BATMAN!... And new character?

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So, I'm on Pinterest and I have fallen in love with Batman with kids, like...

Looks at this!

Not such a big tough guy, are you?

Just a big softie for kids!


But then, I got inspired to make a new character... Which allows me to summon Supergirls456 !!!

So, what if it's a normal day at the Tower when Sammy, who happens to be passing by the elevator, sees the elevator door open to reveal a fourteen year old, holding a letter and a small bag (Said fourteen down below!)

(Just ignore the lady tattoo and the choker necklace, also the earrings.)
The girl stares at Sammy with wide eyes before she shyly holds out the letter.

The letter explains her name is Alexa and she had abusive, criminal parents. Seeing as Batman/Bruce already adopted a lot of Robins, he didn't want her to feel alone when there was mostly men at the Wayne Manor. So Batman had sent Alexa there with the few essentials and personal belongings she had so the Teen Titans can help raise her and even protect her if it comes to the worse.

The letter also stated that due to the abuse from her parents and the fact she never left the house before Batman rescued her, Alexa had a childlike innocence, could easily break down of she feels like she might get hurt like her parents used to hurt her, and needed to be carefully watched after.

When Sammy would look up at Alexa, she would find her sitting on the floor of the elevator, sucking her thumb as she cuddled a worn out teddy bear.

This is what she is wearing, just without the bracelet.

How would Sammy react first off? (*whispers* I also wanna do this in a roleplay, just because I fell in love with this girl while writing this.)

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