v| taehyung

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"Hey, Jimin!" A voice shouted, stirring Jimin from his light sleep.

"Get up lazy!" The same voice rang again, bouncing off the white walls and around the near-silent room.

The orange haired boy rolled onto his back and sat up, stretching and blinking multiple times because of the bright sun rays that shone through the glass window. Outside, the weather looked lovely; lukewarm and tranquil, with a few cotton-like clouds scattered sparsely across the blue sky that Jimin could see from behind the glass.

He was always behind the glass.

"Taehyung?" Jimin grumbled, his throat slightly dry and his voice hoarse. "Why are you here so early?"

"To get up and bring you outside, of course!" The brown haired boy - Jimin's best friend - exclaimed.

"But Tae," Jimin began, his brows furrowed as he slowly moved to sit on the edge of the bed, "I've not seen you in months, why did you suddenly come and see me?"

Taehyung sighed, sitting on the bed beside the sick boy and further creasing the already messy covers. "I missed you, Jiminie. I'm sorry for leaving but you pushed me away."

It was all a little too much for the orange haired boy to take in as he processed the things his friend had just said. His voice was similar to the one laughing at him yesterday, but in a sense, it wasn't. It was Taehyung's voice - someone Jimin had missed with all of his heart since he left. He finally got to see the boy's face again, and hear his voice, to see him smile and hear him laugh.

"I've missed you Tae, its been too long." Jimin smiled sadly, emotion pooling in his earthern eyes as he looked at his best friend. It didn't once occur to him that Taehyung was here outside of visiting hours, or that Yoongi was stood outside the door waiting to come in and not interrupt the two.

So, they had a catch up. It was dreamlike; a lovely day and here he was, sat in a pristine room talking to someone he held dear and hadn't seen in several months.

There was a knock at the door, an Taehyung's face suddenly dropped. He didn't seem sad, he looked more annoyed. The brunette grumbled something to himself as he stood up from Jimin's bed and walked towards the window.

Dr.Min opened the door and smiled, "good morning Jimin. Did you sleep well?"

Jimin glanced at the window, and Taehyung was no longer there. Yet, the window was still closed and sunlight carried on streaming through it just like it had earlier. He chose to ignore this, thinking his friend had snuck in to see him. It was strange, however, because he could have just come during visiting hours.

"I slept well, thanks." Jimin finally replied as he looked back at the doctor after a lengthy amount of time staring at the glass.

still screams bc slow updates im sorrY

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