Chapter 11

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The girl's name had been called out almost as soon as she had entered the lunch room. Masami had finally agreed to meet with Arata and his friends, so they had decided to just go ahead and meet up at lunch time seeing as that it was the only time that all the classes were in one place at the same time. Besides, Michiko, who Masami normally hang out with, now had tutoring during lunch. It was actually more detention than tutoring as it was a punishment for her having refused to do her work.

Heading over to the table that Arata had been calling her name from, she kept her head down as she walked over. Unfortunately, Arata's calls had drawn quite a bit of attention, so Masami was now on the verge of running out the door, digging a hole, and then curling up in said hole for the rest of eternity.

"We're over here!" Yes, Arata, Masami understood quite well where you are. So, let's not cause her a panic attack.

"Aaahhh!" Masami looked up in alarm as she heard the shrieking of a girl in front of her. However, she didn't get a chance to see what had happened before she was engulfed in a hug. "She's so cute! Look, Togata! Amajiki! She's just as cute as Fujiyama said she was!"

Poor Masami was already feeling dizzy as the girl, who had been the one to shriek and engulf her in a hug, dragged her over to an empty seat next to the four. It was only then that she was able to take a look at those at the table. All together there were three males and one girl. The girl being the very same one that had dragged her over to the table in the first place.

The girl, she assumed, was Nejire Hado. She was a rather beautiful girl with lightish blue hair and a chipper face. Overall, Masami got the impression that she was a rather nice person that was just a bit hyper.

Of course, one of the guys was none other than Arata, but the other two were completely unfamiliar. However, Masami could probably guess which one was which just from previous descriptions of their personality that Arata had given her. One had blonde hair and blue eyes and seemed rather confident with himself. Masami also took notice of his muscular build and how he must have trained extensively. His experience could be seen through both his eyes as well as the scars that visibly lowered his arms.

In conclusion, he seemed to radiate a kind of strength that came from years of hard work and not just the kind you would find in a prodigy.

Masami guessed that this boy was probably Mirio Togata.

The last and final boy was a bit... different than the others. He radiated a similar amount of strength and power, but his demeanor was completely different. He didn't exude the same confidence. It was actually quite the opposite. Not unlike Masami, he was a bundle of nerves and the very definition of anxiety. Suddenly, it was no wonder to her that Arata was always comparing her to the long eared, dark haired boy.

It was these observations that led Masami to believe that this young man was none other than Tamaki Amajiki.

"Ne, ne! You are Hideyoshi Masami, right?" At Masami's hesitant nod, Nejire grinned and continued on. Masami had sent a pleading look Arata's way, but that bastard just sent an 'innocent' and amused smile her way, not bothering to offer any help when Nejire got closer and closer to the brown haired girl during her excitement. "I'm Hado Nejire! The shy one over here is Amajiki Tamaki, and this is--"

"Togata Mirio!" The blonde haired boy introduced himself with a grin of his own. Meanwhile, Masami was just thankful that she had identified all three correctly.

"A-ah, um, I'm, um, H-Hideyoshi Masami!" Masami managed to stutter out as she looked down at her fidgeting hands. At the present moment, she was currently internally cursing both herself and Arata for having agreed to meet the three at all. It's not like she didn't like them or anything, but she never did handle strangers very well. She supposed she should just be thankful she handled them better now then how she handled them as a kid. "B-but you guys p-probably kn-- already knew that... Um, it's a, um... It's a p-pleasure to meet all of y-you!"

If Masami wasn't on the verge of having a panic attack, she would have sent a hell of a glare towards Arata when she heard a slight snicker coming from his direction. That jerk was the one that invited her, and then he had the audacity to laugh at her miserable attempts at conversation!

"Aww, she's so sweet and polite!" Masami was torn between blushing and passing out due to the lack of oxygen that came from Nejire squeezing her too tightly in a hug. "You work with Fujiyama, right? Are you really quirkless? Fujiyama says you're still super strong!"

Masami was sure that Nejire would have continued on with her spiel if it weren't for Mirio.

"Which brings us to the main reason why I wanted to meet you," The blonde spoke up. His three friends looked like they were already aware of what he was about to say, but, for once, Masami was completely out of the loop. After all, she wasn't exactly sure why anybody would want to meet her, so she was a bit stumped. "I want you to fight me."

Oh. He just wanted to fight with her.




"I-I, um... C-come again?"



They were actually going to fight.

Masami, honestly, wasn't sure how this even happened. She had agreed to lunch. Just lunch.

This... However...

This was not just lunch.

Sure, she'd been interested in how strong Arata's friends were, but she never imagined it would turn out like this. For one, she didn't think that Mirio would just up and challenge her to a fight as soon as they met. If Masami had to guess, Arata probably had something to do with it. After all, he was the only one that saw her fight and train these days. Well, to put it more clearly, he was the person she fought while training.

So, anyways, the school day was now over, and the five were headed towards the teachers workroom area in order to ask permission to use one of the many training areas at U.A. It was unfortunate, but the couldn't just go and use one without permission. They'd probably end up needing a teacher to supervise as well, which Masami wasn't exactly happy about.

She was already aware that most people were under the impression that she was weak. Like, majorly weak. Porcelain glass weak.  However, if she was being perfectly honest, she preferred it that way. It just meant that less was expected of her and that she could surprise the hell out of people when showing people how strong she really was.

If Masami was to show her real strength, questions would likely be raised. Questions that she sure as hell would not be answering.


They had reached the teachers workroom with minimal talking from Masami. And Tamaki. In fact, the two shy teens didn't speak at all. They just shared an understanding grimace as the other three talked away.

Arata knocked on the door, and Masami was relieved when it opened just to reveal Midnight.

"Hmm, Fujiyama?" Midnight looked a bit confused at the sight of the kids in front of her. It wasn't often that the Big Four came to the teachers workroom, and she had yet to notice Masami. As it was, the girl may or may not have been hiding behind a very nervous Tamaki that kept glancing back at her in slight horror. Normally, it was him that hid behind someone... "Is there something you four need?"

"Ah, Midnight-Sensei," Mirio spoke up for the five. "We were wondering if we could get permission to use Gym Gamma to train in."

"Gym Gamma, huh?" The female hero seemed to be pondering. "Well, I don't see why not, but you'll need somebody to supervise. Unfortunately, I still have a lot of work to do, so I won't be much help... But I'm sure we can find someone!"

"Thanks, sensei!" After thanking Masami's self proclaimed aunt, the five kids were led into the room.

Unfortunately for Masami and Tamaki, the room was already almost full of teachers despite the school day having just ended. This ultimately led to the two hiding in the back of the group, trying to keep out of view of the many teachers. Said teachers had already turned their way out of curiosity, pausing in their work to see what was going on.

"Hideyoshi?" The girl nearly cringed as she was noticed by her homeroom teacher who happened to be near the entrance of the room along with his best friend. Yes, both Present Mic and Eraserhead were there, and the former had managed to direct all the attention to the brown haired girl. "What are you doing with the third years?"

"Ah, um, I-I mean--" Masami couldn't even get the words out, tempting her to follow Tamaki's lead of turning to face the wall and mumbling in anxious horror.

"We invited her to come train with us." Mirio saved her from her untimely death by embarrassment, bringing the attention back to him. Well... For the most part...

Midnight had already latched onto Masami and was on her cooing spree causing many of the other teachers to sweat drop. They had grown accustomed, by this point, to seeing Midnight dote on the young girl. She took almost every chance she got, after all.

If Midnight was this doting on Masami, the teachers could only imagine how doting Akemi had to be as she had actually been the more intense one out of the pair. Of course, excluding Yagi and Nezu, none of them had yet to know about Akemi's death along with her son's.

"You sure that's a safe thing to do?" This time it was Eraserhead that spoke up. He had a dubious look with a raised brow. Of course he would ask that. After all, word had finally spread around of her being quirkless. At other schools, this may not have been that big of a deal. But at U.A....

Well, to put it bluntly, Masami was the first quirkless to ever be accepted into U.A.

Most quirkless students were scared off from applying just because of the Sports Festival as they could get fairly intense at times. However, it didn't help that many quirkless kids were also bullied from a young age, so they no longer had the confidence to apply to such a large and popular school.

It was a shame.

"Ah, don't worry, sensei!" Arata grinned a grin that made Masami groan ever so slightly. She recognized that grin. It was the grin that guaranteed trouble. "I'll make sure that Masami holds back."

Said girl would have face palmed if it weren't for Midnight's arms still around her. Arata always knew how to mess with her. She supposed it was karma for how much she messed with him.

"Because that's what I meant..." Eraserhead sighed sarcastically, not knowing that there was some truth to Arata's words.

"Ah, right!" Present Mic finally seemed to realize something. "You guys must need a supervisor, right?!"

"Yes, sir." Mirio answered. "If it wouldn't be any trouble."

"Well, as much as I hate to say it, I'm a bit busy right now," The blonde hero admitted with a slight frown. A few of the other teachers gave similar responses. It almost seemed as if there was no hope of being able to go through with the fight today. Not that Masami had much of a problem with that. Fighting wasn't really her thing.

"I may be able to help you with that," Snapping their heads in the direction of the voice, Masami gained a bit of surprise.

"Y-Yagi-san!" Masami stuttered out, the Big Four looking at her in slight surprise. Well, Tamaki was still looking at the wall, but that was beside the point. They had never seen this teacher before, which was suspicious enough as it was, but it appeared that both Masami and the other teachers knew him. So, they weren't really going to question it. After getting over the surprise, Masami finally realized what the tall, blonde man had said. "Can y-you really?!"

"Surprisingly enough, I'm not that busy, so why not?" He replied with a shrug. Normally, he wouldn't be willing to do it in his weakened form, but he was curious about why four third years in the hero course were willing to train with a quirkless first year. Plus, it was Masami. She already knew him in this form.

Besides, he had already ran out of time, so he couldn't just change forms, either.

"Th-thank you!"


2196 words excluding A/N's

I know I stopped it at a weird place, but meh. I'm sure the next chapter will be up sometime soon.

Edit: Well, shizzlepops, I thought I published this yesterday...

Finished- 6:43 pm June 10, 2019


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