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Guardian spirit of storm

[y/n] is an introverted and reserved girl. She's not talkative around new people but can talk the ears off old friends. She warms up to people slowly; the process can be sped up with kind words and food. As long as she feels wanted she's okay. Once her friendship is gained there is no losing it. Her loyalty is her downfall in some cases. She finds the hardest thing is betraying those she cares about. She often finds her trust is misplaced and she struggles to abandon people who don't have the best intentions for her. Still, her eyes are almost always wide with awe and curiosity. You hardly ever find her frowning.

She pilots the White Lion and forms the chest of Voltron. She's responsible for protecting certain parts of Voltron and can send extra power to parts in need. She and her lion had formed an almost immediate bond and she cares for her lion like nothing else. When fighting without her lion she relies on her agility. She'd rather wait and tire her opponent out and then batter them with a rain of quick blows or hit them when least expected. The last thing she'd want to do is go head to head with her enemy and fight with pure strength.

Strength; 7 out of 20

Agility; 20 out of 20

Intelligence; 17 out of 20

White Lion

Guardian spirit of storm

This lion mirrors [y/n] in lots of ways. It ties with the Red Lion in speed. White Lion will not hesitate to use itself as a distraction. It hits hard, quickly. It relays on it's speed to dodge blows as it has the least amount of amour. This lion requires a pilot that can think as fast and can stay calm in stressful situations. This lion is constantly moving in battle to avoid getting hit, it's pilot needs to be able to keep up. The Lion also needs a pilot that will trust it and allow it to guide them. Because of all it's high standards, this lion isn't the most accepting.

Damage; 17 out of 20

Amour; 9 out of 20

Speed; 20 out of 20

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