhm," Izuku looked down. "Even though I've been chosen as class rep, I don't know if I'm qualified for it."

"You are." Uraraka stated simply add she munched on her rice.

"It'll be fine," Iida reassured him. "Your courage and judgment at critical moments make you worth following. That is why I voted for you."

"It was you?!" Izuku questioned in a squeaky voice.

"But didn't you want to be class rep, too, Iida?" Uraraka asked him. "I mean, you've got glasses and everything."

Uraraka just talks without thinking....

Both me and Izuku sweat dropped at her bluntness.

"Wanting to do it and being suitable for it are different issues." Iida stated calmly with his eyes closed. "I merely did what I judged to be correct."

"'Merely?'" Both Izuku and Uraraka looked surprised while I was just confused. Did I miss something?

"You don't usually use that word..." Izuku stated making me gain a form of understanding.

"Oh, that's..." Iida hesitated.

"I've been thinking..." Uraraka peered at Iida before becoming sparkly. "Are you a rich boy, Iida-kun?"

"Rich..." Iida seemed surprised as we all stared at him in curiosity. "I tried to change how I talk because I didn't want to be called that."

We all just stared at him causing him to sigh.

"Yes, my family has been heroes for generations. I'm the second son" Iida told us.

"What?! Wow!"

"Do you know the Turbo Hero, Ingenium?" Iida asked us immediately causing Izuku to brighten.

"Of course!" And here comes the fan boy Izuku. "He's a really popular hero who has 65 sidekicks working at his Tokyo agency! Don't tell me...!"

"He is my elder brother!" Iida stated proudly.

"He's telling us straight out!" Uraraka and I spoke at the same time with me stuttering a bit more.

"That's amazing!" Izuku was in awe.

"He is a likable hero who honors the rules and leads people." Yup, Iida was definitely proud of his brother. "I set my sights on being a hero because I want to be like my brother. However, I think it is still too soon for me to lead others. Unlike me, Midoriya-kun realized the point of the practical portion of the entrance exam, so he is more suitable for the job."

The practical portion of the exam...?

We all just stared at Iida in an awed sort of way.

"This might be the first time I've seen you smile, Iida-kun." Uraraka smiled.

"What, really?" Iida seemed surprised.  "I smile!"

"About the entrance exam..." Izuku started, but an alarm interrupted him.

Unfortunately, the alarm was quite loud, and I had to cover my ears after flinching.

"There has been a Level 3 security breach." A voice came on over the intercom. While others were becoming surprised, I only narrowed my eyes. "All students please evacuate outdoors promptly."

"What's 'Level 3 security?'" Iida asked one of the older students who was seated near us.

"It means someone is trespassing on school grounds!" The person told us. Trespassing, huh...? "I've never seen anything like this in the three years I've been here! You should hurry too!"

Everybody was rushing out if the cafeteria as the school began to panic. I was probably one of the few who didn't try to run into the hallway. It was way too crowded for my preferences.

I only sighed as I managed to get a glimpse outside. It was the stupid press again. I swear, they can be more frightening than villains. But then again... The press wouldn't be able to get in that easily... I 'tched' as I ran out of the hallway a different way than everybody else was heading trying to gain a better vantage point of what was going outside. I finally stopped as I reached an empty second floor with lots of windows. My eyes narrowed the moment I looked outside.

The U.A. barrier at the entrance was in crumbles...

Chapter 8

I hesitated slightly as I stood in front of the principal's door. What I was about to do was a huge risk, but I can't just sit back and do nothing.

And so, I knocked.

"Come in!" The response was almost immediate.

I hesitantly walked in as I tried to ignore all the stares I was gaining from the multiple teachers in the room. Apparently, I had interrupted a teachers meeting. Oh dear...

"O-oh, um," I looked at the principal, who I actually happened to know, and hesitated. "I-I can come b-back later..."

"You're fine Mio-san," The principal assured me. "What do you need?"

"U-um, well," I looked at all the teachers, who happened to be looking at me, and I could tell my heart was beating quite fast. "Y-you see, it's about t-the breach i-in security today."

The teachers were all immediately alert.

"Ah," The principal responded whilst still keeping his cheery look. "It just so happens that we were actually discussing that very matter."

"A-ah, yes, w-well," I twiddled my fingers as I grew more and more nervous. "I-I think I m-may know who c-caused the hole in t-the b-barrier."

"What?!" Multiple teachers exclaimed while some just narrowed their eyes

"I see," The principal looked serious now. "And who do you think it is, and how do you know?"

"H-His name is S-Shigaraki Tomura," I stuttered out. "H-his quirk i-is known a-as decay, w-which allows h-him to c-cause any solid o-object or person t-to decay o-once h-he lays all five f-fingers on it. A-as for how I-I know him, well, I-I've s-sort of ran i-into him a f-few times on my way home. H-he likes t-to explain things a-and brag w-while he t-tries to kill me. I don't r-really know him or anything, b-but he doesn't like how I always manage t-to escape..."

Complete and total silence...

Did I say something wrong?

"You may want to rethink what you just said..." Yamada-sensei sweat dropped at my confused look. In fact, they all seemed a bit exasperated and a bit concerned about my confusion towards their silence.

"W-what do you mean?" Did they think I was over exaggerating or something? Was I not clear enough?

Maybe I should try to explain in further detail.

"Dear," I looked over to see Recovery Girl speak up. "You've just admitted to having been attacked by a villain. I think we're all a bit shocked that you haven't told anybody. It's also a wonder how you're still alive."

"O-oh," I suppose that made sense. "I-I guess I just n-never really got to telling anybody. I-I've been a bit busy l-lately, so I always got distracted b-before I could."

"Too busy to tell somebody about being attacked...?" Midnight sweat dropped with the majority of the room.

I don't really understand why though.

"What could have possibly distracted you?" Yamada-sensei didn't seem to know what to think at this point.

"Well, I-I mean, I had some h-homework that I needed to get done, as well as some ch-chores... Oh, and I've a-also been working on a couple of projects f-for work." I made an attempt at explaining as they all continued to sweat drop.

I wonder why?

"You're more dense than I thought, aren't you?" I flinched a bit when Aizawa-sensei let out a sigh in the back left of the room.

That's... A bit harsh...

"Now, now," Nezu-san interrupted before anything else could be said. I suppose he probably saw the hurt expression on my face. "Would you happen to have any more information on this Shigaraki Tomura?"

"A-ah, well, h-he doesn't work a-alone," I told him as I scratched my cheek lightly with my index finger. "H-he'll sometimes have s-somebody with a warp q-quirk teleport him away. A-and he's mentioned s-something about bringing this s-society's idea of peace t-to an end. T-though, he's only recently b-brought that up, so I t-think he's planning something. T-today's incident only s-strengthened that idea..."

"I don't mean to interrupt," The Blood Hero: Vlad King intervened. "But am I the only one who's curious how she's managed to survive. I don't want to sound rude, but she looks a bit too frail to be able to escape a villain on her own."

Hey... I'm right here, you know

However, I could see murmurs of agreement go throughout the room. This time, I was the one that sweat dropped.

"W-well, um," I looked away as I scratched the back of my head. "I-I may or may n-not have k-kicked him in t-the nether region a f-few times... And I-I also threw a trash can at h-his face, and maybe a stuffed c-cat, and a-a lamp. I-I don't really k-know where the l-lamp came f-from, though.... Besides, l-look at these guns."

I heard a few snorts as I held up my arm. Some of the teachers even had to look away as they covered their mouths. I suppose they found it amusing how I said that with a completely straight face.

I was being serious though.

I feel as though I should be offended...

"I could probably fit my hand around your entire forearm," Midnight got up and proved her point as she wrapped her hand around my forearm. I could only sweat drop as I noticed that her fingers touched easily. "And I still have space left! You're like a toothpick. Have your parents not been feeding you right or something?"

"O-oh no!" I waved my arms around nervously as I denied her question. "I-it's nothing l-like that!"

"So, it is something then?" I froze a bit as Aizawa-sensei twisted my words.

"U-um, no...?" I winced at my own words and how I sounded completely unbelievable. Apparently, the teachers noticed as well.

"It'll be easier if you just go ahead and explain now," Power Loader suggested causing me to shuffle my feet nervously.

I'd really rather not.

"I actually s-spend the majority of m-my money on f-food," I admitted, hoping they wouldn't notice a certain something. "But m-my quirk uses up m-most of it, even w-when I'm not using it. So, I-I have to eat about triple t-the amount of a normal serving."

"Why aren't your parents paying for your food?" They noticed....


And wait. How did we get to this by talking about Shigaraki?

I looked over at Nezu-san with a pleading look, but I almost cried when he looked away innocently.

And here I thought we were friends...

"Um... Well, I-I mean..." I struggled to find a good way to explain my situation. "I haven't r-really seen them in about e-eight years or so."

Partial truth. It worked though.

"Then who's been taking care of you?" I looked down at all the stares I was receiving, some concerned, others curious.

"I-I've mainly been taking c-care of myself..." I mumbled out loud enough for them to hear. "In Sh-Shirakumo..."

"Shirakumo!" To explain why they're all so shocked... Let's just say that Shirakumo isn't exactly known to be the friendliest of places. In fact, it's known to be one of the most dangerous places in Japan.

"I-it's really not that b-bad..." I tried to defend the place. And I was being honest. The people there may be a bit rough around the edges, but they're quite nice. The only reason it's so dangerous is because there are no hero agencies around, and villains like to use that to their advantage.

I had to sweat drop at the looks I was receiving. Even Nezu-san looked a bit concerned. It was clear enough that my living situation was something that I had avoided telling him.

"I'm sorry," I looked at Nezu-san in confusion as he spoke up. "But I'm afraid that we can't be allowing any of our students to be taking care of themselves in such a dangerous area."


Wait... What?

"It's r-really not that b-bad." I tried to convince him, but he didn't seem like he was going to budge. "I-I've been living t-there since I was eight, and I-I'm still alive. And I-I've made myself a r-really comfortable l-loft-like living area. I-I even have a few nice n-neighbors that help me out every once in a w-while."

Unfortunately, the teachers all dead panned at me and my defense of my home.

"You say not that bad," Aizawa-sensei drawled out causing us all to look towards him. "But if you're on your own, you've probably been living in an abandoned building, am I right?"

My flinching was all it took for them to know he had assumed correctly.

"Well," Nezu-san took all the attention off of me for a second. "I think I've come to a conclusion. Seeing as Mio-san has a villain after her, I think we can all agree that she needs to be in close proximity to a hero or two. So! Eraser Head! Present Mic! You two have a couple spare bedrooms in your apartment, right?"


Please no.

Please do not let this head in the direction I think it's going.

"Yeah!" Yamada-sensei replied, understanding where this was going. "She can stay with us if need be!"


There is no 'need be'.

I'm perfectly fine with my little hidey hole in Shirakumo.

"Personally," I almost sighed in relief as Aizawa-sensei began to reject the idea. "I don't think that would be the best idea. I'm not the best with kids..."

... But you're a teacher...

"Aww, come on, Eraser!" Yamada-sensei gave his friend a big pat on the back. " I'm sure it won't be that bad! Mio's pretty mature for her age despite her appearance! Besides, this is for her safety. Two pro heroes is better than one."

Despite my appearance...?

What's that supposed to mean?

"If she ends up scarred for life, I'm blaming you." Well... That's a bit concerning...

"Oh come on," Yamada-sensei only grinned in turn. "It's not as though you haven't taken care of a kid before."

We could all feel the tension that descended upon the room at his statement, and he quickly realized his mistake as his grin slid off of his face. He was about to apologize, but Aizawa-sensei spoke up before he could.

"And we all know how that ended..." Aizawa-sensei glared but didn't say any more on the matter as his friend apologized quietly.

The next few seconds were silent and tense. Nobody seemed too keen on breaking the silence either. Surprisingly enough, it was Aizawa-sensei himself that broke it with a sigh.

"If she stays, that's fine." He finally relented. "Don't expect much though."

"Then it's settled!" Nezu-san, once again, ignored my pleading look as I tried to get him to reconsider. "Mio-san will stay with Eraser Head and Present Mic!"


Do I have to?

Chapter 9

I pouted in disdain as I stared at the principal in front of me. After the meeting had ended, he asked me to stay back for a couple of minutes to talk alone. And at the present moment...

I wasn't very happy with him.

"W-why with them of a-all people?" I stuttered out anxiously as I thought about how I was going to survive without being found out. "You know he would be the most l-likely to find out about me."

"Consider this punishment for not mentioning your living situation before." What? Why Nezu-san? Why? Just- I don't understand...

"You're evil..."

"All joking aside though," He finally got to business. "I'd rather not know about your living in Shirakumo and not do anything about it. Especially when you have villains after you. Besides, he's bound to find out sooner or later."

"I'd r-rather it later than s-sooner..." I mumbled with a bit of a pout.

"If it makes you feel better," Nezu tried to comfort her. "I'm sure you'll have a lot more to eat!"

"That doesn't help."


"Soooo, when you say loft...?" Yamada-sensei entered the abandoned building with myself and Aizawa-sensei rather warily.

"I-I stay on the p-platform up there," The loud hero could only pale as I pointed towards where I slept. I'm not sure why he reacted like that, though. It's only about 20 meters high or so.

"Are there no stairs?" Aizawa-sensei raised a brow as he looked around the dark and dingy building. He probably couldn't see much. The only light in the building came from the fading sun outside. Otherwise, it was pitch black.

"N-no, sorry about that," I had obviously grown accustomed to the lack of light and was now climbing up to where my home is with minimal effort.

"She's like some spider monkey..." I sweat dropped as I heard Yamada-sensei whisper not so quietly to Aizawa-sensei.

The two teachers were left alone in the darkness as I finally reached the area where I lived. It wasn't much, but it still worked. I had a bed in the corner of the room with a small dresser next to it, and I had a lot of blankets that I had collected over the years. For some reason, people trying to explore the abandoned warehouses and stay overnight always ran off in fear whilst leaving their stuff when I tried to talk to them. I'm starting to think they believe me to be a ghost or something.

Though, I suppose they wouldn't be entirely wrong...

Anyways, I luckily had a duffle bag that I was able to fit my few pairs of clothes. To be truthful, the only clothes I had were two pairs of casual clothes, my work clothes that I actually kept at work, and my school uniform. I also had a pair of weighted gloves and shoes that I kept on a majority of the time. So, it's safe to say that packing didn't take too long. I sweat dropped a bit at how less than half the bag had been filled by all my clothes. I placed a couple of small instruments, some art supplies, and hygiene products in the bag as well. I already had my school supplies in my backpack, so I didn't have to worry about that. I grabbed my violin in its case that I had received from Kiyoko, and I had everything.

It was a bit difficult carrying it down to the ground, but I still made it. However, the sight I met was both surprising and exasperating.

"Shiori! Haruka! Y-you can't just th-threaten people with knives!" I dropped my stuff as I ran over to the two mentioned girls that were currently threatening Aizawa-sensei and Yamada-sensei.

"Ah!" Shiori, a girl five years older than me, exclaimed as her and Haruka finally noticed me. "Mi-chan!"

Shiori Ritsu: She is a citizen of Shirakumo and one of Kana's friends. She's very impulsive, and her quirk is known as Enhance. It allows her to enhance different sections of her body so they're stronger.


"Are you alright?" Haruka questioned me quietly as she pushed up her glasses. Her bunny ears twitched as the two awaited my response. "We found these two acting suspicious as they watched your home."


Haruka Fujikaze: She is also a citizen of Shirakumo. She's fairly quiet and serious despite being best friends with Shiori. Her quirk is known as Bunny which is exactly as it sounds.


"I-I'm fine." I sighed as I face palmed at the two. "Th-they're my teachers."

"...." They stares turned blank as they looked back and forth between me and my teachers. Speaking of which, Aizawa-sensei and Yamada-sensei didn't seem to know how to react to the situation before them. It looked as though they had been prepared to fight before they realized that I knew them. "Oh... Whoops..."

"Sorry about that..." Shiori gave a sheepish grin as she rubbed the back of her head in embarrassment. They both put their knives back in their jackets as they backed away from the heroes and came towards me instead. "But you can't blame us for thinking you had somehow gotten yourself in trouble again!"

"I d-don't get in trouble th-that often..." I pouted with crossed arms as they gave me dubious looks. Even Aizawa-sensei and Yamada-sensei were giving me dubious looks, and they barely know me!

"Just last week, you managed to get an entire stampede of bulls to chase after you. In the city." Haruka made their point making me sweat drop as I remembered the event. That had been very exhausting... "How do you even manage that?"

"I-I have no idea..." I sighed. I truly didn't know. I just seemed to be a magnet for trouble. "I-I'm just that m-magical."

Shiori let out a snort at my response while Haruka just smirked a little. My poor teachers seemed so confused as they sweat dropped. Well, Aizawa-sensei didn't show his confusion as much as Yamada-sensei, but you could tell it was still there. Honestly, I was surprised that Yamada-sensei had managed to stay quiet for so long. Considering he was almost always talking, it was a bit strange.

"Um..." Never mind. I guess his silence could never last long. "Could somebody please explain what the hell's going on?"

"Oh, right, sorry about that!" Shiori went up and held a hand out in greeting. "The name's Ritsu Shiori, and this is Fujikaze Haruka. We're friends of Mi-chan. We also make sure she doesn't get herself killed!"

"Which begs the question, where do you plan on going?" Haruka narrowed her eyes as she noticed my packed bags.

"Th-the school found out about m-my living conditions a-and Shigaraki..." I pouted a bit causing my two friends to smirk.

"Well," Shiori looked at the teachers with the smirk still gracing her face. "It's about time. We've been trying to convince Mi-chan here to tell somebody and find a safer place to live for years. Of course, she's too stubborn to actually listen!"

"We'll ask that you make sure she stays safe." Haruka bowed slightly towards my teachers, surprising me. She wasn't exactly the most respectful of people to say the least... Granted, she still kept her blank look plastered on her face. "We'd be very grateful seeing as she doesn't normally let others protect her."

"I-I can protect m-myself..." I grumbled out as Yamada-sensei replied to them cheerfully.

"No need to worry!" The man shouted. A bad idea on his part. Yelling in a place like this isn't the smartest of ideas... "We'll make sure the little listener stays safe!"

Little listener, huh...?

I haven't heard that in a long time.

"Then you have our thanks," We all sweat dropped as she began leaving abruptly, without any more words. This was kind of normal, though. Once Haruka saw a conversation as finished, she would just leave. No words spoken.

"I'll take that as my cue to leave, too!" Shiori grinned, not in the least bothered by Haruka's behavior. "Bye bye~"

"B-bye Shiori-chan, H-Haruka-chan." I gave a small wave at their retreating backs before turning back to my teachers.

Both of them were sweat dropping at the interaction that just occurred. It was probably a good thing that they didn't know this was a regular occurrence for me...

"..." Yamada-sensei stayed quiet for a couple of seconds before finally speaking. "You have some strange friends..."

"Y-you think?"

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