>Chapter 1<

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"Harrrrryyyy!" Is the first thing I hear as I walk up to the hell hole *cough* school door.

"Good morning to you too, Niall!" I smile as he kisses my cheek.

Niall Horan has been my best friend since as long as I remember. He's a cool lad with an extremely a bubbly and cheery personality all the time. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Horan own some textiles company which I don't know very well about, but they are amazing people. They feed me like there's no tomorrow, everytime I visit them.

Niall and I walk to my locker, hand in hand as I smile and wave to the people who call my name, saying Hi and Hello and Good morning. I don't even know half of this crowd, but not responding to their greetings would be kinda rude. Which I'm not. My parents always taught me to be good to everyone and to treat people with kindness. I follow their words and do just that until someone tries step on my gown.

"You look gorgeous today!" Niall says out of nowhere and I look at him in confusion, but all he does is smile.

"Thanks, Ni. You look good as well." I say, shutting my locker. He has always been like this towards me ever since middle school. He keeps complimenting me for every little thing and in the beginning, I thought that he was a just a friendly boy when he'd get too touchy, but then I noticed that he was that touchy just with me. Maybe because I'm his best friend, I had told myself.

"Awww! Thank you, Hazzy." He blushes.

"Of course, Ni. Anyway you said I look gorgeous today. So what about other days?" I joke, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Other days? Well, someday you look cute, someday you look smart, someday you look hot, someday you look sexy-" he stops with wide eyes and blushes.

"Aww, Ni! Thank you! You're the bestest friend I could ever ask for." I smile and for a second, I see a wave of sadness cross his features but then he is smiling again. I don't get it though.

Did I tell you I'm good at reading people? A wave of emotion cross their face, even for a second, I still can see it. But sometimes I don't see the reason behind them. Like I saw sadness in Niall's eyes. Just for a second, but it was still there and I don't know the reason.

The loud bell pulls me out of my thoughts and I start walking down the hallway with Niall. On the way I meet my other best friend, Liam Payne.

Liam is a smart guy. He's mostly serious but can be funny at times. He's like a dad who makes Niall and I study and behave. He's always there to keep an eye on us. He is that one friend who will bail you out of jail and then scold you. And Niall, on the other hand, is the one who'll be sitting in the cell beside you saying 'that was fun'.

"Hey, Li!" I hug him and Liam smiles before kissing my cheek.

"Hey, beautiful!" He says as he pulls away.

"Oof! You guys are gonna kill me with those names one day." I wipe my fake tears.

We all laugh while walking to our classes and soon enough, Niall goes in the other direction for his class, but not before kissing me on the cheek. I laugh and wave him goodbye.

"He kisses you a lot." Liam states as we walk towards our class, side by side.

"Yeah. He's a cuddle bear." I smile.

"Only with you though. He doesn't go around kissing me or any other person. Only you." He says. "And I don't like it." He mutters under his breath which makes me frown.

"Liam? Are you jealous?" I ask, already knowing the answer.

"Jealous?" He laughs bitterly "Yeah, maybe. Because he can't seem to keep his hands and eyes off of the boy I'm in love with. Hmm... Maybe I'm jealous."

"Li... You know I-"

"I know you don't feel the same, Harry. I know it, okay? It's just I can't help it. I love you and it hurts me to see someone else touching you or looking at you that way." He frowns and I just move forward before wrapping my arms around him.

"I'm sorry, Li. I'm sorry that I don't feel the same for you, but one day you'll find someone who will. I can promise you that." I kiss his cheek.

"Yeah. It's alright. You don't hate me, right? Still best friends, right?"

"For-ever!!" I sing and smile.

"Boys, are you both coming in?" Ms. White, our English teacher, asks from the doorway of the classroom.

Liam and I look at each other before bursting into a fit of laughter and walking in the class.

"Thank you for at last entering the class boys." Ms. White narrows her brown eyes at us but she's not mad. I can tell because she's my favourite teacher and it's hard to make her mad at such a small thing.

"We cannot afford to miss a beautiful lecture from you, now can we, Ms. Snow White?" I ask cheekily.

"Ms. White." She corrects but smiles, knowing my next comment since it happens almost everyday.

"But you're as pretty as Snow White though." I pout with wide eyes.

"And you're as silly as a dwarf though." She laughs.

I pout further and take my seat to which she smiles and shakes her head. It's not that I flirt with her... okay maybe. But it's just playful. I respect her.

She's a combination of smart, professional, friendly, open-minded, understanding, beautiful and a cool teacher. She jokes and entertains the class while teaching, making the lessons more fun while she uses fun tactics that make the lesson stick in our minds. Most of the guys have a crush on her as she is the youngest and the most prettiest teacher in this school. She's very friendly to her students and helps them in every way. Whether you need a tutor or a therapist or a friend to talk to or even a relationship advisor, She. Is. There.

"Hey, Harry!" Someone whispered behind me and I turn around and smile at my Friend, Ashton Irwin.

"Hey, Ash. What is it?" I whisper back.

"Did you see it?" He wriggles his eyebrows with a glint of mischief in his eyes.

"See what?" I frown in confusion.

"Your hubby posted a new pic!" He smirks.

"What!? He did?" I ask with wide eyes and a wide surprised smile.

"Yes! And he looks fucking sexy!!" He says, almost drooling.

"Oh my god! I need to see-"

"Mr. Styles! Stand up!" I hear Ms. White's voice order. "Mind sharing the news?" She quirks an eyebrow at me as I stand up.

"Yeah. It's about my crush. He just posted a-"

"No! Not again! Thank you! Please, sit back down!" She exclaims, trying to dismiss me already.

"But aren't you interested in my love-"

"Obsession! It's not love, Mr. Styles. Going crazy over a picture of this guy, as in the son of a gangster, is obsession." She crosses her arms.

"Son of a gangster, Ms. Snow White! Isn't that hot?" I ask with wide eyes, almost drooling over him.

"And dangerous!" She shots back.

"And sexy!" Totally drooling.

"And stupid." She shrugs.

"You're no fun, Ms. Snow White. When are you falling asleep, by the way." I tease.

"When the Witch comes into the scene." She smirks.

"Come on, Eleanor! Give her an apple and set us free from the lecture!" I turn to Eleanor Calder, another one of my friends, who jokingly gives me a dirty look.

"Shut up, Harold! Don't know about the apple, but you might lose your berries." She laughs.

"Oops!" I laugh as well.

"Alright! Silence if you still want me to work here and not get fired." Ms. White jokes, but the class falls quiet anyway. I guess we really do love her and don't want her to get fired.

"So...this chapter..."


"Okay.. So this form says you and your friend need an urgent admission. But sir, I know your dad and your name on this form is not real. It's illegal. I cannot g-" the principal is cut off by a feeling of a cold metal on his head.

"We need an urgent admission in this fucking school. You should be glad, but instead you're trying to be difficult. Do you even know, saying no to me is a death wish?" He says rubbing the gun harshly against the principal's head.

"I-I'm s-sorry, sir! I-I'll approve the admission. You can- you can join from tomorrow." The principal stutters.

"Good. Tomorrow... " he smirks and leaves the principal's office.



So that's the first chapter. Thoughts on it?

Keep on voting and commenting for dedications and follows.

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