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Lucas's P.O.V

I walked into the school and saw my group of friends waiting for me, I had been late since I slept in and had to take the city bus to school since Taeyong couldn't give me a ride. I had made it just in time, only a few minutes late than my normal time but at least I arrived before the bell went off. I quickly said hi to my group of friends and went to my locker to unpack my bag and grab the things I need. Just as I was about done the bell rang and I shut my locker and sped to class. We still had three more minutes until school officially started but I try to beat Yuta to the classroom every day. I opened the door and walked in and quickly sat in my seat smirking when I saw Yuta wasn't here. I looked and saw him swing open the door as he ran and he glared seeing me and groaned. He walked over, fixed his hair and set his things down on the desk behind mine. He sat down and huffed. I turned to look at him and smiled "I beat you this time Yuta" he rolled his eyes at my comment and then the bell rang starting school. First period is Korean History, not too bad. We just wrote a lot of essays and studied things, today we have a substitute teacher so it was a study hall. Everyone moved around to sit by their friends and I saw Yuta move his desk beside mine. He looked at me excitedly.
"Are you still having the party tonight?" Yuta asked.
"Yeah, my mom and dad will be gone and Chenle will be spending the night at a friends house, we have it all to ourselves" I said and smirked.
"Friday parties are great" he said "am I allowed to bring people?"
"Of course, I already invited a bunch, people outside of the group."
"It's gonna be lit." We fist bumped and the bell rang. Tables and chairs scraped against the floor as the students returned them to their original places. I grabbed my things and headed to second period, some really hot girls were in that class. And the day continued with flirting with all the girls, oh how many hearts I broke I couldn't tell you. Relationships are too much sometimes, so demanding really. I don't mind them it's just hard to find the right one. My friends say I'm picky but I don't think so, I've dated a lot of girls.

Lunch, the halfway mark of the day. I decided not to get a lunch today since it was something I didn't like. I sat in my seat and smiled seeing the rest make it to the table. "Ready for my party tonight?" I asked and they looked at me everyone nodded and Taeil looked at me with surprise.
"I forgot that was tonight" he said.
"How could you forget?" Taeyong said, "we do this basically every weekend."
"I don't know, doesn't matter though, I can still go" he shrugged and took a bite of his salad.
"You can all bring a plus one" I smirked seeing some of them think who they'll bring. I dropped my smile when Doyoung spoke.
"I'm inviting Jungwoo again" he looked at me and the rest looked at him.
"He's busy isn't he?" I asked sarcastically since I knew for sure he made an excuse not to go.
"No, he is not, you scared him so he made an excuse. Which you know."
"Ugh stop fighting, Lucas come on Jungwoo isn't that bad" Johnny said and looked at Lucas.
"You're on Doyoung's side?" I asked. He shrugged.
"I'm not, sorry Doyoung but I think Jungwoo would feel out of place. He isn't exactly talkative, nor does he like crowds" Taeyong spoke up and Taeil nodded. Doyoung nodded acknowledging their point. He got up "I'll ask him now." Doyoung said.
"Do you want to die? Kun and Ten are there" Mark spoke.
"I don't want them to come to my party." I said lowly. Doyoung looked at me.
"It wouldn't hurt you" and with that he walked to Jungwoo's table. I turned around to watch, so did Jaehyun, all of us watched as Doyoung made it to his table. He set his hands on the table and leaned forward a bit and he talked to the boy. I saw Ten look at me and then look back at Doyoung. Jungwoo knitted his brows and then shook his head smiling. Doyoung grabbed his shoulder and said something else. Jungwoo shrunk a bit. Doyoung then faced Kun and Ten. Oh this asshole. I groaned. "He's invited them." Jaehyun nodded at my statement and Jungwoo looked over at my table and met my eye and before I could glare he looked back up at Doyoung. I read Jungwoo's lips surprisingly. 'I'll think about it,' something like that. I saw Doyoung nod and walk back and sit in his chair. We turned back around.
"You invited all three of them didn't you?" I asked and he nodded, I groaned.
"It's not that bad Lucas, you might not even see them" Taeil said.
"I'll probably see them" I responded sourly.

Finally, it was time for the party. My maids had helped with everything, getting drinks and setting them in large coolers in the living room, they hid valuables, and they were even sworn to keep it a secret like always since they were let off work early. They had also helped me lock all the bedroom doors, but not the bathrooms. There were two bathrooms upstairs and two in the basement, the basement was kind of a lounge room. There was a pool table down there and a few couches, sure the laundry room was there but we had also locked it. We set snacks out on the table in the dining room. My doorbell rang, it was 9:30, who was this early? I opened the door to see my group of friends--excluding Doyoung--they walked in with a bunch of girls and some boys they invited. They talked to me for awhile and even some girls flirted with.

Before I knew it I was in the living room on the couch with a beer in my hand and a girl on my lap sitting sideways with her hands on my neck. Some people were making out in the corners and others cheering and drinking as the music pumped through their bones. I smiled seeing my party being a success. I turned and saw Doyoung enter the house, he was holding someone's wrist and guiding them in. It was Jungwoo, even if I was buzzing I could see him clearly. He was wearing a black and white-striped turtle neck with faded black jeans that was ripped at the knees and a pair of white Adidas shoes that were tied neatly. He walked in and instantly looked nervous. I saw Ten rub his back and Kun headed towards the living room and looked at me and I matched his gaze. He looked away and grabbed four beers. Does Jungwoo drink? I watched as he walked back and handed them a can each and raised it and I saw him say 'cheers' and they did so, I saw Jungwoo hesitate. Doyoung walked through the crowd saying something and a bunch of people started coming in so the shifted towards the dining room, I saw Jungwoo grab the back of Ten's shirt so he wouldn't lose him. "Hey, it hurts that you won't focus on me" I heard the girl in my lap whisper in my ear, I turned towards her and smirked and captured her lips with mine. It turned into a make out but I pulled away and took a swig of my beer bottle that I was holding the whole time. I saw Doyoung walk back downstairs with his drink and he came to the living room and sat by me.
"You're bathroom is crowded, I had to kick out the people in their just so I can piss." He complained I nodded.
"So you ended up bringing him?" I asked and then he nodded but instantly looked around.
"Where did he go by the way?" He looked everywhere where he could see. I shrugged.
"It was your responsibility to watch over him right?" I said smirking he rolled his eyes.
"I'm sure Ten and Kun are with him, he'll be okay," Doyoung said but there was worry in his voice.
"Has he ever been to a party?" I asked and raised a brow at my friend.
"...no" he took a moment to respond.
"You're kidding" I said.
"I wish I was" he ran his hand through his hair. The girl in my lap kissed my cheek and then my neck. I faced her and kissed her on the lips, she smiled and I smirked. I turned towards Doyoung again and he sighed.
"I should look for him" he said and stood up, I quickly grabbed his arm and sat him down.
"He'll be fine." I said and Doyoung sighed and took a long drink from his can.

A few minutes later Kun and Ten walked over and Doyoung looked around them not seeing Jungwoo, Kun glared at me and Ten looked at the girl. "Hey, how about you go to the kitchen and go get snacks" he said looking at the girl. She picked up the hint and kissed my neck one more time and walked off.
"Really man?" I said growling. Ten and Kun looked at Doyoung.
"Where's Jungwoo" both of them said at the same time.
"I thought he was with you?" Doyoung said worried.
"Oh my god, he'll be fine guys, chill and get a drink." I said rolling my eyes. They hesitated.
"I'll check the basement," Ten said and walked off making sure to grab a drink on his way.
"I'll walk around and see if he is anywhere in the crowd," Kun said and walked away.
"I'll look in the bathrooms" Doyoung said and got up.
"What is this? A search party for a grown ass man?" I said standing up.
"Lucas, Jungwoo doesn't like being alone in situations like this" Doyoung said and looked at me.
"Then why did you bring him?" He hesitated and looked away.
"I'm going to check the bathrooms, text me if you see him." He walked away and went upstairs. The girl who was on my lap returned seeing we were done talking and she brought me an unopened beer bottle, I won't ever take one that's opened cause it could be drugged. "Hey sexy" I said smirking.

About 20 minutes later I got up to use the bathroom and saw the ones were full upstairs and walked downstairs to the basement and walked to the furthest bathroom. I turned the knob and saw it was locked and I pounded on the door.
"Hey! You aren't suppose to lock the door! Even if you're fucking!" The door opened and my eyes met brown ones, they were bloodshot.
"L-Lucas?" It was Jungwoo, I quickly shoved my way into the bathroom and slammed the door shut locking it.
"So this is where you were hiding? Your friends are looking for you idiot." I saw him looked down.
"I-I know but I need a breather, it's too crowded and-" I saw a tear slip down his face and he quickly wiped it away and another fell from his other eye and he rubbed both of his eyes. I gulped.
"Why are you crying?" I asked and he didn't answer. He started breathing heavily and finally whispered something.
"A-anxiety attack..."
Fuck me in the ass, this guy. I sighed.
"Come on I'll take you to my room and you can lay down." I said and unlocked the door and walked out and he ran towards me and I felt him clutch my tank top from behind and followed me. We made it upstairs and I slipped a key out of my pocket and unlocked my door and guided him in, it was quite a mess, it was normal for a teenage boy to have a messy room. I shut and locked the door again and saw him stand there looking around. He was still breathing heavily but trying to take deep breaths. He turned towards me, "Thank you Lucas..." he whispered and I nodded.
"Make yourself comfortable and come out when you're ready" I paused and handed him my key "lock it when you leave." He nodded slowly and looked down at the key.
"Okay" he said softly. I nodded and walked out and heard him lock the door and walk away. I leaned against my door and sighed. Why am I helping him? I walked back to the living room to see a not so stressed out Doyoung since he had drank a lot. I sat down next to him.
"I still can't find Jungwoo, Lucas..." he trailed off and I saw Ten and Kun sitting on the other couch looking still.
"He's fine, he's in my room."
"Wait what?" He turned towards me with wide eyes. I rolled my eyes.
"Don't worry, he's not having sex or anything, he said something about an anxiety attack" I stated and took a sip of my drink. He sighed.
"I knew this would happen" he sighed.
"Then why did you bring him?"
"I thought he'd be okay if he stayed by us. I guess the crowd was too much." He said and sighed. "I'll tell the guys you found him." He walked over to the two and I saw them talking.

It was now 1:00 in the morning and some people were starting to leave. It took a whole ass hour and a half for everyone to leave, I sighed and stumbled upstairs and tried to open my door. It was locked.

"Did someone break into my room?" I whispered to myself and sighed. I had an extra key just in case someone broke in and locked it to do whatever they wanted to do. I unlocked my door and stumbled in shutting it. I squinted. My room was clean, like completely clean. Every thing had it's own place I walked further in and saw someone laying in my bed and freaked out for a second. They were facing the wall opposite of me so I couldn't see their face. My words came back to me.
Make yourself comfortable and come out when you're ready.
Jungwoo never left, did he fall asleep on accident? I saw he was laying on his side and his legs were close and he kept his hands between his thighs. He's cute. My eyes widened and I shook my head quickly getting dizzy. Lucas you're drunk you didn't mean it. I walked around they bed to get a good look at his face. I noticed the bruise was almost completely healed. I got on my knees beside the bed and reached out my hand to touch his cheek gently and I moved his hair out of his face.

Lucas you're extremely drunk.

I took a deep breath, I noticed his cheeks were tear stained. I had realized he had cleaned my room. I got up and gently picked him up so I wouldn't wake him, he was completely limp, he must be exhausted. I moved the covers and sat him back down and put the covers over him.

Why do I feel bad? I sighed and walked to the light switch and shut it off. I walked to my bed. Would it be appropriate to sleep here? Yeah it's my bed anyways. I climbed in and laid in the covers, I wasn't use to sleeping in clothes, the only think I wore to bed was pajama pants and boxers. I groaned and took off my shirt sitting up and I threw it at my hamper, it went in and I smiled and got up to change into pajama pants and climbed back into the bed. I heard Jungwoo shift and I quickly looked at him and felt my heart race. He turned to face me, he was even more breathtaking this close. Why am I thinking these things? I moved so I was on my side, after a few minutes I fell asleep.

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