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Garret started to sob, clutching the picture to his heart. His teardrops dripped onto the picture, making a little smudge where he was in the picture.

When he saw what he had done, he stuck the paper in his pocket and continued to sob.

Now what? He thought. Was it safe to go back?? Was mom still there?

Garret leaned his head on the wall and closed his eyes. He wanted to know if it was safe to go back.

"Somebody please tell me what to do..." He whispered.

"Come here!! Sameness is wanted upon your society..." a robotic female's voice said.

Garret opened his eyes and looked where he heard the voice come from. There was a little box with symbols all over it. Garret carefully walked over to it.

"Sameness is calling..."

He picked up the box. Did he really want to give up? Did he really choose Sameness over winning?

If he activated Sameness, then everyone from the other side would disappear.

Including Harriet. He couldn't let his sister die even though she betrayed her family.

And he wanted to avenge his parents....

Then Garret had an idea. He was going to avenge his father and mother, get Harriet to be good, and then activate it! Sounded simple enough.

Garret angrily walked back through the hallway, grabbing a gun he found on the floor. He walked to door and carefully unlocked it. He waited a few seconds, the opened the door very slowly.

He looked out to see if the coast was clear.

Then he saw someone familiar standing in front of the couch where mom had died.

"He got away," he heard a girls voice say.


Her fists were clenched, and she was staring at her "mothers" dead body.

"Take the body out back. Keep searching. We have no time to lose," she had ordered everyone.

Oh my gosh this is so scary. Garret thought. What the heck am I going to do?!

Garret was looking down at his gun, and wondering if he should use it...



Man I got chills writing this. Omg.

Well that's all I have to say so...


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