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"Let's go back eh? This was a bad idea" his voice was soft, guilty. Whipping at my tears I took a deep shaky breath "No I need to apologise, my own selfishness caused them all so much pain" I sighed covering my eyes trying to stop the tears. "Selfishness? You were grieving how is that selfish" he retorted. Matt's voice became deadly blunt. Pulling away from him, I let out a small cough trying to clear my rough throat. "Let me be alone for a while Please..." I asked quietly not rasing my head. I felt a hand gentle ruffle my hair "...sure chickadee I'll be outside you house if you need me" he stated coldly then walked off.

I watched as he walked away. He didn't seem happy about my decision yet all I wanted was to talk to someone. Who always knew how to help. Shuffling my feet along the sidewalk I soon came to the big metal gates. I never attended the funeral, I never wanted to say goodbye. Pushing open the gate, I stepped in. It creak behind me. Today seemed to be the day I was facing everything... All at once.

Looking over the gravestones I read each name. The only other person here stood with blue flowers staring over a grave. Forget-me-nots... Blonde hair. They turned on their heel their face was drawn down in a depressee glance. "..." Nothing came from their mouth yet their features seem to become less grim "(F/N) is that you?" they called. So it was him "Alfred?" I breathed. He smiled a small broken smile and jestured me to draw closer. Standing beside him I stared down at the grave. 'here lies Mathew Williams a blessing to all he knew". So this was his final resting place, my heart ached even more, it felt as if it was about to break in a million pieces yet no tears fell from my eyes. "I'm sure he's happy to see you" Alfred smiled. Gentle I placed my hand on Mathew's head stone.

Alfred placed a hand on my shoulder "here I'm sure he'll apericate them more from you" he passed me the bouquet of forget-me-nots. Staring down at the blooming life I was about to protest against Alfred yet no words would leave my mouth. Alfred just seemed to smile knowingly. Placing them down a top the grass I sighed. "I'll leave you to be.." Alfred informed.

I sat there staring at the engraved words. 'Hi Mathew' I thought I knew I wouldn't get a reply yet it seemed to set my mind at ease to try and talk to him. 'sorry I didn't visit sooner' I took a shaky breath I really couldn't keep myself together for more then 5 minutes. Bringing my trembling hand forward I brushed it against his name. 'what am I going to do with myself' I hated this feeling I never wanted to be sad around him. He hated pity. ' I've messed up a lot in the past 3 years, it all had to start with you...' I smiled lightly 'yet I've saved 2 people and finally made my way back home'. Trying to be positive I carried on telling him what's happened. ' I've met so many lovely new people and reunited with others, I've tried my best to help animals to the point were I was hated' I couldn't help but let out a small laugh at how that all failed. ' I even met your look alike though his personality is the complete opposite. He helped me through loads of  bad times whether they were big or small, if it wasn't for him I wouldn't even be... Here' my giddiness faded "I'll never forget you... No matter what happens ok?" I waited for a reassurance though I new I wouldn't get any. I sat there for awhile listening to the wind russle the leaves. The cold numbed my hands. 'I wonder if that lady at the cafe still remembers our order'. 'what if that doctor still remember your sweet words'. 'We weren't always alone like I remembered I'm sure I'm not the only one that remembers you'. 'As for Alfred I'm sure he visits you alot'. It was staring to become dark. I stood up glancing down at were I'd been sitting 'Thanks for always listening to me, love you mattie'.

Even though I knew I was alone it felt like he was listening like he always use to. I waved at were he lyed and left. Rubbing at my hands I tried to warm them. "How was it?" Alfred was stood at the gate. Had he been waiting this entire time? "Good" I smiled small. "Here I'm sure he wanted you to have this" he held his hand out to me and dropped something cold into it.

(Ta da Another chapter, the gloom is lifting XD)

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