5. Reunited

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     Each of the hallways looked the same, you didn't know if you were leading this boy in circles. But each way you went felt right. You just hopped it was right.

     The walk was a long one. Along the way, a light conversation drifted between you and Keith. "What happened to your shoulder?" He asked, voice shooting through the silence.

     "A second before you came I got shot." You hummed. God that sounded so cool.

     "It doesn't hurt?" He asked, jogging a bit to walk beside you. You glance over at him.

     "Oh it hurts a lot. It feels like I'm dying, but I can't do anything about it, so why cry?" Your shoulder throbbed, and burned. But you didn't say a word. Not one. Badass was what you were going for.

      "Here," Keith stops you by sticking an arm out in front of you. You turn to face him and he rips off a piece of the shirt they put you in. It hardly made a difference because the shirt was raggedy anyway.

     He moved closer to you, and you are suddenly aware of how very cute he is. As you try to keep your mind off that specific fact, he moved your arm slightly and you gasp in pain.

      "Sorry," he mumbles as he wraps the piece of cloth around your shoulder. When he ties it you bite your lip to stop a cry of pain.

      You muttered a thanks as he pulled away. Awkwardly, you shoved your hand at him. "A formal introduction," you explained, shifting in embarrassment.

     "[y/n]," you almost whispered as you searched his face for a sign of mockery at your stupidity. Instead, there was a slight smile. "Keith,"

     You smiled and nodded, turning away shortly after. You continued walking, but hesitated to let the conversation die.

     "Can you explain the lions?"

     "Well, there are six and all of them connect and make a huge guy named Voltron. And he's super powerful and we need him to save the universe from the guys who held you prisoner, the Galra. In the words of Lance."

      Lance. Lance, I'll miss him. God, does Hunk know I'm okay? Will Pidge be fine without me, god knows I can't disappear from her too.

     Right, her. She'd told you that she was a girl a while ago, when it was just you two talking. She spoke of her father and brother, the sound of rain making the tears seem natural.

     But that was a memory for another time. "I know a guy named Lance," you mutter, sounding in a daze. You turn to look Keith in the eyes. "I won't see him again, will I? With 'saving the universe'?"

      "I don't know."

      You give him a sad, but playful smile, "Helpful," you turn back to the hallway yet again. "I feel like we're close."

     "Me too," Keith says, but he cuts himself off at the sound of feet pounding down the hallway. The two of you have the same idea, and duck behind the thick panels that jutt out of the walls.

      Your heart pounds in you chest as the footsteps draw closer. Flashes of your  previous encounters with the Galra flash across your mind. You try not to focus on them.

      How long had you been here? Immediately, your gaze snaps down to the cut you got from the lion. It was only scabbed over, so it hadn't been too long.

     The footsteps were close now. You glanced up at Keith who was directly across from you. He was holding a sword that he didn't have before, you wondered where it came from.

      As the footsteps were just in front of the two of you, Keith readied his sword. Then another human-shaped whiz of pilot flashed by.

     You could make out armor the same as Keith's but blue where his was red. Keith dropped his sword. "Lance!" He hissed, angered.

     Lance turned, and you could make out facial features of a familiar face. "Lance?" His gaze landed on you, recognition lighting up his face.

      "[y/n]!" He yelled. At that you ran towards him and almost knocked him over in a hug. "Oh my god!" You yell, but then a realization hits you. "Oh my god," all the happy draining from you.

     "You left Pidge too,"

     He looks at you confused.
     "We left Pidge and Hunk all alone."

     He smiles, "They're here,"

     "No way! I haven't hugged Hunk in forever."

     "I take it this is the Lance you know." Keith asked, leaning against the panel. You nod, "We should go. From what Keith says, we don't have much time."

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