Chapter 23

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"You know," Dabi drawled from his place on the back of Shirokage's motorcycle. "I'm pretty sure this is illegal."

"Yes, well, I'm a nationally wanted vigilante, you're legally declared dead, and Toga is… well… Toga!" Shirokage countered, ignoring Toga's shout of indignation.

And yes, yes she was driving a motorcycle at extremely high speeds with both Dabi and Toga seated behind her.

Dabi rolled his eyes. "You say that like it makes this so much better."

"Does it not?" Shirokage asked innocently. 

"I think Shiro-chan's driving is fun!" Toga cheered with a grin, taking her side like always.

Dabi could only sigh at the two girls ganging up on him. This happened so often at this point that he wasn't even fazed. What he was fazed by, however, was the fact that they were going over thirty kilometers above the speed limit with three people on one motorcycle while on the way to save a bunch of kids from nearly a hundred villains. 

Seriously, though. 

What had his life become?

"Are we even going to be able to get through the gate?" He asked. 


"And if the heroes already have the situation handled?"

"They don't."

"If they have the situation handled?" Dabi repeated. 

"Then we crash and dash, obviously."

"Right," He muttered under his breath. "Obviously."

Honestly, he wasn't even sure how they had managed to make it this far without getting pulled over. He may have a lot of faith in Shirokage, but she did seem to drag him into the craziest, most impossible of situations. Forgive him if he occasionally had his doubts.

Sure enough, though, despite his doubts, they managed to get through the gates with no problem. The three just sped their way right to the USJ before coming to a screeching halt in front of the large building. 

One by one, the chaotic and uncoordinated trio toppled off the bike and onto the ground. They could already hear the sounds of the attack going on from outside. 

The three looked at how the building seemed to be locked down, and Dabi sighed. 

"So how do you propose getting in?"

He assumed that they would need to be stealthy about it. After all, it would probably be in their best interest to stay out of the spotlight and stick to the shadows if they didn't want to get caught or arrested. It may take a little while, but he was sure that they'd be able to find a way in undetected. 

Unfortunately, Shirokage had other plans. 

The girl grinned madly underneath her mask. "Well~" she drawled, lifting up a fist. "I see no reason why we can't just go in the old fashioned way~"

Toga cheered as her friend drew her arm back after going to stand right in front of the door. 

The girl began to wind her arm. Dabi looked on in horror.

 "And-a-one! And-a-two! And-a—"

"Now, wait just a—!" Dabi didn't have the chance to finish his sentence.


She punched the door.


Inside the USJ, everything was going horribly. 

Class 1-A had come expecting a fun field trip/training experience, but noooo. They just had to be targeted by villains. 

Villains who were apparently looking for All Might.

The twenty students had already been separated into the different sections of the building. Well, most of them. A few of the students had managed to stay near the entrance to the USJ along with the professional hero known as Thirteen.

In the midst of the chaos, Iida Tenya turned to one of his classmates. 

"Shoji-kun!" He shouted, successfully gaining the boy's attention. "Is everybody still here?! Can you confirm?!"

"Everyone is scattered," Shoji told them. "But we're all still within the building."

The group let out a sigh of relief before turning their complete focus back on Kirogiri, who had warped most of their classmates away just moments before. 

They weren't sure how they were supposed to be dealing with a full fledged villain. Sure, they had Thirteen, but Kurogiri appeared to be only one of the many villains that had infiltrated the USJ. They didn't have enough information to be able to tell whether or not they'd be able to get out of the situation alive or uninjured. 

They were only students for god's sake! They were still training! They shouldn't have to be dealing with villains so soon.

But they didn’t have much of a choice.

"Damn it," Sero cursed through the tension. "Physical attacks can't hit him, and he can warp things... His quirk's the worst!"

Thirteen looked at their students. 

"Class rep!" Thirteen called out to Iida. "I entrust this to you. Run to the school as fast as you can and relay the following:" Iida looked taken aback at the sudden request. "Somehow, the alarms are not sounding, and our phones have lost reception." Thirteen began explaining. "The alarm system is based on infrared rays. Even though Aiza— Eraser Head is erasing people's quirks left and right, they are still not working, which means they must have someone with an interfering quirk who hid right when they arrived. So in order to smoke that person out, we need you to run and inform the school as fast as you can!"

"But it would be a disgrace as class rep to-" Iida was cut off as the doors to the USJ seemed to suddenly explode open, drawing almost everyone's attention towards the direction. 

The students and teacher tensed as smoke and debris filtered throughout the area. A cheerful laugh and an exasperated sigh could be heard from within the smoke as the sound of footsteps drew closer to the teacher and students' direction. 

Everyone, including Kurogiri, tensed in anticipation of an unexpected fight. 

"Oh dear," a soft voice rang throughout the area as three figures walked out of the smoke calmly. Actually, scratch that, the cheerful blonde was merrily skipping alongside her white haired friend, who had been the one to speak up, and the only boy out of the three looked anxious and tired as hell all at the same time. So, really, the only one walking calmly was Shirokage, who both Thirteen and Kurogiri recognized immediately. "It would appear that we're a bit late. Truly unfortunate."

Dabi snorted. "And here I thought we'd actually be early with that speeding of yours."

Shirokage totally didn't stick her tongue out. 

Nope, not at all.

"Anyways," She focused her attention on the tense people in front of her, ignoring both Dabi and the horrible taste of her mask. Sure, she cleaned it every day, but it didn't exactly taste great. And just for clarification, she does mean the mask, not Dabi. Though, she didn’t imagine Dabi tasted all that great either. "Thirteen. Kurogiri. Always a pleasure to see you both." 

Though, Thirteen was certainly more preferable over Kurogiri. The only thing Kurogiri had over Thirteen was that he made excellent hot chocolate. 

"Shirokage," the girl pouted slightly at the disdain the purple mist seemed to speak her name with. "I wasn't aware that you or your…" He looked at Dabi and Toga. "Colleagues…. Would be joining us today."

"Ah, well, how could I resist?" Shirokage asked loftily with a shrug. "After all, word on the street has it that you guys plan on trying to kill All Might." A small, unnoticeable smirk played on her lips. "How could I possibly miss such a spectacular failure starring your so-called League of Villains?"

Beside her, her two friends reacted very differently. Toga, of course, still had her carefree grin as usual. Dabi on the other hand… Well… His face was now buried in his hands. 

"Do you always have to provoke the villains?" He asked, still not sure how his life had turned out this way. 

Oh wait. He knew exactly why. 

And it was mostly because of white haired girl he practically considered to be a sister right next to him. 

Maybe he should stop letting her drag him places saying that it will be fun. 

"Yup!" There was absolutely no hesitation in her amused answer. Though, she did pause for a second to slam a fist into her palm as she remembered something. "Oh, right, Kurogiri!" She started. "Before I forget, you wouldn't happen to have that 50,000 yen that your boss owes me, would ya'? I was hoping to use it for some groceries!"

Technically, it wasn't a lie. She was planning on using it for groceries. Just not for herself. Nope! She was planning on using it for groceries for the kids that had been victimized by, or lost something because of, the All for One. 

She thought that it would be a funny case of irony. 

Shirokage had to hold in a snicker at the exasperated sigh that came from the misty dude in front of her. "Your lack of self preservation is honestly astonishing at times. Do you realize that?"

"Meh," she shrugged. "You'd actually be surprised at how often I hear that in all honesty."

Dabi may or may not say it at least thrice a week.

"So, no money?" She quirked a brow in question.



Off to the side, the students stared in disbelief at the casual conversation in front of them. They were just talking like there wasn't a mass villain attack going on where people were getting hurt. They still weren't sure who the three new people even were, but with how easily the door was destroyed, they wouldn't doubt that they were strong (And kind of scary looking now that they thought about it. Though, their demeanors seemed to ruin any bit of intimidation that they may have otherwise caused.). Seriously, though, they were kind of curious how the three had managed to walk through all that without getting a single speck of dust on their clothes. 

Thirteen just looked at their students with an expression of understanding. They pitied anybody having to meet Shirokage for the first time. Don't get them wrong, Thirteen didn't really have anything against the masked vigilante, but she could be a bit of a shock to those with a more… serious disposition towards heroism and vigilantism. Serious wasn't even the right word. 

Honestly, Thirteen was just pretty sure that nobody expected the number one vigilante to act like, well… that

"But that's not what I was here for anyways," Shirokage continued with a sigh, a bit disappointed that she wouldn't be receiving the money she was supposed to have won off All for One in a game of chess. The students startled as she suddenly looked in their direction. "Now!" She clapped her hands. "I believe one of you was about to go and inform the school? I do believe that you should hurry it up a bit. Wouldn't want to keep anybody waiting."

They tensed a bit warily, glancing hesitantly towards Thirteen who gave a small nod. 

"Go." With that, Iida didn't hesitate as he dashed towards the doors. Kurogiri made an attempt to stop him but ultimately failed as a wall of blue and white fire blocked his path. 

Shirokage sent the normally polite villain a pleasant smile. 

"Sorry about that," she told him. "But I'm afraid I can't allow you to harm these students so easily. After all, they are the next generation of heroes, and lord knows that this world could most certainly use some."

"You truly are quite the pest," Kurogiri replied in turn, knowing that the student's escape would not dwell well for their mission. 

"I know," Shirokage replied easily, switching her attention and walking over to be closer to Thirteen. The hero looked at her a bit warily but didn't say anything as she continued to speak. "I plan to go help Eraserhead," she had already noticed that the man near the center of the building was struggling as he fought against multiple opponents at once. At the present moment, he appeared to be in the most immediate danger, especially since she had glimpsed both Shigaraki and a Nomu in the area. "My friends will help the students scattered across the building." She glanced at the two, and they gave imperceptible nods. "Can I leave Kurogiri to you?"

Thirteen nodded. As much as they disliked having to rely on a vigilante, they couldn’t deny that they were a bit out of their depth at the moment. Their number one priority at the moment was to ensure the safety of all the students. 

If they had to rely on the help of vigilantes to do so, then so be it.

Shirokage smiled at the response. 

"Just aim the piece of metal in his mist, and you should be fine." She reassured the hero. "Despite his warp gate quirk, actual combat isn't his strongest suit."

"I see." Now that they thought about it, this villain was most definitely the one that Hideyoshi Masami had mentioned in the meeting the previous day. They weren't sure how they hadn't realized it sooner. "I'm grateful for the help."

The vigilante only gave a nod as her and her friends made their way to the top of the stairs. 

"Scatter." She whispered. 

All three were off.


2204 words excluding A/N's

I literally have three papers to write, and here I am writing this.

Finished - September 21, 2021


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