Hot Mess

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Hot, I felt so hot I could feel beads of sweat forming on my forehead. What happened? My head still had a slight heavy feeling. I remember falling in snow. Hushed angery voices and a rawring fire played in my ears. I pryed my tired eyes open. I was on the couch in Matt's cabin Kuma was lying right by the couch. canconned in blankets made it hard to move around . Fidgeting I tried to sit up. Hearing a small growl I turned my attention to the bear he was looking straight at me with his beady black eyes then let out a loud ear piercing rawr . "Kuma what the f#ck are you doing she's sle-" the front door flung open and I turned my head to Matt who looked slightly surprised. Al budge past him "Doll I was so worried! Why did you leave outta no where?" Al threated pulling me into a hug. "Sorry... I wanted some peace... Um Al why are you here?" I qouestioned not understand why my best mate had just appeared out of no where and crash matt's car. He clenched his jaw "how more peaceful would this this be you already  live in a the middle of the da#m woods and I came to see you" he breathed I know fully well he wouldn't come all the way out here just for me and how did those two know each other it wasn't like a strangers going to start threaten you unless you did something really horrendous. "Oh ok..." my head still felt like a ton of bricks where stacked apon it so I dropped asking why he was actually here for now. "So how do you two-" I was cut short "unluckily he's my brother" Al scorned pointing up at the blonde. Who didn't seem fased in the slightest "You ok?" Matt qouestioned ignoring Al. "Yeh... Um can I have a wet cloth please?" I asked unwrapping myself from the layers trying to cool down. Matt left in search for a cloth. Al wore a scowl and took a seat next to me. "So I heard you fell in the lake doll" he stated trying to start up a conversation. I shivered at the mention of the recent memory "y-yeh" I anwsered. "I'm glad you're alright though..." his red eyes bored into mine as he reached to my face "it's my fault your face is all torn up" the softness of his voice shocked me. I almost forgot about getting hit with all that smashed glass I rose my hand to my face the thin cuts stung under my fingertips. I wanted to see my reflection to check the damage but it didn't feel as bad as I expected . "I'll live" I sighed nonchalantly which made his useual cheeky smirk spring to his face "How about some icecream to say sorry?" he pulled me into a side hug  "No thanks I've think I've been frozen enough today" I laughed . I heard an angery growl as water droplets fell on my face I looked up to see that the damp cloth I had asked for and been chucked at Al's face he jumped to his feet and chucked it too the floor turning too Matt "What the F### was that for" He hissed "you where pissing me off" Matt growled. They where fighting again I decided to ignore it and reached down for the cloth. I picked it up and placed it on my head only to let out a small hiss of pain as ever single cut stung from the water. I kept the cloth on my forehead and delt with the pain as it cooled down my forehead. I slowly rose from the couch as threats where thrown between the brothers, looking at them both I had a small hunch Al's hair once use to be blonde like matt's. To be fair on first glance I would never believe them to be related but now I was told finding it easier to see the similarities. Such as the anger they both processed. I walked past them as they started getting physical; Matt picking  Al up by the collar as they shouted insults between eachother. I walked into the chilly bathroom and strolled to the small mirror that hung on the wall over the sink. My hair was a mess it had dreid in awkward positions and stuck up in all directions. Dried blood trails fell from the many cuts most had scabbed over. I looked a complete and utter mess I decided to clean myself up.  I opened the door to the bathroom and took a step out "Matt can I borrow a towel or two". Matt had Al under his arm in a head lock while Al was hitting at his ribs. Matt raised his head "yeh sure there in the cupboard in the bedroom" he replied. "Al please let up on his stomach area, I'm not fixing it again" I sighed walking into the bedroom only to hear a load groan and a ton of curse words from matt "You hit me in the Di####  you #3(?;7;!;().8:!;#" I let out a small laugh as I searched through the cupboard at  least it wasn't the stomach area. Soon I found some and retreated to the bathroom "Getting in the shower" I called. "Can I join ye doll" Al shouted back the pervy b#stard. "No" I replied face plaming he really never changes. I locked the door just in case and stepped into the shower. Luckily I had brought my own shampoo, conditioner and showergel so I didn't have to borrow any. The warm water numbed my skin and soothed my cuts. A massive bruise was around my stomach probably from the airbag earlier. I felt so tired after all that hade happened today.  I'd fallen into a death trap only to have my life saved by Matt I really need to pay him back for that.... Then I was in a car crash all because of Al. The Ar#e. I'd been sleeping like a lot for most of the day. So much frightening things had happened  that I would be normally threting about yet some how I felt unusually relaxed here it reminded me how I use to feel at home, I wonder how the family's doing. A sudden sadness washed over me. Why is it ever time I think of them I can't help but think of him?

(sorry for lack of update still have a ton to do N soz it's a bit of a filler it's hard still to move on with thsi story always got my mocks out the way soon I'm goanna be doing my actually exams as soon as there done I'll probably go back to normal routine)

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