11. Sleep

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      Your eyelids were growing heavy, and sleep pulled at your brain. And you let it, it would let the pain go away for a little while.

      But you found it hard to slip away; each time you closed your eyes you were scared it was going to be the last time.

      All in all, you wanted to sleep, but you were too afraid. Thankfully, that state of dreary terror didn't last long.

      A short while later, Shiro pulled himself out of the seat. "We're at the Castle now. Can you stand up?"

      You nodded, even though you weren't too sure. It took you a minute to get on your feet. Your vision grew blurry and your head pounded as soon as you were upright.

       You tried not to wince whenever your shoulder throbbed, but it was becoming increasingly more difficult. Shiro watched you with concern, but he let you do your own thing.

      Shiro walked beside your stumbling form as you exited the lion, the crown still hanging from your bad hand. The look on your face tells Shiro not to ask about it.

       Everyone's waiting for you outside. You try your best to smile, because you were unbelievably happy to see them, but your shoulder was throwing a wrench in your mood.

      You stagger towards Hunk and Pidge. You can see Pidge's eyes tear up a bit as she launches herself towards you. She wraps her arms around you tightly, and immediately you yelp in pain. "Sorry," she apologized quickly.

       "Pidge! Careful!" Hunk warns as he carefully pulls you into a hug. It still hurt, but significantly less. "I missed you guys," you mutter into Hung's fluffy body.

       You pull back, flinching as a wave of pain hits you again. "We should take care if your shoulder," Shiro says, he stands beside Lance and Keith.

      "Please," you fail at keeping your desperateness out of your voice. You stifle a gasp when one particularly painful wave crashes over you.

      You notice that your friends looks of happiness turn to that of concern. As you follow them towards the castle, you try to walk property. It's becoming quite difficult.

      Your stomach goes fuzzy and your vision gets dark. "Keith-" you call his name, suddenly afraid of what was going to happen next. He turns to glance at you, "Hm?" His expression suddenly turns to worry.

      " I don't think-" it's hard to move your mouth to make coherent sounds now. Your eyelids were heavy. You were tired. You words come out slurred, "I don't think I'll make it to the castl-"

      You feel yourself falling, but you don't hit the ground. Keith looks down at you, fear in his eyes. You give him the weakest, reassuring smile before you black out.

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