15. Everything's okay

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     The team erupted into shouts of astonishment. "How are we doing this?" Lance yelled with glee. You grinned widely, "I don't know but let's kick ass!"

     The team howled their agreement and Voltron was off toward the ship that was previously threatening their lives. A swell of pride and relief bubbled up inside you. They'd be okay. You'd be okay. And you'd help others be okay.

Everything's going to be okay.

For some strange reason, you had a feeling of what to do. At one point during the fight, Pidge's arm plunged through the metal of the ship. You amped up Pidge's power and the arm explode with a laser.

"Whoa..." you mumbled in astonishment.

The fight was over almost as fast as it had started. The ship was easy to destroy, you hoped they'd all be easy.
You plopped down beside Hunk, carefully taking off your helmet. There was still a dull ache in your shoulder (but you didn't plan on going back to the healing pod. It was unnatural and your body could heal itself just fine).

       The two of you waited for the rest of the team to catch up. Pidge sat in front of Hunk, then Lance leaned on Hunk's shoulder.

      It made you happy, being together again. When you guys met up at the garrison for visiting days you'd all cuddle around Hunk. It was sort of tradition.

     "I missed you guys so much, you know that?" You whispered. They all gave you a sad glance, but there was a hint of understanding laced in each of their eyes. Within ten seconds, each of them had wound their arms around you.

     "We missed you too." Pidge answered back. It meant a lot to you. Few people get the chance to see Pidge as tender as she was then.

     Your eyes welled up with tears, but as the group hug broke up you whipped them away. "I love you guys so much." The sentence ended with a yawn.

     "You should get some sleep," Lance looked down at you with soft eyes. He'd been tearing up too. He glanced behind him and wrapped his arm around you protectively. He was like the big brother you never had.

     "Mmm, okay..." he guided you into the castle and you waved the team goodbye, already half asleep. "It's weird, the pod thing only made me sleepy." The words came out slurred. As the adrenaline died out, you became more and more tired.

     By the time you and Lance got to your room you were completely incomprehensible. Lance just smiled, a little "mmhmm," was mumbled occasionally.

      When you'd fallen asleep Lance leaned against your door, head in his hands. Shiro was passing by and gave him a curious glance. "Is it a good idea to have her here? It's dangerous. She could get hurt..."

     "Lance, no matter where she is, she'll be hurt. We've got a mission, an important one. I doubt she'd want to give that up because of a little pain? What she's been through proves that."

     "How...how bad do you think they hurt her?"

     "I don't know, but she'll be okay."

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