>Chapter 8<

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After a lot of questions and answers, I decide it's time for me to go.

"It's getting late, Haz, I must get going." I say, giving him an apologetic look. He pouts and I couldn't resist myself from leaning in and connecting our lips. "I'll see you soon." I promise as we pull apart, making him smile a little.

"Okay." He huffs and takes my hand to lead me to the living room.

As we enter the living room, I see Desmond is still on the laptop, searching about Louis Tomlinson. Why the hell can't he just give it a rest?

I look at Anne who is in the kitchen, phone attached to her ear while her eyes are looking straight to me.

"Yeah now... just... be careful." She mumbles into the phone.

I find it strange, but I shrug it off, stepping out of the house and kissing Harry goodbye before walking down the road. After walking for a while, I feel someone's eyes on me. I stop on my track and turn around, but I see no one which makes me frown, but then I turn back around and keep walking.

I am about to reach my house and I still feel like someone's been following me all along. Finally, I am in front of my house and I unlock the door before walking in and making sure to lock it behind me. I walk upstairs and plop down on the bed, releasing a long sigh. It was a long day, but a good one indeed. Of course, some boys at school tried to bully me, but Zayn was there and studies were boring, but Harry was there.

There's something about this boy that lures me in. Maybe his green eyes that I wanna look in all day and get lost into or maybe his long, luscious curls that swallow my hand when I play with them or maybe his dimples that I can practically swim into. It could be his pink, plump lips that I can kiss all day and all night.

The buzzing of my phone brings me out of my daydream and I check my phone to see a text from my step sister.

Andrea :- Aye baby bro. It's business night. Don't forget about it. I'll be waiting. xx

I smile at the text and get off of the bed. I walk into the bathroom and pull my sweaters off, revealing my tattooed torso. After pulling out the rings on my fingers, I smile at the '28' tattoo on them. I look up in the mirror and scrunch up my nose before taking my glasses off. I smile at myself before rolling my eyes at my stupidity and leaning forward to take off my brown lenses and revealing the ocean blue orbs.

Now, I fully smile at myself and get in the shower. As I walk out with a towel wrapped around my waist, I look down the window and see a man creeping around my house. I smirk and put a black skinny jeans on, along with a black tank top before setting my hair. 

I open my hidden locker behind a bookshelf and take my gun out before tucking it in my jeans' waist band and covering it  with my top. I pull out a cigarette and walk out of the room. I come downstairs to the front door, but get a thought take a step back.

I walk to the backyard door and walk out before climbing the wall and jumping out on the street. I start walking towards the entrance of the house and spot a man hiding behind a car, keeping an eye on the entrance.

I mentally laugh at the man and tap on his shoulder. He turns around and gasps. "Louis Tomlinson?"

"Yeah that's me. And you are?" I raise an eyebrow.

"I- uh.. I can't tell you." He turns back around and look at the house entrance and I roll my eyes.

"No one's gonna come out of there. Tell me who you are. You look like a.... Detective? A spy? A secret agent man? Walmart James Bond?"

"Why do you wanna know who I am? You're Louis Tomlinson. Why waste your precious time interrogating me?" He crosses his arms.

I take in the guy's features with a smirk. He has brown hair which are slicked back and grey eyes which were definitely really attractive. He has a nice build up body which is taller than me. Obviously.

The guy is very attractive, but let's be honest here, I'm kinda whipped by a green eyed boy to think about this agent or spy or whatever the fuck he is.

"'Cause darling, you've been following me all the way here." I smirk as I read his face which says...One- what I said is right, he was the one following me, Two- he's scared shitless, Three- he's gonna try and make a run for it and Four- he's gonna hit me for it first.

He looks around and then raises his fist to punch me in the face, but misses it as I duck down. He tries to run from beside me, but before he could, I am already holding my gun out and pulling the trigger.


Straight in the brains! Now, that's what I'm talking about. "Idiot! My teachers said 'I can read your plan before you can even execute it'." I mumble to the lifeless body as I light my cigarette an pull out my phone.

"Got a mess in front of my house. Clean it up before anyone gets the sight." I command in the phone and end the call.

I walk to my garage and unlock my black Lamborghini before driving off to the club I own down town, for the business deal with Andrea.



As we walk into the club, the strong smell of alcohol hits me right in the nose, making me scrunch it. There are people making out and grinding on each other on the the dance floor and they make me uncomfortable right now, but I know I'll be doing the same after a few drinks.

"Woah! This is massive!" Niall says from beside me. I get it, his excitement. It's actually massive. It's larger and posher and looks more expensive than any other club we usually go to.

"How did we get an entry here again? I don't remember paying." I ask loudly over the music.

"Well... I'm your entry pass." Zayn says. "I never need to pay. Or any of my companion, for that matter." He shrugs and I raise an eyebrow. "Alright. I know the owner personally." He huffs.

I chuckle but nod as I walk up to the bar, the other three following behind.

"May I know why are you dressed so sexy tonight?" Liam asks.

"Cause I'm getting laid tonight!" I announce, yelling excitedly over the music.

"With?" Zayn raises an eyebrow.

"Anyone. I just need a good time. So that I can say I've done some 'bad boy' stuff too. You interested?" I ask in a flirty tone, suggestively wriggling my eyebrows at him.

"Nope. Don't want a bullet in my head." He mumbles as he picks up a drink. And before I could question him, he hands me a drink and drags Liam to the dance floor. Okay..?

I look at Niall who is already tipsy. God! This Irish kid! I down my drink as well and ask Niall if he wanna dance, to which he shakes his head 'no' and I step on the dance floor alone. I move with the beat of the music and let the alcohol take over my moves as I down a drink after every ten minutes to boost my energy.

I throw my head in every direction and sway my hips slowly in a very feminine manner. I can feel eyes on me and I love the attention.

Suddenly, there are two girls joining me, one with straight, platinum blond dyed hair and blue eyes and the other with her hair dyed in purple and baby blue ombre and dimples like mine. I'm pretty sure I've seen the first girl somewhere, but I can't put my finger on where.

"Hi. I'm Lottie. And this is my sister, Andrea." The platinum haired girl says with a huge grin. "And you're definitely sexy." She winks.

The other girl, Andrea, just smiles and shakes her head while we three keep dancing and talking at the same time.

"My name is Harry, by the way." I say, almost tripping over, but Andrea holds onto my arm and avoids what could've been an ungraceful fall.

"Well nice to meet you Harry... Is it just Harry or Harold?" Andrea asks.

"It's just Harry."

"Oh well, too bad 'cause I'm gonna call you Harold anyway." She laughs and Lottie joins as well.

"You ladies are harassing me." I pout and they laugh more.

"You're so cute." Lottie coos. "You know, you look a lot like Andy, as in Andrea here. If she wasn't my sister, I would've been convinced she is yours."

"Yeah. We look familiar." I really think we do. She looks a lot like mum, to be honest.

"Familiar?!" She screams. "Oi! DJ, play Familiar!" And the music is instantly changes at the demand. "Famili- famili- famili- familiar!" She dances while screaming out the lyrics.

"Wow! You just had to say it once!" I say with wide eyes.

"Of course! Our brother signs the DJ's paycheck, so he has to obey us." She shrugs. "Anyway, are you possibly into 'one night fun' stuff?" She wiggles her eyebrows suggestively.

"Ew, Lots!" Andy scrunches her nose in disgust.

"Well, yes actually. And I'm actually looking for it tonight so..." I nod and laugh as her face lights up at that.

"So..? Do you have a hook up for tonight?" Lottie asks, coming closer.

"No." I say sheepishly.

"Yes, he does actually." A voice come from behind me and two arms snake around my waist as a chin is placed on my shoulder.

I turn to look at the person and fuck! Louis motherfucking Tomlinson is hugging me from behind! I can't fucking breathe!

"Oh, brother! I found him first!" Lottie frowns and oh shit! That's Charlotte Tomlinson, how did I not recognise her?!

"Oh? But he's not your doll, baby sister!" Louis smirks at her, hugging me tighter. "You don't own him, so I'm saying this in a very loving and respectful manner... Please kindy fuck off, baby sister." He smiles innocently.

"I've been watching you for a while now. I'm sure these hips can take me places, babe." He whispers in my ear, making a shiver run down my spine. "Come on."

He leads me to the other corner of the dance floor and starts moving with the beat. Louis Tomlinson wants to dance with me?! Then who the fuck am I to deny him?! So I go with the flow and push back on him. He holds my hips tighter and bites at my shoulder making me moan like a bitch. Wow! Do I have a pain kink or is it just Louis Tomlinson?

"Let's take this somewhere else, eh?" He whispers and I just nod, biting my lip.

He leads me out of the club and into a black Lamborghini. I am, honestly, too drunk to think that Louis is probably a criminal and I shouldn't actually go with him but Damn! He's Louis Tomlinson.

I sit in the passenger seat while he settles in the driver's.

"Aren't you drunk? Why are you driving?" I ask, trying to put my seatbelt on.

"No. I'm not drunk. I was here for business. Don't worry, love, you're safe with me." He says as he leans in to put my seatbelt on for me as he sees that I was literally struggling for it.



The ride is silent as I am too busy looking out of the window and giggling at the lights on the streets.

"We're here." Louis announces and gets out of the car. He reaches at the passenger side and opens my seatbelt for me. I stumble on my feet while stepping out of the car but Louis catches me and I just giggle like the drunk idiot I am.

I look around the place and notice we are on a cliff at a hill top where we can get the view of the whole city from. The city lights look mesmerising and to top the scene, the dark sky is full of bright, shiny stars. The scene brings such a huge smile on my face, I am afraid my face would break in two.

"So beautiful!" I say, looking around.

"I know right." Louis says and I turn to look at him but he is already looking at me and I don't think I've ever blushed this hard.

He stares at me for a moment before pulling me closer by my waist. He cups my jaw and leans in and I wrap my arms around his neck, letting my fingers get tangled in this hair. As our lips connect, I feel the feeling that feels great and crazy and amazing and awesome but for some reason, it doesn't feel new. The lips, the taste, they don't feel new. They feel familiar, as if I had kissed him before, but I decide to shrug it off and enjoy the kiss and the feeling of Louis' lips on mine.

It isn't a heated kiss like I had expected from Louis. Instead, it's slow, loving and beautiful. No tongue involved, just our lips moulding with each other. We smile as we pull apart and he kisses my nose before completely pulling away.

"Are you gonna fuck me here?" I ask sheepishly.

"What?" He asks, his face showing utter confusion.

"I mean... Isn't it what you do to the people you meet at the club? Fuck them? Wasn't I supposed to be one of them?" I ask, tilting my head and he brings both his hands up to cup my face, his thumbs caressing my cheeks, making them heat up.

"Nope. You're way too precious to be one of my careless fucks. You'll never be one of them. You're way too beautiful. Way too perfect." He says, pecking my lips and I smile dopily at him before letting my cheek fall on his shoulder as I hug him close.

Well, people say he's dangerous guy, but then why do I feel so safe with him?

If wanting him is bad, I wanna be the worst.

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