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"...are you ok?" the sudden voice made me jump slightly in surprised, I slowly raised my eyes to be met with shades. The guy is back. The one that pi##ed them off.  I took a big huff of breath and stood up to my full height "They where looking for you" I spoke coldly "why?" I insisted. "I stopped them from killing, so they got pi##ed" he grunted leaning against a support beam. "Yeh... That's great and all.... for the animals.... but now my place is wrecked and I'm guessing that's how you got that" I sighed pointing towards his wound that was clearly reopened. My anger dieing knowing he didn't cause this for a stupid reason. He nodded. He placed a hockey stick beside himself and looked past the broken door into my cabin. I sat their watching him, the silence not at all helping to settle the anger or the want to hit the man before me.  "So you play hockey?" I asked breaking the awkward horrid feeling "Yeh..." he replied simply, he'd just caused my house to be trashed and all he can bl###y well says is 'yeh'.  My rage started building up again, now I know why I prefer being alone. I truned my back on him and returned to my shambles of a house. I picked up my phone and headphones then I started to look over the damage... Which definitely didn't help with the calming down thing. My sofa was overturned and everything that once sat apon the mantle piece was now in a clutter on the floor. Seems like they deliberately trashed it rather then 'searching' .

Well better start cleaning haven't got all night. "you forgot something..." I turned on my heel to Mr Noname he held the blade of the knife I used in his hand the handle facing towards me. "thanks" I grunted taking it and in one quick movement I shoved it's blade into the coffee table, it sat in the wood when I let go not budging , a piece of anger leaving with it. He was still their watching me like a hawk when I turned back around  "do you need anything?" I snapped.  "do you have any boards of wood?" he raised a brow, why the hell would he want wood "for the door...." he carried on. "yeh should do though I'll have to fix that tomorrow " I sighed turning on him I sat down next to the pieces of shattered glass and started collecting them. With my anwser his foot steps seemed to fad away and leave, I placed my headphones back in with a sigh. After what felt like hours most of the house was back to normal. Now to deal with the problem of blocking the door way so no animals come wondering in. I headed to the door wanting to get the job done and over with so I could just go to sleep only to find a familiar blonde hammering away. His shades sat on his head bringing his hair back the lumber jack top was tied round his waist showing me his bandages that where soaked in blood. He really had no idea when it comes to looking after himself does he? I was shocked he was still here let alone what he was doing. He was fitting a new door... so he didn't just F### off. I looked over the new door very simple,  rustic even. Did he make it from scratch?

His head seemed to turn towards me qouestioningly. "Did you make that door?" I qouestioned "no I brought it .... Yes I god Da#n made it" he stated seeming agitated. "You do know your bleeding quite a bit their bud" I pointed out, he looked down lazily and shrugged his shoulders "I don't care it's just a bit of blood". I gave him the are you serious look...  He's going to die easily with an attitude like that. "well I'll rebanage it if you want" I offered feeling bad at how rude I was earlier. "No I can do it myself" he denied turning back round and hitting some more nails in the doorframe. "ok Mr Moody I'll go out and play with kuma he's more fun any way" I spoke sarcastically, he gave me a thrown. "my names matt" he mumbled did he just introduce himself?"matt huh? I'm (F/N) and I'm goanna be changing that for you consider you don't seem to know what your doing" I sighed pointing to his wound. "whatever"'he grumbled. I went to go get out my med kit again and sat it by the stool I used earlier.

I walked up to him he was checking the door swinging it on its hinges "Thanks for the door and all you didn't have to do it you know" I smiled lightly, "I owe you one..." he sighed " I fitted the old lock so your key should still work" he mumbled. I walked up to him and too my new door I took it form his hand shut it and pulled out my key to check his theory, I clicked the lock and it works perfectly. "perfect" I smiled "cheers, I've never seen someone make a door from scratch before" I praised impressed how he'd made this in some hours. I unlocked it again "it's was nothing really" he rubbed at the back of his neck seeming embarrassed at his achievement. "As your done…why don't you take a seat on the stool so I can dress the wound" I suggested pointing to where I'd set up. "k" he replied simply shoving his hands in his pockets, he walked over taking a seat. I kneeled next to him and undid my earlier now lose bandage. The blood not helping peel it from his skin, awkwardness seem to wash over me this was so much easier when he was knocked out. I placed the bandage to the side "sit up straight" I ordered he stopped slouching and did as I said. I examined the wound remembering this morning… so much has happened since then. The wound was sore and was clotting slowly half my stitches where gone, he really does suck when it comes to wounds. I pulled out my needle and thred. He looked at me qouestioningly "I need to re-stich it" I replied simply moving closer so I could see what I was doing, he moved back  sitting right of the edge of the tiny stool. "Matt are you trying to fall of that stool" I laughed as he wobbled on the edge. "I can't fix you up if you keep moving" I sighed he let out a grumble and positioned himself in the middle of the stool once more. "This will hurt a tad" I warned placing in the first stitch he didn't even flinch he just sat their a still a stone. A tied the end of the thin thred and turned on my bent knees towards my kit "this is goana sting alot" I sprayed antiseptic apon the sore threaded together skin he flinched this time his jaw clenching. He growled lowly reminding me much of his bear "Hey,  I'm only trying to help no need to growl" I mumbled pulling out bandage I placed my cold hand holding the bandage in place on his warm stomach then wrapped it around intill it was tight enough to tie properly.  I looked up happy to be done,  I was surprised to see violet eyes so close,  that's when I relized I knelt between his legs and awefully close to his face. "Ah...Sorry!" I pushed back getting some space between us. He looked down at his newly dressed wound "you really know what ye doin eh?" he stated "well of course I do, I was studying to become a doctor" I scoffed more to my self then him sarcasm dripping from my words. "if so why you out here?" he raised a brow hearing my response "...reasons" he doesn't actually wanna know,  the past is in the past, after all I'm here because of that past. I let out a big sigh picking up my heavy kit from the floor and returned to its place.  I returned to find him packing up what looked like a tool kit he moved stiffly because of my bandaging .

"bye" he grunted opening the door and leaving without even any warning "goodbye don't reopen the wound" I shouted after him "Thank you!" .

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