chapter 2

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Sitting on the couch of their new house in Seoul, when Haejin's mom said "Baby I got your admission procedure done at bangtan high school" to which she replied "ok from when I have to go "
"You can start from Monday or if you want you can start tomorrow, "Haejin's mom said,
"Hmm I will start tomorrow " Haejin replied,
"Ok then I am going to a business meeting don't forget to have your lunch," said Mom,
"Hmm bye " replied Haejin.

Haejin's mom left for her business meeting,
As soon as her mom left haejin changed her clothes, not forgetting to hide her rare red color eyes, locking the door of their apartment, she start exploring the city.

Going from here to there walking on streets with headphones plugs and enjoying her own company.

Suddenly she felt the urge to drink something not interested in water and a cold drink she starts finding random people who can fulfill her thirst.

From far she saw a boy bullying a girl more like Harassing her, not leaving a second she wore her mask and run toward them,

Punching direct the face of that guy making him fall, she whisper to the girl to run away, as soon as that girl left, the boy get up to punch Haejin,
But Haejin stopped his move and punch him direct in his chest making him spill blood.
She took him to a deserted area as she got a nice big meal for herself.

After completing her thirst and hunger she cleaned herself and move back to her house.

Next day

Haejin was ready for her first day at the new school, wearing a black color hoodie with black cargo pants, black boots,
Tying her hair in a ponytail she moves downstairs to have her breakfast.

Sitting in front of her mom they both were eating their breakfast silently when her mom spoke "Dear I want to talk with you after you come back from school" to which she replied, "ok".

After finishing her breakfast she walks toward her school,
Walking in the corridor and listening to students' gossip she was finding the principal office when a girl stops her saying "Hey you are new here do you need any help".
Staying alone from stating she doesn't have a habit to speak to strangers and asking for help she replied "No I am okay" saying that she starts walking when that girl holds her hand and said "Oh come on you are finding a principal office, come I will take you " without letting haejin reply she starts dragging her.

Soon she stop in front of the gate and said "This is the principal office, I will wait for you here we will go together to class then " After listening to her haejin moved inside.

After taking her timetable she came out and saw that girl waiting for her,

As soon as the girl saw her she said "Oh you came, come on show me your schedule" After listening to her Hae-jin said "You can go to your class I can find one myself"

"You are very introvert I guess, come on I will help you," she said there taking the paper from her hand and start reading "Woah we have the same classes, come on let's go " After saying this girl start dragging  Haejin with her.

As they reach class they both sat at the last seat "Oh shoot I didn't even introduce myself, I am Lisa and I am 16 years old and you " After listening to her Haejin said in a calm yet cold tone "Haejin 15 years old" 
Lisa just nobbed her head thinking that Haejin might be not comfortable,
Soon a teacher came and told Haejin to introduce herself.

After 3 classes it was now lunchtime
Lisa again holds Haejin's hand and starts taking her to the cafeteria.

They sat at the table where 3 girls were sitting,
Seeing more girls there haejin thought to leave but Lisa stopped her and said "hey haejin meet my best friends and besties meet haejin she is new here "
"Oh hello haejin I am Jisso eldest of the group " replied a girl with long silky hair and an angel smile,
"Hello I am Rose," said a girl with brown hair,
"And you know me I am the youngest " replied Lisa
After listening to all their introduction and getting good vibes from them haejin decided to introduce herself and said
"I am Haejin 15 years old "

All three girls started eating and talking to each other and trying their best to evolve Haejin

Soon after 5 minutes, everyone started shouting,
Looking in the direction of the shouting haejin saw 2 boys fighting mercilessly as soon as she saw the fight a smirk formed on her face, being a fight lover she can't miss any fight

Haejin start going towards the boys who were fighting when Jisso stop her saying "Haejin don't go there those boys are the bad boys of school",
Listening to bad boys she got interested to know more about them and said
"Can you tell me more about them"
To which Rose replied "Sure",
As soon as Haejin listen sure from Rose, she sat in her seat ready to listen.

And then Jisso started "That guy from the bunny face is a member of BTS the bad boy group at school and he is the youngest his name is Jungkook, and there are a total of 7 members
Kim Seokjin is the oldest of the group he is also known as the worldwide handsome of the group,
Kim Yoongi is the 2nd oldest he is introverted and looks like a cat, he is very dangerous when angry,
Kim Namjoon is 3rd oldest he is the smartest in the group,
Kim Hoseok is the 4th oldest he has a very beautiful smile but he shows it rarely, he is very dangerous when angry,
Kim Jimin is the 3rd youngest, he is small in height but he is very cute,
Kim Taehyung 2nd the youngest, and he has very bad anger issues but he is also very handsome,
And kim jungkook the youngest "
As soon as Jisso completed the introduction Rose spoke "Eonnie you forgot the main thing they all are siblings"
then haejin replied "Siblings woah their dad must have a lot of fun "
"Yeah" replied Lisa.

After School

Haejin reached her house and saw her mom sitting on the couch,
"You are early today," said Haejin
"Oh yes sweetie you go and get fresh then come I wanna talk with you," said her mom.

Haejin goes to her room changed her clothes and comes to the living room.

"Mom I am here," said Haejin,
"Oh sweetie come to sit," said Mom.

Haejin sat beside her mom and looked toward her indicating for her to continue.

"Sweetie actually umm  ..yeah .. actually I have a boyfriend," said Mom,
"Hmm ok " replied Haejin,
"You are not angry or against it," said Mom,
"No, you are alone for a long time since your husband left you, so I don't have any problem " replied Haejin,
"Ohh sweetie you are so understanding," said her mom while pinching her cheeks.

"Anything else," said Haejin,
"I wanna get married to him we both love each other a lot and he also has 7 sons " said mom,
"Marry ..umm I Don't have any problem till they don't interfere with my personal space  " replied Haejin.

"And he invited us for dinner in his house today, will you please come," said Mom,
"Hmm ok I will " replied Haejin.


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