Random OCs

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Okay, so I am meant to be working on homework, but I currently can't think so I made four random OCs I would like to develop a story line with. What's gonna happen is two photos will be put up with two of the OCs. I'll have a name and basic personality and if you wanna RP with them, you're gonna have to choose one of the OCs, not make your own.

So, here are the female OCs I made first:

So, the girl in purple is Princess Leah of the Pedian kingdom.

She is a sweet, optimistic girl who believes in good conquering all. Leah is also quite emotional, so she may need a shoulder to cry on, even if she tries to hide it (which she will try do, even though she fails). She has a kind heart and cares about others more then herself, but due to her naive and innocence, she is easily tricked into kidnapping, one of the main reasons she stays in the castle unless going to visit her dear friend, and love...


Th girl in blue is Princess Amena of the Vaepia Empire.

Amena is a strong and independent girl, unafraid to speak her mind and to say the honest truth, no matter how brutal it may be. However, she is aware of other people's emotions and will try to comfort if she upsets someone if she does say something too honest, or she will try her best to speak carefully. She can be loving and protective of those she holds dear to her heart, and she isn't afraid to fight if anyone that even thinks of hurting Leah.

Next couple:

The boy in white is Flaviu, prince of the Roman Empire.

Flaviu is a shy and angelic boy, being gentle and forgiving towards people but he does know how to be strong when need be. He loves being somewhere quiet and calm when he doesn't have his duties and likes to see people being treated fairly, meaning he may arrest people during his walks through the town.

The boy in black amour is Dominicus, head guard for the Roman Empire.

Dominicus is a serious yet still friendly man, able to smile at others. He is guarded (Heh, get it?!) and protective of his past, and a protective man over his prince, who he is in charge of protecting until the day he dies. This shows he is loyal to the end, staying with who he cares about and protecting them to the end. He can get angered but will try to calm himself in front of his prince. Talking about his prince, he is very flirty, comfortable and playful with Flaviu, wanting to see his prince happy and well.

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