>Chapter 64<

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Chapter definition to Fsjcxduifwgh ♥️

"You're not going, Lee." Louis states and Leilani looks up at her Dad with tears in her eyes, ready to spill any moment.

"But I wanna." She says, the corners of her mouth turned down and Louis sighs.

Since Harry and Louis had made up after the younger one had promised not to leave, which was four days ago, now the couple were back to normal. Though Louis has been very busy with work and Aden's case for these past few days, he'd always come home late at night only to find Harry wide awake, waiting for him on the couch. As for their sex life, it has been on peak after their make up sex that night after the fair. Seeing Louis come home late and tired at night, Harry makes sure to reward the guy for his hard work by some morning sex and delicious breakfast before Louis has to leave for work again. 

Currently, Louis is sitting with Harry and Leilani on the girl's bed in her bedroom, trying to convince her not to go with Harry as the boy is about to leave to pick his parents and friends up from the airport. Yeah, today is the day that both the boys have been dreading to face. So the plan was that, Harry is gonna leave for the airport as Lynn and Lyra come at the couple's apartment to accompany Louis. The twins are going to be Louis' support when Harry brings his parents home, in case Anne and Desmond react negatively. As for Gemma, Louis hasn't heard from her since the day she had stormed out.

"Lou, I don't think that there will be any problem if she comes.." Harry says, not being able to see the girl so sad.

"No, Haz! What if she blurts out something wrong? Then what? Your parents will be suspicious already!" Louis says. "Then they are gonna think we've planned this all and I've manipulated you or something. Then they're gonna take me to jail, take Lee away from me, take you away from me. Then I'm never going to see you guys and rot behind those bars until I di-" He shuts up when Harry plants a kiss on his lips.

"Shut up for God's sake, babe. It'll be alright, we'll be alright. You've got way too many negative thoughts in your mind, we got to do something about it." Harry chuckles. "And about Lanny coming with me, don't worry about it. Even if she blurts out something, I'm pretty sure it won't be as big as the stuff you've blurted in the past. She's a smart kid." He says and smiles at Leilani who leans into his arms seeing he is on her side.

"Well, I'm pretty smart too, Mister. Thank you very much. I don't make any slip ups." Louis rolls his eyes and crosses his arms over his chest.

"Oh really now?" Harry raises his eyes. "Because as far as I remember, you've made hell lot of slip ups when I didn't know that Louis and William were the same person. You even blurt out about your sisters once and you weren't very subtle about your actions and reactions either. You gotta admit you're pretty dumb." Harry points out, rolling his eyes as Louis cringes at the memories.

"Well, Honey, that doesn't make you any smarter either." Louis says, sassily. "Because if it did, then you would've caught on those slip ups and would've known the truth way sooner." He smirks. "Guess I'm not the only dumb one in the room, huh?"

"Oh well! We're pretty dumb." Harry cringes in realisation.

"So.." Leilani speaks up from between the two. "Does that makes me the smartest of the three of us?" She asks with a grin.

Harry narrows his eyes at the floor before looking up at Louis with a bewildered expression, only to find his boyfriend already looking at him with the same expression.

"Why the hell is a seven years old kid smarter than us?" Louis asks.

"Either the author loves kids way too much and wanted her child character to be extra smart or just wanted us to be extra dumb in this one." Harry shrugs.

"That makes no sense tho?" Louis says, dumbfoundedly.

"I know." Harry rolls his eyes. "And the fact that this is not a first for me since she made me super dumb and oblivious in 'Wrong number... Actually not!'" He sighs.

There is a short moment of silence before they hear the doorbell ring and Harry is quick to take it.

He opens the door to a pair of identical smiles directed to him before he is engulfed in two pairs of arms.

"Hi there!" Lynn smiles as they all walk in the living room.

"Why are you still in your sweats? Aren't you supposed to be going to the airport?" Lyra asks and Harry laughs out loudly.

"I am actually about to leave." He says as Louis and Leilani join them in the living room. "We're gonna rock the airport look in sweats." He announces proudly and Leilani, who is also wearing a sweatshirt and sweatpants, nods proudly. "And now that you guys are here, I can leave my Lou without a worry." He jokes, only for Louis to hit his arm playfully.


Harry checks his phone when it buzzes as he stands with Leilani at the airport. Apparently the flight that just landed is the flight that they are waiting for.

"You remember your 'do's and 'don't's right?" He nervously asks the little girl who nods.

"Yes. Not to call them grandmama or grandpapa just yet. Not to tell them about aunt G or Daddy, especially their full names. Not to tell them my full name. Not to call you papa- wait! What do I call you then?" She asks, suddenly realising that no one told her about what to call Harry.

"Oh, well.. I think you can-" He stops when he hears the familiar Irish accent.

"Harreh!" The boy looks up to see a group of people approaching him. He can clearly see his parents due to their posh way of dressing and their powerful walk as if they own the world. It kind of makes Harry even more nervous than he already is. Then he sees his friends and sisters who all have big smiles on their faces. Niall is the first one to tackle him in a hug, almost causing the both of them to fall over. "Hazza, I missed ya so much!" He exclaims.

"Me too, Ni." Harry smiles as they pull away. "Girls!" He yells happily for his sisters who immediately run up to him and hug him tightly. "Gosh! I missed you both so, so much!" He says.

"Missed you too, Hazzabear." They say in unison before their eyes move to Leilani. "Hi" Phoebe greets the girl. "I'm Phoebe." She says. "And I'm Daisy." Says Daisy as the twins offer their hands for Leilani to shake.

"I'm Leilani." The girl blushes at the attention from these big girls as she shakes both their hands one by one.

"Aww, you're so cute!" Daisy coos. "How old are you?" Asks Phoebe, touching Leilani's hair.

"Seven." Leilani blushes even more as Daisy caresses her cheek.

"Hazzabear, she's so cute. She's like a doll, oh my god!" Daisy says to Harry who only smiles and nods in agreement.

"Harry!" Liam hugs the boy next, followed by Perrie, then Eleanor and then Luke. He laughs when they pull back and instantly Ashton engulfs him in a hug.

"Welcome to New York, Guys! It's been waiting for you!" Harry says and everyone laughs at the reference.

"Is that Ed's kid?!" Ashton shouts, looking at Leilani who hides herself behind Phoebe's leg.

"Piss off, asshole!" Says Harry as Ashton and Eleanor bend down to talk to the little girl.

"Mum, Dad." Harry hugs them both at once before they too turn to Leilani who is surrounded by all of Harry's friends by now.  She tells everyone her name and age as they keep asking her questions and cooing at how cute she is. They all only move away when Anne bends down to greet the girl.

"Hello, dear. My name's Anne Styles and that's my husband Desmond Styles." Anne says politely to the girl who smiles at the elderly woman.

"Hello, ma'am. My name is Leilani, nice to meet you." She says, blushing for the millionth time and Harry watches her fondly as she talks ever so politely.

"My, my! Aren't you a big girl? Being so polite and all." Anne smiles, complimenting the girl. "Well darling, seeing that we're meeting you for the first time, we brought you this." Anne pulls out a big chocolate bar from her bag before giving it to the girl who takes it and thanks the woman.

Harry then leads everyone out of the airport and takes his parents and sisters to his car while calls two cabs for the others.

Anne, Des and Phoebe take the backseat in the car while Daisy takes the passenger side with Leilani on her lap.

"Well, this is not your car, Haz." Anne states and Harry nervously nods.

"Yeah, it's Bill's." He says, concentrating on the road.

"Oh. Well, good to know he already trusts you with his car and daughter." Anne smiles, looking the girls in the passenger seat as they whisper and giggle about something.

"Yeah." Is all Harry says.

"What does he do you said? I'm sorry, I kind of forgot." Desmond says and Anne rolls her eyes.

"You're getting old, dear. Bill is a youth psychologist who works with the New York Police." Anne says, pushing a piece of her hair back, proud of her memory.

"Yeah." Harry says again. "He's a good guy."

"Hmm.. wait.." Des says suddenly. "Is his last name Austin?" He asks and Harry tenses.

"Um.. yeah, I think." He says,not wanting to sound very sure.

"Isn't he the psychologist who's helping the police with Aden Kaspbrak's case? I read an article about it in the newspaper on the flight. The head of New York Police had stated that 'The case wouldn't have been progressed at all without Dr. Austin.'" Des states and Harry kind of feels very proud.

"Well I don't really know about his work much, but he's been quite busy with some case lately.. probably the case you're talking about." Harry shrugs and Des smiles.

"He sounds like a great man, can't wait to meet him." Des says.

"Same here, dear."  Says Anne and Harry nervously nods.

Then the ride turns silent as Anne and Des look out of the window, taking in the beauty of New York. The only sound in the car is Daisy and Leilani's giggles and low whispers while Phoebe sits back with a pout. She wants to play with Leilani too, but she's stuck between her parents who are enjoying the view while all she can do is sit and stare at the road ahead.


Phoebe is more than happy when the ride ends and they all get out of the car. Soon the cabs pull up behind his car and his friends get out while laughing and bantering about something.

Harry leads them all in the apartment building and towards the elevator. He tells everyone to make two groups and take different elevators. So Harry, his parents, his sisters and Eleanor take one elevator while Liam, Niall, Luke, Ashton and Perrie take another along with Leilani to guide them to the apartment.

Harry's team gets the elevator first as the other one is busy somewhere on the upper floor. Harry childishly sticks his tongue out to the other team as he leads his team inside.

Once outside the elevator, Harry starts chanting some kind of prayer in his head as they walk toward the apartment and he literally shuts his eyes while unlocking the apartment door. Somehow with eyes closed, he manages to unlock the door and push it open before he hears Phoebe and Daisy gasp in unison.

"Oh my god!"


Damn all the drama happening...

Niall saying Modest never treated him badly and then Liam just... Lmao sorry Nigel😂

Sooo Eleanor's friends posting those break up quotes in their story while Eleanor posts just a black screen.... Plus Louis deleting a pic of him and her on a ski trip... much to think about...


Thoughts on this chapter?

And let's not talk about me breaking the fourth wall, it was just something that came to my mind and I typed it out lol.

And don't forget to vote and comment if you like.


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