Chapter 9

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In the midst of the starry eyed teenagers, Masami stood alone, sweat dropping at the over dramatic man. She knew that All Might had a tendency to go overboard with things as shown in multiple interviews, but... Actually being in front of him... She wasn't sure how to respond.

She was a bit concerned though. Even Michiko had joined in with the looks of admiration, and Masami was pretty sure that her new friend had literal sparkles coming out of her.

Was... Was that healthy...?

It probably wasn't. They should get that checked out by Recovery Girl.

"Unfortunately, your regular PE teacher has fallen ill," All Might began explaining making a few people whine. They were hoping that he was their permanent teacher. It didn't particularly surprise Masami, though. If All Might was a teacher at U.A., it made more sense for him to be teaching heroics than a General Studies PE class. For All Might to be substituting... Masami hoped that whoever their normal teacher was would be alright. "Therefore, I will be taking over the class for today! But don't think I'll be going easy on you just because I'm a substitute, you zygotes!"


Looking around at the others around her, Masami noticed that nobody else seemed to care about his odd vocabulary or his over dramatic behavior. Everybody still looked like they were in too much awe to care. It made her sweat drop at their attitude.

"So, today," All Might continued. "We will be playing a common sport that's loved by all! Yes... We will be playing the sport none other than dodgeball! And what's more, all of you are allowed to use your quirks to the fullest in this activity!"

Masami dead panned.

But seriously though, what the hell? This was General Studies. Did they really have to use their quirks? They've played dodgeball in Junior High just fine without them.

Now, don't get her wrong or anything. She had the athletic abilities to keep up with those using their quirks. She just didn't really see the point. Somebody could get injured. Then again, she supposed that they did have Recovery Girl if anything went awry.

"As for teams, I've decided that it will be girls against guys!" This decision wasn't all too surprising. With the appearance of quirks, the assumptions based on gender roles had changed quite a bit, so under or overestimating someone based on gender nowadays was considered a bit foolish.

In any case, the students cheered, killer intent already surrounding them. This may just be a simple game of dodgeball, but to them, this was a chance for glory! It would be the first game of the year after all. And first games are just as important as first impressions.

It basically gave them bragging rights for the rest of the year.

"Alright!" Michiko also cheered from right beside Masami. "We got this, don't we, Masami?!"

"O-oh, um, mhm!" Masami nodded, albeit a little hesitantly. Everyone was getting awfully into this for it just being a simple game of dodgeball. She honestly wished she had that kind of spirit sometimes.

Everyone took their places on either side of the gym after the balls were distributed in the middle, and the whistle that had hung around All Might's neck was blown, signalling the beginning of the game. Immediately, almost everyone ran straight for the center in order to grab their projectiles. If this had been the Hunger Games or something, it would have been an absolute blood bath. It was clear that people were definitely using their quirks to the best of their ability. Then again...

Masami could only sweat drop, a little bit in relief and a little out of incredulity, when she realized that nobody in this class seemed to have honed their quirk to a point that could possibly be dangerous. In fact, their stamina and strength seemed to be so low that Masami was honestly wondering why she even bothered worrying in the first place. Sure, they had room to improve their quirks, as most do, but at this moment...

It was almost pitiful.

She had to give them props though. This was, by far, the most intense and passionate game of dodgeball she had ever laid her eyes on. Everybody seemed to be putting their full effort into the game. Well... If you excluded Masami that is... She stood in the corner of the gym awkwardly, occasionally throwing a ball here and there if one went her way. She was just trying to avoid the war that seemed to be occurring near the center of the gym at this point.

"Kyahahahaha!" Michiko practically cackled as she got one person after another out. Her and Kioshi were duking it out and were one of the very few people left. There was only one other girl on the girls side excluding Masami and Michiko and there were four boys excluding Kioshi left. "Take this Kioshi! You'll never beat me!"

"Hmph! As if!" Kioshi snorted, easily dodging the onslaught that came from the cackling girl. "When was the last time you ever won against me?"

Unfortunately, that only served to anger Michiko as she soon began throwing the dodgeballs with greater speed and strength. And, as the war between the two began to become even more intense, all attention was now on them giving Masami free reign to do whatever she wanted without being noticed.

It was a perfect situation for her.

The other girl on their team had gotten out, so now it was only Masami and Michiko against the five guys that were left on the opposing side. However, they were all only taking notice of Michiko. In all honesty, Masami wouldn't have been surprised if they had forgotten about her. It wouldn't be the first time something like that had happened.

Nobody even noticed her as she snuck around, throwing dodgeballs at the boys and being careful not to hit Kioshi just yet. After all, it was only because of him and Michiko that she was able to go unnoticed. If she were to get him out before any of the others, her element of surprise would disappear.

In any case, it didn't take all that long for her to get the other four out, and soon enough, Kioshi was the only one left. The previously mentioned boy and Michiko were still duking it out, and took no notice of their surroundings. At least, they didn't until a loud smack resonated throughout the gym as Masami's dodgeball met it's pink haired mark.

It became silent.

Everybody just stared, not having yet processed what just happened.

"O-oh, um, th-this-- does this mean that w-we win?" Masami broke the silence with her meek voice, and, immediately, all eyes snapped over to her shy, fidgeting figure. Her large, doe-like eyes widened a bit in fear at the sudden attention. Maybe she shouldn't have spoken up... But, if she hadn't, who knows how long the others would have stayed in their stupefied stance.

"A-ah, right!" All Might coughed into his fist as he gained the others attention, only just getting out of his surprised state himself. Even he had forgotten about Masami still being in the game... "With that, the game goes to the girls team!"

Finally, the students broke out of their stupor with the girls cheering at All Might's announcement while the boys sulked a bit. The winning team surrounded Masami as she panicked, doing her best to answer the questions that were sent her way as well as thank all those who were congratulating her.

"Unfortunately, as time has run out, we do not have enough time for another game!" All Might announced in an attempt to quiet the students down. "Therefore, you may all leave!"

With that, he was gone. In fact, Masami noticed, he seemed to be in quite the rush to get out of there. Though, she supposed it wasn't really any of her business. Perhaps he just needed to use the restroom. Besides, it's not like she could say anything.

She had fled, too.

Masami had used the hero's distraction as a means of escaping from her curious and cheery classmates. It wasn't exactly the bravest of things to do, but it's not as though Masami was known for her bravery or anything.

Upon reaching the locker rooms, Masami changed in record time and managed to get out before any of her classmates arrived. She'd really rather prefer to not be stared at any longer than she already had that day. Unfortunately, she was so focused on avoiding her class, that she forgot to pay attention to the remaining of her surroundings. So, inevitably, she, once again, ran smack dab into somebody else who happened to be roaming the hallways.

This somebody happened to be none other than Yagi Toshinori!

At least it wasn't Eraser Head... Again.

"I-I'm so s-s-sorry, Yagi-san!" Masami flailed around her arms a bit before bowing continuously at the man in front of her. Luckily, neither one of them had fallen, so it was a bit less awkward than the other times Masami had ran into someone. "I-I should have b-been attent-- paying m-more attention!"

"Ah, Young Masami!" Toshinori seemed a bit surprised at the girl's sudden appearance. Unsurprisingly, he was able to recognize her with ease considering the introduction she was given the day of the entrance exam. "Don't worry about it. I should have been paying better attention as well. Though, I have to say, I'm surprised you still remember me."

"O-of course I-I remember you!" Masami looked offended that Toshinori would even think that she would forget who he was. After all, he had been a fairly close friend of her mom's. She had met him more than once as a young child. "B-besides, you haven't changed at a-all over th-the years! If a-anything, I'm s-surprised you still r-recognize me!"

"Well, I'll be honest, if you hadn't been introduced at the exam I would have had a hard time recognizing you." It was true. Masami had changed immensely over the years. Of course, her appearance had changed, but her personality and overall demeanor had changed even more. When Masami was younger, Yagi never thought he'd see the day where she would actually stutter or be even remotely timid. Before, Masami had been quite the open and spunky child, but now, she seemed closed off and shy.

"U-understandable..." Masami sweat dropped a bit. She understood perfectly that she had definitely changed whether it was a good thing or bad. "Wh-which I'm s-sorry for not g-greeting you back at th-the exam. I j-just didn't want to d-disturb you."

"Ah, don't worry about that!" Toshinori chuckled a bit. It was still a bit strange seeing Masami act in such a manner. "But how have you been? It's been quite a while since we last met."

"O-oh, I've been f-fine." Masami stuttered out. She was having the same problem she had with Nezu. While she was a bit more comfortable being around a familiar face, she still wasn't comfortable enough to lose her stutter like she did with her close friends and co-workers. "Wh-what about you?"

At this, Toshinori let out another small chuckle.

"I've had my better days," He admitted. "But what about Akemi and your brother? How have they been? I haven't heard from your mother in quite a while."

Masami's eyes widened just slightly before she turned away with her eyes downcast. In some ways, she had been expecting this, but it didn't make her feel any better, especially considering the reasons why she had been expecting it.

"Ah..." Masami gave a small, sad smile as she refused to meet Toshinori's eyes. This wasn't exactly a topic she was pleased to talk about. "Th-they actually died a few y-years back."

This time it was Toshinori's eyes that widened. He, unsurprisingly enough to Masami, had not been expecting such news.

"I see..." His eyes returned to normal as a frown took its place on his face instead. "You have my condolences."

"Th-thank you..." An awkward silence arose as neither of them made a move to continue the conversation.

Toshinori wanted to ask more but felt that he had already overstepped his boundaries even if it had been an accident. In any case, just taking one look at Masami's face told him that it wasn't a topic he should pursue.

Luckily enough, the awkward silence was broken by the sound of Masami's name being called. Snapping their heads towards the sound, they noticed it to be Michiko. She was waving towards Masami as she ran over in their direction.

"Here you are!" Michiko exclaimed, panting a bit in exhaustion as she stopped in front of the two. She sent a slightly curious glance towards Toshinori but didn't question him and instead turned to look at Masami. "I've been looking for you everywhere! If we don't hurry up, we'll be late!"

"O-oh!" Any sign of sadness had been wiped from the brown haired girl's face as panic replaced it in its stead. Turning to Toshinori, she gave a bow before apologizing. "I-I'm sorry! I r-really need to go! It w-was nice to see you again!"

With that, she grabbed Michiko's hand and practically bolted towards her classroom.

She hated being late!


2260 words excluding A/N's

I'm not dead! Whoop! And I am now on summer vacation, so possibly more updates. I make no promises though.

Finished- 6:37 pm on May 12, 2019


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