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"(F/N)?" a voice mumbled turning in my sleep I shot up right when a pain surged through my leg. "I'm leaving before the police get here are you joining me." The lazy words fell on a tired mind as my vison fazed the figure infront of me. "Are you ok?" shaking my head I fell backwards back on the couch. A sigh dragged as I closed my eyes. "You've lost to much blood..." he breathed through gritted teeth. "Come on" with those words I was hoisted up held my strong unfaltering arms. Placed in my useual seat my eyes fazed through the glass my home wavering with my vison. "Hold on ok don't you dare fall back to sleep" my hand was tightly grabbed as if to remind me I was still breathing. "Matt... I'll be fine I just feel light headed." I lied not want to go to a hospital back to the hell I seemed to escape all those years ago. "No matter what you say I'm taking you anyway" he stated flatly meaning I had no chance in convincing him otherwise. Whenever I closed my eyes I'd receive a small squeeze of the hand or a shake to reawaken me. The hospital was apparently 2 towns away and would take 45 minutes to get to but it felt more like 3 hours before Matt carried me through those glass doors. As soon as the receptionist and waiting patients saw me the room was sent into a spiralling panic as I was placed on a stretcher and wheeled away behind doors to a bleach white room.

A hand also held onto mine as laided there. I was hooked up to countless machines as qouestions were sent my way. Answering every single one I longed for sleep. Needle were jab into my arm to sooth the pain and help me recover. All the nurses and doctors faces became a blue against the background. Glancing up at a blood bag I let out a shallow sigh. Soon they'd be asking the real qouestions like why I had the wound in the first place. Matt was staring at me intensely as if he looked away I might fade from existence. Squeezing his hand I was strangely happy he was worried about me. No matter what I couldn't hold a grudge against him not after everything he's done and does for me. He was my saviour. I think about how he lacks to look after himself but I'm exsactly the same we both look after each other.

"can I sleep now?" I asked him for permission. He paused for a moment before nodding lying back I was all to easily consumed by sleep everything becoming peaceful and the scatter of footsteps checking on me echoed around my bed.

Jolted from my sleep shouting pirced my ears. "He's in there!" shouts erupted. Matt looked worried as footsteps drew closer. "I love you ok and no matter what never forget those words" he ordered before I could ask what was going on I was given a kiss as the door was smashed open and padded officers dragged Matt from me. Struggling he gave me that last soft glance with those mystical violet eyes before he was forcefully removed from the room. The sudden chaos sent me in a daze. "No!" I scream jumping from my bed only to crumple to my knees as my leg gave out, countless equipment clattered to tell floor. "Matt!" I called. He was gone. Matt was gone what was I going to do? I won't lose him. I pledged to myself as tears stung at my already raw cheeks. He'd given his freedom to make sure I was ok...

( liking it sorry this is short but next update is going to be quite the Biggy so just giving you a small taster before the end XD. The real qouestion is will you get Matt back? Also after this I'm going me only working on my undertale book so why not give it a quick peek if your bored don't feel presumed though. Cheers guys byes)

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