8. Friends

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    "Hey, [y/n]?" You could hear Lance's voice coming from the dashboard. You glanced back to see his face on a holographic screen type-thing.

      "Are you okay?"

      "[y/n]! I thought we'd never see you again!" You could identify that voice as Hunk. You grabbed the crown and held it tight to your chest, attempting to free your mind of all the times you tried to find it. You looked for months after she died, and now it was here. In some lion.

     "[y/n], hey we gotta go-come on." Lance said, stress lacing his words. You couldn't stay there forever. "Right, sorry." You called as you made your way to the seat, the crown held lightly in your bad hand. Speaking of, it pulsed with pain. It was bearable. You could handle it. Right?

      "Hey guys," you greeted your friends, tucking the crown and the pain into back of your mind. "[y/n]! Why'd you disappear just now?" Pidge's face came up on the right of your dashboard.

      You tried not to look sad. "I was just looking around, sorry it took so long." Hesitantly, you moved one of the switches forward, and the lion moved forward a small bit. It took a moment for you to work out what controls did what. Even though your lion went where you wanted it too, the movements were awkward and clumsy.

     "I woulda thought you'd be better at this," Lance teased, his lion waiting for yours near the hatch.

      "Oh well, forgive me for being the only one who's never flown anything before!" You responded defensively.

      You moved the lion to follow Lance's, meeting up with Keith's outside the ship. "How's your shoulder?" Keith asked, his face popping up on the left of your dashboard.

       "Hurts like hell, but I'm not dying. So that's good," You answered. At least, I hope I'm not dying. "Once we get back to the Castle, we can patch you up." He smiled slightly, you smiled back.

        You were finally able to get a good look around you. It was kind of scary, seeing the vast abyss freckled with stars. You could float for an eternity out there, and no one would find you.

       "What happened to your shoulder?" Pidge broke you from you daze. "I got shot," your gaze subconsciously drifts over to your shoulder. You try not to worry about the blood soaking the Galra clothes.

      "You got shot? Are you okay?" Hunk yells.

      "I'm fine." You answer, though with each passing minute you were growing more and more unsure.

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