Chapter 7

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Masami, Midoriya, and Bakugo all stood before their principal. As it turns out, both Midoriya and Bakugo managed to pass the entrance exam, and Masami had never felt prouder of her two friends even if one did look like he was about to kill the other. She had always been confident that the two would become heroes, but it was always nice to see that they really were making progress.

"I never imagined that we'd end up having three students end up going to U.A." The principal spoke up. This had been the first time anybody from their school had ever been accepted into U.A. Hero Course or General Studies Course. Then again, rarely anyone from their school ever applied which was a bit strange in itself as U.A. was in Musutafu as well, the same as their school. "Especially you Midoriya. I would have expected you to apply for General Studies like Hideyoshi here, but I never imagined that you would get into the Hero Course!"

Masami frowned at that. She knew that everyone was always expecting Midoriya to fail, but for a teacher to explicitly state it... If a teacher can't believe in his/her students, than what the hell are they doing in the first place?

"A-ah, right..." Midoriya flailed a bit as he tried to hide from Bakugo's glare. And that's another thing that pissed Masami off: Midoriya's stupid habit of just going along with it.

The principal continued on with his spiel for a few more minutes before finally allowing them to leave. Each student walked out feeling a different emotion.

Midoriya was a bit panicked because he knew what was going to be coming as soon as Bakugo caught him alone. He knew that Bakugo wasn't exactly happy about him being accepted into the Hero Course. The only comfort Midoriya had was that at least Masami would be at U.A., too. If anything went too far, he was sure that she'd be more than happy to help out if he asked.

Now, Bakugo was pissed. These two fuck munches went and applied and somehow managed to get into U.A. Even if Masami only applied to General Studies, it still sent him into a bit of a rage. Especially since Masami was the more useful quirkless out of his two idiot childhood friends. But no, she hadn't even applied for the Hero Course. So now he was stuck with the useless Deku.

Masami was the only one not displeased by the situation. She gets to go to school with two of her best friends! Why wouldn't she be happy? Sure, she wouldn't be in the same classes as them, but it was reassuring that they would still be close by. Other than Arata, they'd probably be the only people she knew at U.A., after all.

So, here she was, smiling like an idiot in between her two friends that had a love-hate relationship. With emphasis on the hate.

"Isn't it great that we all get to go to highschool together?" Masami smiled, surprisingly not oblivious to the tension between the other two. She just wanted to lighten the mood. Not that it would likely work.

Bakugo snorted. "I think you need to redefine what you think the word 'great' means."

"Yeesh, so grumpy..." Pouting, Masami couldn't help but cross her arms as she looked away from the ashy blonde stubbornly. Midoriya honestly wondered where in the world she got her confidence when arguing or speaking with Bakugo. Normally, she had worse anxiety than him, but she had all the confidence in the world when talking with either him or Bakugo.

"You wanna die?"

"Wouldn't you like to know~?" The two boys paused at the smirk on Masami's face. It... It almost seemed sad. But Masami kept on walking, only stopping to turn around and look at the boys with a small smile. "I'll see you guys later, okay? Try not to kill each other while I'm gone."

And with a short wave, she left the two boys with frowns on their faces.


April seemed to arrive in no time at all, and it was finally the first day of school. The first day of Masami officially being a high schooler.

Of course, Arata had insisted on meeting up with the girl at the cafe just so they could walk together. Kiyoko and Kazuma had insisted on seeing her off anyways, so it worked out. However, Arata had no problem bragging about getting to spend more time with Masami to Kiyoko. He had even sent a barely noticeable smug look towards Kiyoko as they walked away.

Yeah... Kazuma had to hold back his fiance to keep her from killing the boy.

"You'll really like U.A.!" Arata assured Masami as they walked through the gates of the dauntingly large school. He had seen the hesitant look Masami had and immediately sought to reassure her. She had the panic of any normal freshie after all. He just hoped that she would get over it when talking her anxiety into consideration. "The teachers are really nice, and the classes are great. And besides, you're so nice and smart that I'm sure you'll make plenty of friends!"

"A-ah, thank y-you." Masami hid her blushing face, tugging a bit at the hem of her sleeve nervously. She still couldn't handle compliments. Even from Arata.

"Now remember, if you ever feel uncomfortable, find me at lunch and you can hang out with me and my friends." Sweat dropping, Masami appreciated Arata's concerns and his reassurance, but she couldn't help but think he was going a bit overboard. She almost felt like she was being ushered off to her first day of kindergarten. "They're really nice people, and one of them even has social anxiety just like you! I'm sure they'll love you!"

"Thanks, Fujiyama-san." Masami gave her friend a small smile, the blush she had finally receding. She really did appreciate him even if he did go a bit overboard. "I should probably be getting to class though."

"Alright... Do you need any help finding your class?" Arata was a bit reluctant to just leave Masami to her own devices despite knowing that she was perfectly capable of taking care of herself. He just wanted to make sure she had a perfect first day at school, and he almost pouted when Masami rejected his offer.

"I should be fine," Masami replied. "But thanks again. I appreciate the offer."

"No problem!"

And with that, the two went their separate ways. The third years were on a completely separate floor from the first years, so while Arata headed for the stairs, Masami headed for the first year classrooms that were on the ground floor.

Masami was in Class 1-D, and, upon reaching her classroom door, she could already hear loud chattering come from within. She was already nervous, but damn. She was close to hyperventilating at this point. It didn't help that the massively large door seemed to taunt her and her smallness. But seriously, has there ever been a student that large to where such a door is necessary?

"Hmm?" The nervous teen nearly jumped in fright at the sight of a girl walking towards her. It was the same blue haired girl from the exam! "Ah! Aren't you that early finisher girl from the exam?!"

Masami blushed at the recognition. She supposed she shouldn't be surprised that she was recognized. She had finished at an extremely fast rate and passed. With full marks at that. That made her bound to gain some attention.

"O-oh, um, y-yes." She stuttered out a shaky reply. "Th-that be-- would b-be me!"

She internally groaned at herself. She always reminded herself that first impressions were paramount. They could ultimately decide your relationship with a person. But hell, Masami couldn't seem to manage a decent one for the life of her.

Just the thought of even meeting new people mortified her.

"Are you in Class 1-D, too?" Masami gave a meek nod, fiddling with her fingers as she avoided eye contact. "Well, I'm Takenaka Michiko! It's nice to meet'cha!"


Michiko Takenaka: A first year at U.A. in class 1-D with Masami. Her quirk, Water Change, allows her to transform different parts of her body into water. However, she can't transform her entire body at the same time.


"Hi-Hideyoshi Masami," She practically whispered her introduction, still looking down, so she couldn't see the blue haired girl's bright expression. "I-- It's n-nice to meet y-you, too..."

Michiko smiled brightly at the girl. She could tell that she was nervous. In fact, her entire being just seemed to exude anxiety. Michiko was sure that she just needed a friend to help her out. After all, it was always the quiet ones that had some of the best personalities!

"Do you want to walk in together?" Michiko asked, trying to coax Masami out of her shell if even just a little. "Ya know, strength in numbers, right?!"

Masami looked at the shorter girl in surprise. Normally, people found her shyness awkward and would try to shorten the conversation or would hesitate with their words. But this girl... She seemed to shine so brightly. It almost hurt Masami's eyes with how brightly she seemed to shine.

"A-ah, um, right! I-I mean, sure. Th-that would be great!" She already knew for sure that she didn't want to what alone, so this was perfect. This Michiko person was now her new savior. It was official. No one can say otherwise.

"Then let's go!" Michiko grabbed Masami's hand reassuringly as she opened the door with a bright smile and practically skipped into the classroom.

Upon entering, almost everyone inside stopped and stared (for a while) making Masami almost freeze in place. If it weren't for Michiko, she probably would have passed out right then and there.

"What's up my bitches?! Your goddesses have arrived!" Michiko threw her arms out extravagantly as Masami flailed behind her. She may not be great with introductions, but Masami was pretty sure that you weren't supposed to call people bitches upon first meeting them. Then again, maybe there was difference between just calling people bitches and adding a 'my' beforehand. Bakugo had explained to her once that there was a difference between being shit and being the shit, so perhaps this was a similar case. But she couldn't be sure. People could be quite strange after all.

"Alright Michiko, who gave you sugar this morning?" The attention that had previously been on the two girls was diverted by the arrival of a pink haired boy that apparently knew Michiko by the sounds of it.

"I did!" Michiko looked proud of herself as she made her declaration. Masami wasn't really sure why. "I am an independent woman that can get herself her own sugar, thank you very much!"

"Right..." The boy seemed a bit doubtful. "Just take a seat. You're disturbing everybody in the room."

"Bleh, you're no fun, Kioshi!" That's what she said, but Michiko still listened to the newly dubbed Kioshi as she took a seat near the front of the room with Masami trailing behind her and taking the seat next to her nervously. The shy, brown haired girl didn't particularly want to be in the front of the classroom, but it would have felt more awkward going to sit in the back without Michiko. She hadn't known Michiko very long, barely five minutes in fact, but she hoped that maybe they could be friends. She seemed nice enough after all.

Kioshi sat in the seat behind Michiko and barely took notice of any of their classmates as he took out a book. He didn't seem to be interested in speaking to anybody. Masami honestly felt the same, but she didn't have the confidence to say so. And, she actually appreciated it when Michiko began to strike up a conversation with her. Their homeroom teacher had yet to arrive anyways, so they were free to speak as much as they wanted.

She spoke a bit too soon as the door was practically slammed open to reveal a familiar blonde hero. Almost the entire class stared in awe at Present Mic as he walked in with his usual cheerful swagger. Most of the class had never been in such close proximity to a famous hero, so they were all in a bit of shock. Even Kioshi had set down his book to look at the man.

"How's it going, little listeners?! Are you guys ready for your first day of classes?!" Mic put a hand up to his ear as to listen to the response of the students, but there wasn't even the sounds of crickets. Almost all of them were still too deep in shock. Well, Masami wasn't, but she was also too afraid to actually speak up in response to him. "A tough crowd, I see... No worries! In case you haven't realized yet, I, Present Mic, will be your homeroom teacher for this year as well as your English teacher!"

Finally breaking out of their stupor, the kids in the class let out a cheer at the news. Every single one of them knew who Present Mic was. His radio show was quite popular after all! Even Masami listened to and enjoyed his radio show. In fact, she'd probably be on his show soon enough. As Yui at least.

Somehow, the fact that she had already met him as Yui both reassured and terrified her.

On one hand, she wouldn't worry so much about first impressions. On the other hand, there was a chance that he would recognize her and reveal her. And that would suck. Then again, even Midoriya and Bakugo had yet to recognize her as Yui. Well, she didn't think they had. If they did, they hadn't said anything.

"First things first on today's agenda," Present Mic started again.



2334 words excluding A/N's

Finished- 3:23 pm on March 10, 2019


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