Love Drunk

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We walked out of our room and into the living room. My nephew, Luke, ran up to me and jumped in my arms to hug me. He just turned 2 years old and I've basically raised him since he was 2 months old.

In the living room was Gabriel, my brother. Gabe already had a beer in his hand. He's been drinking a lot more since his divorce. Him and his ex wife had dated back in high school meaning they'd been in each other's lives for about 10 years so it was hard for him to let go even though she treated him and their son like shit.

"Hey kiddo, you look like shit," Gabe laughed. He was not very tall but not short and his belly jiggle when he laughed.

"Hey I could say the same for you, how ya been asshole," I hugged my brother with the baby still in my arm. Gabe just shrugged.

Daddy stood up from his recliner and started toward his coffee pot. Daddy was a tall man with once black now silver hair. Daddy is 1/4 Cherokee and it showed in his dark complexion. Daddy was soft spoken but if you ever did hear him yell, run.

Momma is a short round woman with a tan from her tanning bed than she was so proud of. Her bottle blonde hair was permed.

Gabe was shorter than Daddy but taller than me. He had thin blonde hair and a thick long well kept beard.

Kiara was shorter than my whole family at only 5'2, I'm 5'7 and taller than Momma and Sammy, but still pretty short compared to my cousins and Daddy.

"Is Sammy comin? I know she's avoided everyone since she got hitched. She still think we'll shoot that piece of crap she's with?" Elliot asked Momma and Daddy.

"I recon she's a comin," spoke Daddy.

"If she does I hope she dresses up a little, last time she was here she looked homeless," Momma smarted off than looked to me. "Luna, Kiara is in such a pretty dress, why do you always wear those ratty shirts with the sleeves cut off and blue jeans?"

"Momma don't start a fight you're gonna lose," I glared at her. I was in a white t-shirt with a bald eagle on it that said freedom is in my blood, wore blue jeans, and my classic camo hat. Kiara had on a red white and blue sun dress and had my American flag sunglasses on her head.

"Cassie leave her alone," Daddy's tone was stern.

"Beau, why can't our daughter look pretty for once?"

"I said lay off, Cassie. It's a BBQ with family. Her and Kiara will probably go muddin with the kids later anyway. If anything I'd hate for Kiara to mess up suck a pretty dress havin fun." Daddy was right. I almost always ended up riding my four wheeler just to get away from everyone anytime family was over.

"Should I change," Kiara whispered to me.

"No, you look beautiful," and I squeezed her hand. She blushed.

"I go ridin, Sissy," Luke said to me.

"Later baby I promise," I kissed him and put him down. "Is JD, Brice, and Jordan coming?"

"Yes, all of your brothers will be here," Momma said with joy. Brice, JD, and Jordan weren't really our brothers but we took them in when I was 6 months old, their biological mother was a cocaine addict and they each have different dads, and we had always know each other has family.

"So I'll get to meet the whole family huh?" Kiara spoke shyly.

"Yep. Momma did you stock up on alcohol and weed?"

"Yes ma'am, I did. Anything for my boys." She smiled at Gabe. Anything for her boys but fuck her two daughters.

Later when the guys all got there we ate, drank alcohol, played pool, rode four wheelers, shot off 2000 dollars worth of fireworks, and passed a blunt around the size of two rolls of quarters. By 3am I was completely fucked up.

Kiara had stayed mostly sober minus a couple beers and she dragged me to our room. She had a wild look in her eye like we were about to do something that we both had talked about for a long time.

"I want you." She breathed locking our bedroom door.

"What?" Even drunk and high this shocked the hell out of me. Kiara had been raped by her older cousin for years and when she moved in with me her boyfriend, Aris, told her I'd do the same thing to her. I'd never hurt her and now she was asking me to have sex with her.

"Aris, called me earlier and said he can't stand the thought of me here with you. He keeps acting like an ass all cause I moved in here and now I'm sick of fighting my feelings for you." She grabbed the top of my jeans and kissed me, passionately. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her hair back in my fist. I started sucking and nibbling at her neck.

"If this is what you really want then let's do it," I wasn't sure if it was me or the whiskey talking but what ever it was I wanted her. I pushed her back on her twin sized bed, with her legs hanging off I pulled her panties down and put a knee over each of my shoulders. I licked and sucked her perfect little clit as she moaned and begged for me to keep going. I took two fingers and slid them into her and she gasped and moaned louder. Fuck she tasted so good. She came screaming my name and I didn't give two fucks if my family heard, most of them were outside at the bonfire or had went home anyway. Her juices dripped from my face. "Strip you little slut," I said pulling off my own shirt. She pulled off her dress and her bra as I grabbed a dildo that went inside of me but also went into her like a strap on. I pulled off my pants, thong, and bra, leaving me fully naked. I grabbed a 3 inch diameter butt plug and told her to put it in her mouth to lube it up. She spit and swirled her tongue around it as she was told and I bent over for her to put it in me. "Slowly, little girl." She did as instructed and I moaned as she pushed it in my rectum. I put the dildo inside my soaked pussy so I would feel every single thrust I'd go into her.

She laid on her back and I put a pillow above her head so she wouldn't hit the wall. Without warning I slammed full force into her and she moan biting down on my tattoo shoulder. As I thrusted deep into her I bit her breast and licked circles around her erect nipples. I rubbed her clit coving my hand in her cum. I took my pointer and middle finger and rammed them into her mouth quieting her moans. "See how good you taste?" I growled between moans. She nodded her head. Sweat poured from us both as we fuck faster and harder for an hour.

She came a total of five times, eyes rolling back into her skull. Pleased with myself I finally came undone and released the tight ball forming in my lower stomach. Once finish I pulled out of her and she quivered. I pulled out the anal plug and the dildo and placed them in a towel to be cleaned in the morning. I covered her beautiful naked body that was tired and shaking with a blanket, unlocked the bedroom door, then climbed into my bed above her.

Ah shit that was amazing. Bet Aris never got her like that. She's mine damn it. Fuck we'll probably both regret that in the morning... or maybe we won't. Daddy's gonna kill me if he finds out.

I fell asleep with these thoughts in my head and the next morning neither or us regretted anything but Kiara was still with Aris. Because of this we agreed that her cheating was wrong and that we couldn't do again unless the two of them broke up. We did continue to flirt however and pretend as though nothing happened that amazing night. We went to work all the same as we had before and with a month we had to go back the the hellish prison of high school, but now we were seniors.

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