Optimistic Child

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"Hi! My name is Lukey!"
The boy giggles as he grins excitedly.


"I am thirteen!"


(Lukey is very bright, cheerful and sweet. He is always excited to meet new people and will talk to anyone on the streets. Probably why it was so easy to grab him, due to him being so naive and trusting. He is obedient and likes being praised if he does something good, but he also is pretty intelligent, so he knows quite a bit, not only from school, but also from his father, the chief of police, telling him what to do in bad situations. Which is one reason why he is so cheerful!)

(Freddie Highmore from Arthur and the Invisibles)


"My Daddy and Mummy played with me all the time! I go to a good school and Mummy helped me with homework! And Daddy taught me what to do when in a bad situation, but I know Daddy can save me from anything! Including scary monsters!"
Lukey giggles brightly, grinning as he tilts his head with his eyes closed.
(Well, that's kinda it.
Lukey was raised well, his parents making sure he was happy and healthy while spending time with him.
Lukey loved learning at school, so his mother would help him with homework and, when he asked for it, she would teach him a little extra, seeing as she was a qualified teacher.
However, due to Lukey's friendliness, his father had to teach him about bad situations and how to keep calm or escape them if possible.
He never knew he would need these skills until he talked to the wrong stranger on the street when his mother was buying them lunch at the market...)


Has an allergy to peanuts and due to this, always has an Epipen on him ☀
☀ Mentioned before, but his father is the chief of police ☀
☀ Lukey will most likely read or write his own stories (might illustrate as well) if he is given the stuff to do so ☀

I hope this works!

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