Chapter 32

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"I trusted you." Michiko said with desperation in her tone and betrayal filling her eyes. 

Tears could be seen accumulating, and raw pain could be seen donning on her face as she stared at the girl she once called a friend. 

"And now you'll pay the pr-price of doing so." Masami set down her 'draw four wild card.' "Uno."


Masami watched in slight concern and amusement as Michiko slid to the floor dramatically while clutching her chest with one hand and reaching up with the other.

"Quit being a dumbass and draw," Kioshi pushed the blue haired girl over with his foot, effectively causing her to faceplant into the floor. 

Michiko grumbled obscenities as she pulled herself up and back onto her chair, grabbing four cards while she was at it. 

"I hate this game," she grumbled. 

Masami tilted her head in confusion. "Weren't you the one that—that b-brought it?"

"Shush, dear, you're not helping my point."

School was back in session, and Class 1-D's three musketeers were getting in some good ol' Uno time in before homeroom started. As you may have noticed, while Masami was winning, Michiko was doing less than satisfactory. Meanwhile, Kioshi was just doing average.

As of this point, Masami had won 7 games, Kioshi 4, and Michiko 1.

Yeah, Michiko was not a happy camper.

"You know, I've been meaning to ask," Michiko started, glancing at Masami before looking back at her cards intently as though that'd help her do any better. "Where exactly did you go and disappear to the other day? One moment we were walking to Art and then you were gone the very next."

Masami sweat dropped nervously. She had been hoping that nobody would notice or ask about her absence, but so much for that.

These types of things were always so much easier in the past when the only friends she had at school were Izuku and Katsuki. Izuku would have been too nervous to ask while Katsuki just wouldn't have cared enough to ask.

"I just started to f-feel a bit—a bit sick is all," Masami smiled weakly. It technically wasn't a lie. Sensory overloads were no joke, especially with how dialled up hers were. "S-sorry."

"There's no need to apologize for getting sick," Michiko frowned. "But if you were feeling that bad, you should have told Kioshi or I. We would have brought you to the nurse's office."

Kioshi gave Masami a brief nod as he agreed with Michiko's statement. Though,  in his impatience, he stole one of Michiko's cards to throw in the pile so that it would finally be his turn.

Masami lightly smiled. "Thank y-you."

Before anymore could be said, Present Mic finally entered the classroom, and the three scrambled to put the cards back into Michiko's bag before sitting back in their seats. 

Class started, and their teacher took attendance and began to give some announcements and pass out some handouts before pausing as he came to some sort of realization. 

"Before I forget," he started, looking a little panicked as he grabbed another stack of papers. "Hideyoshi, do you think you could go and bring this paperwork over to Class 1-A's homeroom teacher?"

Masami gave a nod and stood up to grab the large stack before heading out the door after the teacher gave a brief thanks. 

It took her a few moments to process that Aizawa was Class 1-A's homeroom teacher. 



As Masami was making her way to deliver the papers, something else was occurring in the classroom of 1-A. More specifically, they were just receiving the news of a new teacher. 

"Before we start anything," Aizawa said after dealing with everyone's surprise at him actually coming to school after being so injured. Though, the students admitted that he had healed a lot more than they expected. "There's one thing you should know regarding the rest of this year's hero training classes." The class tensed in apprehension. "From this point forth, you guys will have a new teacher for Heroics once a week." He glared, his hair raising up as his quirk activated when the class started to talk among themselves. "She'll be a familiar face for most of you, so try not to freak out too much."

He sighed as the students started giving each other apprehensive looks, wondering why Aizawa would expect them to freak out.

Aizawa really didn't get paid enough for this. 

He turned his head to the door. "I guess you can come in and introduce yourself or whatever."

Nearly everybody jumped as the door slammed open and in skipped Shirokage, who may or may not have still been panicking internally, not that it showed. 

A few of the students' faces just showed mild recognition, others showed panic, others confusion, and there was even an expression of anger (guess who) as the vigilante gallivanted into the room like she owned the place. 

"Hello, Class 1-A~" Shirokage chirped as she stood in front of the class with her hands clasped together behind her back. "It's nice to meet you under more… peaceful circumstances. For those of you who don't already know me, my name is Shirokage, the number one and most wanted vigilante in all of Japan," the young girl grinned, almost sadistically underneath her mask, "as well as your new teacher! I look forward to getting to know all of you during the remainder of the school year!"



Masami paused, her hand had been preparing to knock on the large door to Class 1-A when she heard a collective shout coming from the class before hearing absolute chaos break out among the students. 

Maybe now was a bad time?

Then again, Present Mic had asked her to deliver papers. It would be a bit awkward to go back to class without accomplishing such. So the real question was which situation would be more awkward: interrupting whatever pandemonium was going on inside Class 1-A or returning to her own classroom and having to tell Present Mic that she couldn't do as he'd asked?


Masami tilted her head in thought, her hand still raised next to the door. 

She supposed that she had always been nosy….

She knocked on the door, only to receive no answer to come in. 

She could only assume that she couldn't be heard over everybody in the classroom. Masami bit her lip before coming to a decision. She slowly opened the door and peeked her head in. 

It didn't exactly take much to figure out the cause of all the chaos as she laid eyes upon Shirokage, who was honestly looking a bit unimpressed by the class' reactions. Though, even as she was staring down the class, Masami knew that the vigilante had noticed her presence. 

Masami ignored all that, though, and she instead let her eyes glance over the room to look for Aizawa, her eyes lighting up a bit when she noticed that he was now lying on the floor in his iconic yellow sleeping bag behind the podium.

With a single glance, the man appeared to be sleeping, but upon careful inspection, anyone could tell that he was carefully watching and observing to see how Shirokage would deal with the conversation. 

Too bad Masami was about to interrupt and throw that plan down the drain. 

With another interrupting knock, she cleared her throat and announced her presence. 

"Um, excuse m-me," she took a step into the room, and nearly everyone's attention began to gravitate to her, effectively causing her to begin to lightly sweat out of nervousness even if there was still a good amount still talking amongst themselves. 

Sure, she could handle sassing criminals and flipping off vigilantes with ease, but put her in front of a crowd of strangers?

She fucking spiraled. 

Then again, as Masami took another short glance at the class, she couldn't help but notice that she recognized a fair amount of faces. 

She guessed that maybe she was actually more social than she thought she was. 

That was a surprise. 

"Do you need something?" Masami couldn't find it in herself to be surprised that Aizawa had already managed to get out of his sleeping bag and stand up to walk over to her. 

"I, uh," Masami held up the stack of papers her teacher had given her. "Mic-sensei asked m-me to bring these to y-you."

"Thanks," Aizawa nodded in appreciation as he took the papers. Though, Masami could hear him grumbling quietly about why Hizashi couldn't have just given him the papers earlier. 

Masami nodded in return and probably would have left everything at that if it weren't for a certain group of students finally noticing that she was there. 

"AHHH!" Everybody's heads snapped to our favorite pink haired alien queen as she stood up and pointed a finger at Masami. "It's Hideyoshi-chan!"

The rest of the Bakusquad finally took notice of the socially awkward girl, subtracting Bakugo, who had already been one of the ones to notice her upon her entering. 

"Ah, um, h-hello Ashido-san," Masami nodded her head in greeting as she began to nervously rub the back of her neck. 

"You're a student here at UA?!" Kaminari exclaimed with the rest of the Bakusquard also staring at her in curious wonder. 

The rest of the class looked between them and Masami in a confused yet curious manner. A fair few of them knew Masami, but that didn't mean they knew why she was there or how she knew the Bakusquad.

"The little shit is in General Studies," Bakugo told them with rolled eyes before Masami could even open her mouth. 


"Oh, wow~" Everybody froze upon hearing the voice of Shirokage interrupt the conversation. Somehow, with the entrance of Masami, the vigilante had been temporarily forgotten. They weren't sure how they managed that. It was almost as though some external force had purposely made them react in such a way to Masami's appearance. "You sure are popular, aren't you, Masami?"

The girl in question just lightly shrugged before giving the vigilante her signature bird of a finger, causing multiple people to splutter in surprise, and Masami would admit, she nearly snickered at Bakugo's ever-so-slightly impressed raised brow expression.

"Not as p-popular as you, though," Masami stated simply as Shirokage returned their usual gesture. "Knowing you, you pr-probably managed to make m-most everyone here panic with only—only a single sen–sentence."

"Fair enough," she agreed. "Not my fault they're being a bunch of pansies about me being their teacher, though."

Masami deadpanned. "I'd honestly be more concerned if they w-were to actually just welcome you w-with open arms. L-Lord knows that I'd n-never be able to put up with you as my—as my teacher."

"Once again, touché."

Everybody looked between the two like they were a tennis match. Even Aizawa, who had seen them briefly interact before, wasn't too sure what to think of it. 

"I'm not paid enough for this," he grumbled, setting the papers on his podium before crawling back into his sleeping bag. 

He didn't know what kind of relationship Masami and Shirokage had, and he wasn't sure he wanted to. 

"Hi 'I'm-not-p-paid-enough-for-this,'" Masami started, not really thinking her words through (she was still on a bit of a coffee high). "I'm Masami."


Everybody stared at her with wide, unbelieving eyes, including Aizawa, who looked very conflicted on how to react, especially since Masami didn't even seem to register what exactly she just said. 

Or at least until Shirokage started snickering. 

Masami looked at the vigilante with a raised brow before her words finally caught up with her brain. Her face flushed and her eyes widened in panic as she stumbled over her words. 

"I mean—I—um—" Masami's arms flailed for a second as she tried to come up with an excuse before eventually just sighing in resignation. "I'm s-sorry. Coffee d-destroys my filter…" At the continued silence, barring Shirokage's snickering, Masami looked to the side awkwardly, a blush still marring her face. "In m-my defense, when the d-dad jokes don't come to you, sometimes you h-have to—have to b-bring them to everyone else." Masami considered the defense to be at least a little bit successful when both Izuku and Shouto could be heard lightly snickering. "See!" Masami pointed a finger in their direction. "Izu and Sh-Shou get it!"

Ah, yes. 

Masami, Izuku, and Shouto were all kindred spirits.

AKA: The Daddy Issues Club.

"Now, if you'll excuse m-me," Masami turned on her heel and began walking to the door, her face still flushed in a bright red embarrassment. "I'm g-going to escape this conversation and go b-bury myself back in the ground b-before I officially d-die of embarrassment."

Masami left the classroom, cursing Present Mic and promising to never go on any more errands ever again.

Entering the classroom had apparently been the wrong decision. 


2195 words excluding A/N's

Masami and Shirokage are just great at interrupting conversations and making things awkward, aren't they?

Finished - February 20th, 2022


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