>Chapter 62<

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Chapter dedications to Ditza_Lou_Bear ♥️

Leilani and Harry laugh loudly as they get out of the car and Harry lift the girl on his back, giving her a piggy back ride. Leilani tickles Harry's neck, both of them laughing hysterically, but then they suddenly pause to look at the fair in awe.

Louis gets out, locks the car and stands beside the duo. He stares at them, wonderstruck as the bright lights of the fair illuminates both the pairs of their green eyes. He stands there gazing at them, idolizing the lights in their eyes like a believer worshipping his religion.

Just in the moment, Harry turns to look at him and blushes, noticing the way Louis is staring at them.

"What are you looking at?" He asks in a whisper.

"My entire world." Says Louis and Harry turns redder, biting his lip as he looks at the ground. The older of the two just smiles widely, taking Harry's hand in his own and leading him towards the gates.


The couple and their daughter had spent nearly forty minutes just going around and checking out the stalls, they haven't been in any of the rides yet. Harry had let Leilani get down from his back when the girl asked for a cotton candy as he didn't want to get that sticky thing in his hair. He got himself a lolly that he's currently sucking and licking on as they walk around. He's loving the way Louis frequently stares at him and everytime Harry catches him eyeing his mouth, the blue eyed boy coughs and turns away to hide his pink cheeks.

"Daddy, can you shoot?" Leilani asks out of nowhere and Louis' furrows his eyebrows as he gives Leilani a questioning look. The girl points at a stall of balloon shooting with a wide grin on her face. "Can you?" She asks again and Louis relaxes as he smiles. Oh, the way his mind stumbled down the dark lane of memories...

"Oh, I'm very good at that!" Louis nods, smiling proudly as the ginger girl jumps happily before pulling the lad towards the stall, Harry following behind.

There's a young blond girl behind the stall, probably a high school student, who looks pretty bored as she chews at a gum. She blows a bubble and bursts it with a pop sound as she tiredly smiles at the boys and Leilani.

"Yo! Wanna try your hands at this?" She asks, pointing her thumb at the board with little, colorful balloons stuck to it. Louis nods and the girl fill up a gun. "You get five bullets and you gotta pop five balloons to win a prize."

Louis pays the girl and takes the gun from her, mumbling a small 'thanks'. He smirks when he pops all the five balloons. Of course, he'd get it right, he was trained to use real rifles so this toy gun was a play thing for him. Literally.

"We did it! We did it! Daddy, you're so cool! Papa, did you see that?! Oh my god!" Leilani cheers, making Louis smile at her and Harry who wasn't really surprised by the older one's skills, pets her hair in an attempt to calm her.

"Woah man! You're like the first dude to get it in the first go. What would you like to take?" The girl questions after complimenting Louis' skills.

"What do we want, love?" Louis looks down at Leilani who pouts while checking out all the toys and goodies at the stall.

"A teddy for Papa!" She grins up at Louis who grins back as Harry looks at the girl with raised eyebrows.

"A teddy for Papa it is." Louis agrees and turns to Harry. "Which teddy would you like, babe?" He asks the taller boy who looks around, scanning all the stuffed bears.

"Awww you guys are so cute!" The girl behind the stall coos and Harry's cheeks turn pink, but he doesn't reacts as he points at a cream coloured bear.

"It's mostly my Hazzabear, but thanks." Louis smiles at the girl who goes to pull at the teddy that Harry pointed at. She hands it to Harry who immediately hugs it to his chest. He won't admit it, but the fact that Louis had won it for him made the teddy extremely special. He smiles down at Leilani as she touches the toy to feel it's softness.

Almost thirty minutes and a few rides later, Harry feels the need to use the restroom. He makes Louis and Leilani wait outside and he goes in to do his business. When he comes back out, he sees a girl with purple hair trying to chat up with Louis who keeps smiling at her to be polite, but is clearly uncomfortable. Leilani has the teddy clutched to her chest as she glares up the girl, irritation written all over her face.

Harry clenches his jaw and narrows his eyes as he walks up towards them. The little girl instantly smiles on seeing her Papa.

"So she is your kid huh? But you're like so young and handsome. I'm guessing you're a single dad... or do you have a partner?" The girl asks, twirling a strand of her hair around her finger. That's when Louis feels a pair of arms snake around his waist from behind.

"Yes, he does actually." Says Harry, placing his chin on Louis' shoulder and bringing him closer to his chest. He softly kisses the exposed skin of Louis' neck before looking back at the girl.

"And who might you be? His boyfriend?" The girl asks, almost in an annoyingly testing tone.

"No, his husband. And who are you?" Harry speaks up in the same tone.

"Well I'm Je-"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah whatever, nobody cares." He interrupts, being intentionally rude.

"Excus-" The girl tries to speak again.

"You're excused, you can leave now." Harry cuts in and the girl just huffs.

"Bitch!" She cusses as she turns around and stomps away from them.

"See you never, Hoe!" Harry calls out loudly for the people around them to hear.

The girl widens her eyes and looks around, embarrassed, before speed walking towards the restrooms.

Louis, Harry and Leilani laugh at her before Louis turns around in Harry's arms who doesn't bother to move them away from Louis.

"You're cute when you're jealous." Louis smiles before getting on his tip toes to peck Harry's nose.

"I wasn't jealous." Harry looks away, his cheeks turning a shade of pink which only proves Louis' point. Leilani only stands still, looking up at them with a smile on her face.

"And by the way, your entry kind of gave me a flashback to how I met you as myself for the first time. In the club when you were talking to Lottie and-" Louis paints out the memory before Harry joins in.

"You suddenly came out of nowhere and hugged me from behind with your chin my shoulder. The same way I did to you now. You had told Lottie off just like I did to that bitch now." He says with a small smile on his face. "I was freaking out inside because Louis Tomlinson was right behind me and was telling his sister that I was his. I couldn't think straight because I had a huge crush on you. And-" He catches himself and sees Louis grinning up at him. "Uh.. yeah." He finishes awkwardly.

Louis only smiles wider before taking Harry's face in his hands and attacking his lips. Harry kisses back, tightening his hold on Louis. Well aware of their daughter watching them, they keep the kiss very short. Pulling away after just a few seconds with smiles on their faces, they move their bodies away before continuing with their evening.

Turns out, Leilani is a very adventurous kid and she's not afraid of any kind of rides. They had went on many- almost all the rides and even rides like hydra, break dance, caterpillar, hurricane, octopus, ranger and vertigo that had Louis sweating a bit, didn't scare the little girl. She would just laugh and scream in excitement throughout the whole ride.

Harry wishes he was as cool as her when they walked in the haunted house, but he wasn't. If anything, he was literally scared to the point where the girl had to comfort him. The whole way in the scary set, Harry stayed glued to Louis' side and to say the older man was loving the haunted house would be an understatement. At every jumpscare, Harry would scream and jump in Louis' arms, pressing his face in the crook of the shorter one's neck.

By the time they got out of the haunted house, Harry was shaking and Leilani was rubbing his arm to try and calm him.

"Again?" Louis had joked, making Harry glare at him. "Oh, I guess not." He had chuckled.

Currently, the three of them are at an ice cream stall, consuming the sweet, cold treat to calm themselves after so many rides. Suddenly, Leilani's eyes lit up and she grins up at her Daddy who raises his eyebrows at her questioningly. She points behind him and Louis turns to see a photo booth which makes him grin like a kid, the one that matches his daughter. So once they are done with their ice-creams, they all head over to the booth with big smiles on their faces.

They take a load of pictures. Some with funny faces, some with simple yet Beautiful smiles, some with Leilani in the middle as both men kiss and hug and tickle her. The girl also manages to get out of the frame for  a few pictures and make her dads pose for the camera. The boys pose with smiles, grins, pouts, they tickle each other, kiss each other's cheeks and lips.

The camera also captures the moments when Harry boops Louis' nose and in return, Louis licks at Harry's nose, to which the taller one repays by licking Louis' cheek and the blue eyed lad takes a revenge by licking the taller one's neck. As they both squeak, laugh and yell out how disgusting the other one is, little Leilani clutches her tummy while laughing at her silly parents.

In that moment, Harry completely forgets about being 'mad' at Louis, who forgets about his fear of the other boy leaving. All they could think about is how deep in love they are and how happy of a family they are along with a beautiful daughter. They are happy, free, content and in love, which is beyond enough for them at the moment.



This is just a filler in order to take a tiny break from all the drama.

Low-key wanted to time skip to when Anne and Des arrive but just thought against it.

Everyone who is confused with Harry's behaviour.... Yes, he had a fight with Lou but they didn't break up, so they are still boyfriends. Harry still loves Louis more than anything. The "I'm mad and I'm gonna leave you" is just an act to teach Louis a lesson (even if it's a bit harsh). Yes, Harry talked to Anne about going back to England but did he say he's leaving Louis? Or did he say he's not coming back again? The 'decision' that H has taken is a secret for now but y'all will know soon. I promised a happy ending and imma give y'all that. But even a happy ending has it's ups and downs, hense the pinch of drama. So keep calm and wait for it.

Okay.. so any thoughts on this chapter?

Don't forget to vote and comment if you like.


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