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Lucas's P.O.V

I groaned and felt my head pound. I cuddled my body pillow and frowned feeling it lift and fall lightly. It felt warm. I opened my eyes and looked to see someone laying by me; correction, I am spooning them. I realized it was Jungwoo. I had déjà vu from the night he stayed in my room. This time I was in his. I looked around, his room is nice and clean and organized. I noticed my clothes on the floor and lifted the covers slowly and noticed we were still in clothes and I sighed relieved. I got out slowly watching him seeing if I wake him up. I looked around and found my jacket and searched the pockets and smiled finding the small box and my lighter. I stood up from my crouching position and saw a window. I walked over and quietly opened it watching him. I grabbed a stool he had in his room and set it by the window and sat down. I opened my pack and took one out and leaned on the windowsill and put it to my lips. I cupped my hand over it and lit it. I set my lighter on the windowsill and took an inhale of the nicotine filled stick. I blew it out the window.
"Those are bad for you" I heard a tired voice mumble. I looked over and blushed seeing Jungwoo sitting up. He stared at me tiredly, I looked at his neck to see a bunch of hickeys. He blushed realizing I was looking at them. He pulled the collar of his shirt up and looked away. I did also. I took another inhale and exhaled out the window. I heard him walk over and he held out a water bottle and pills. I rested my cigarette on the sill and took the pills and he gave me the water and I downed it. I handed the water bottle back and he set it on his desk. I went back to smoking my cigarette.
"Thank you" I said and he nodded. "And uh sorry for waking you up and then... you know" I said and looked at his neck. I saw his face heat up.
"I-it's okay. You were drunk, you didn't know what you were doing" he said and I nodded. I finished my cigarette and looked at him. He took it and walked into a room that was still located in his own and I heard a flush. He has his own personal bathroom. I stood up and stretched and put the stool back. He came back in and started making his bed. "You know, you shouldn't smoke" he said and fixed his sheets.
"Yeah, I know" I said and decided to keep the window open so the smell of smoke would air out. He walked up to me after completing making his bed and smiled softly, I felt my heart pound in my chest. He reached is hands up and I swear he was leaning in for a kiss. I just stared into his beautiful eyes and then I felt his hands in my hair. He was fixing it.
"Want me to take you home?" He asked. I just blinked a few times. Take me home and kiss me until I can't speak sounds better. I shook my head at the thought and he raised a brow. "You don't want to go home?" He asked confused.
"Yes, I mean no? I-" I thought for a second and decided to say it before I could back down "lets go on a date." I said and saw his eyes widen in surprise.
"A d-date?" He asked. I nodded a bit scared. He smiled softly and I saw his cheeks dusk pink. "Okay."

We made it to my house after he had showered and dressed. I went in through the front door with him. I quickly took his arm and leaned in. "Do I smell like alcohol and smoke?" I whispered. He nodded and I sighed. I saw my mom in the living room. I quietly led us upstairs.
"Where are you going?" I heard my father say from the dining table. I sighed.
"To my room" I said.
"With?" He asked. I looked at Jungwoo.
"Jungwoo hyung, he's going to help me with my homework" I quickly said and got us upstairs before my dad threw anymore questions. I sighed and shut the door and looked at Jungwoo. He looked around my room and laughed. I raised a brow. "Why are you laughing?"
"Your room is a mess again" he smiled and sat on my unmade bed. I chuckled and grabbed an outfit.
"Wait here" I said and he nodded. I went to the bathroom across the hall after shutting the door behind me. I hung a towel on the shower rod and got in and turned on the warm water. I tried to finish quickly so I don't keep him waiting long and I washed my hair and body and rinsed and got out. I dried off and changed into a simple outfit like his. He was wearing a hoodie that said "Georgia" on it and a pair of nice jeans and a pair of converse. I put on my black t-shirt and a red hoodie over it. I grabbed a pair of black ripped jeans and put them on and my black socks. I brushed my teeth and used mouth wash so I won't smell like smoke and alcohol. I sprayed cologne on and fixed my hair and walked out. I grabbed my jordans and put them on. Jungwoo sat up from my bed and smiled.
"You look nice" he said and I smiled.
"You too" I said. We headed out. I told my dad I'll be out and quickly left so we weren't bothered. We got into his car and decided to go to the mall. He turned up the radio and I rolled down the windows and we sang along happily, I mostly did the rapping parts while he sang. The song ended and we laughed together.
"Tough guy Lucas Wong with an adorable laugh like that" Jungwoo laughed softly. I blushed at the unexpected bold move.
"W-what?" I dared to ask. I glanced at him and saw his face go red realizing what he said.
"oh um I... sorry" he rubbed the back of his neck. I laughed and placed my hand on his thigh and patted it gently.
"Cute" I whispered to myself. I kept my hand there the whole time. He parked and we both got out, he locked his doors and we walked towards the large mall together. "Mind if I smoke a cigarette before we go in?" I asked and he shook his head. I grabbed my pack and took one out and offered one to him but he smiled and whispered a small 'no thank you' and I nodded. I placed the cigarette between my lips and lit it. I slipped the lighter in my pocket and took a drag feeling the nicotine fill my lungs. I took it away from my lips and exhaled. He waited patiently leaning against a pillar and looked around, I couldn't help but admire his beauty. I've noticed he's been happier lately, I assume it's because his parents are away and he doesn't have to deal with... his father. After a few minutes I finished my cigarette and put it out in the provided ash tray outside. We walked into the mall.
"Where do you want to go?" He asked and looked up at me.
"Anywhere is fine" I shrugged. I should've made a game plan for this.
"Wanna get ice cream while we think?" He asked and I nodded. He led the way to the ice cream shop and we crossed the threshold into the cute shop. The walls were a pastel blue, the floor is made up of white tiles, the ceiling had cute hanging lights. The counter was decorated and I looked through the class to look at the flavors. "Go ahead and order first" he smiled and I nodded. I saw a lady standing on the other side smiling and waiting for me to answer.
"I'll have chocolate" I said and she nodded and looked at Jungwoo.
"Mint chip" he smiled "thank you." I saw her blush looking at him and I felt a bit jealous. She got to work and I saw Jungwoo take out his wallet.
"I can buy" I said and went to grab my wallet from my back pocket.
"I got this Lucas, it's just ice cream" he said. She handed over our cones and he paid her and tipped her and we walked out together shoulder to shoulder as we walked around. I bit a piece off the cone while he would lick his ice cream every once in awhile. I started to eat the cone and when the ice cream looked like it'd fall I would eat it. "Lucas you're so weird" Jungwoo said as he stopped walking to look at me. I raised a brow.
"What?" I asked.
"You eat the cone first?" He said and chuckled. He took a bite of his ice cream. I nodded and he shook his head with a beautiful smile and urged us to keep walking. As we walked we talked and laughed and finished our ice cream. I looked around and I grabbed his arm.
"Let's go to the arcade" I said.
"Okay." I smiled and dragged him towards the large area where multiple people of all ages were playing. I jogged to the counter to get tokens and bought a bunch and went back to Jungwoo who was wide-eyed looking around.
"Never been to an arcade?" I asked confused.
"I have but this one is so big" he laughed. I dragged him around to play some of my favorites and he ended up leading us to other games. He laughed like a kid, his eyes sparkled with hope, and a constant smile on his face. I loved seeing him like that, he was normally calm and collected. I've seen him cry before but now he showed a complete opposite side that I fell deeply for. I took his hand and walked around and he blushed. We used up all our tokens and ended up deciding to play laser tag. We went in the dark room as the worker read directions and soon entered the room where we put on our vest. I watched as Jungwoo picked blue, I picked red. We all entered. "You're going down hyung" I said with a smirk and he pouted.
"We'll see" he winked and I was taken aback.

I exited the room after putting the vest away, I was in complete shock. Jungwoo met me and we looked at the leader board, he came in first and I came in second. "How did you do that?!" I asked and he looked at me confused and then smirked.
"Strategy" he patted my arm. I groaned and he hooked his arm with mine and we walked out of the arcade feeling a bit tired.
"I'm still in shock" I said and he laughed and held my hand as we walked through the mall. I felt his hand was a bit cold so I put our intertwined hands in my hoodie pocket and I looked to see he blushed. It made my heart swell seeing him blush like that. We walked out of the mall and noticed the sun was setting.
"Can I take you somewhere?" He asked and I nodded.
"Okay?" I said a bit confused. We made it to his car and I opened his door for him and he smiled. We got in and he started the car and he drove off.

We made it to a hiking trail and he parked in the gravel. "Let's go" he said with a smile and opened his trunk and grabbed a large blanket. He shut the trunk and grabbed my hand. I followed dumbfounded as we walked up the hill. About 15 minutes later we made it to the top and we dragged me over and laid down the blanket on the grass. He sat me down and pointed at the sunset. "Just in time" he smiled. I watched in awe as the sun went down and disappeared, I felt him rest his head on my shoulder, I smiled. The sun completely set and I laid down and brought him close. My heart was racing. On top of the hill, I finally felt at peace because at that moment, I knew I loved him.
I truly fell in love with Kim Jungwoo and I hope he loves me too.
"Hey Jungwoo?" I asked and I felt him move his head to look up at me.
"Yeah?" He said softly.
"Will you be my boyfriend?" I asked nervously. After a minute I was terrified he'd say no.
"I will" he said with a smile and I sat up and looked at him. He laughed seeing my surprised face. He gently grabbed the back of my head and brought me down for a soft kiss. And we rested there, in each others arms. It felt real, I felt alive.

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