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Lucas's P.O.V

I made it through all my first periods, it was rough though. Everyone kept asking me where Jungwoo is and I had to keep saying he's sick. I got my tray and went to my table and saw Chenle was already there. I sat down and ruffled his hair. "Hey!" he yelled at me and started to fix his hair, the table laughed.
"So I heard Jungwoo's at your place" Yuta said "is he okay?" he asked and I nodded.
"He's sick and needed a place to stay" I said with little detail and my friends let it fly.
"Hey Lucas" someone said and I looked to my side to see one of the schools 'bad boys' that I used to hang out with at parties.
"What's up" I said and he leaned down so he could whisper in my ear.
"Is it true that gay choir guy is at your place?" he whispered. I felt my heart rate spike. How am I suppose to answer that? I sighed.
"He needed somewhere to stay" I said back.
"He's not gonna, you know... turn you?" he asked and I glared.
"The fuck you mean by that?" I asked. I don't know why, but I felt angry. Fuck it I'm standing up for my boyfriend.
"Turn you gay" he whispered. I grabbed his collar and stood up easily over towering him.
"It's not a fucking sickness" I snapped and his eyes went wide.
"Woah man okay okay I get it" he raised his hands and I let him go. He started to walk off "faggot" he directed it to me. I bit my lip holding back. I sat down and took a deep breath. My friends were looking at me weirdly.
"Wow... Jungwoo really changed you huh?" Johnny said with a smile and I glared.
"He means in a good way" Taeyong said.
"Whatever" I sighed and ate my food.
"Hey Chenle... how are you and Jisung?" Jaehyun asked worriedly.
"Pretty sure he still hates me" he shrugged and I patted his shoulder.
"Did something happen?" Johnny asked and Chenle bit his lip.
"They got into a fight" I answered for him. I got out my phone out of my pocket and started to text Jungwoo while my friends talked.

Hey how ya feeling?

Better, ty


Are you at lunch?


Tell them I said hi :)

Will do

"Guys" I said and they looked over. "Jungwoo says hi" I said and they smiled and told me to say hi back.
"Tell him I miss him" Doyoung said.
"Tell him to feel better" Taeyong said.
"Tell him I need help with math" Yuta said jokingly and Mark laughed as I rolled my eyes.

They all said hi. Doyoung said he misses you, Taeyong said to feel better, and Yuta joked saying he needs help with math lol

lol, on the topic on school do you think you could pick up my homework? My parents aren't, ya know haha

Of course :D

"Lucas you're smiling like an idiot" Jaehyun said.
"No, he's smiling like a man in love" Yuta said "trust me, I'm an expert" he smiled widely.
"Because you like Sicheng" Mark said.
"You're texting Jungwoo right?" Taeil asked.
"He is" Doyoung said.
"Is it possible you like Jungwoo?" Johnny asked teasingly.
"I-I don't" I glared.
"You just stuttered" Taeil pointed and I rolled my eyes. The bell rang dismissing lunch.

Lunch is over gtg

Okay see you soon <3

My heart burst seeing the '<3'


"Bye lover boy" Johnny said and I threw a pencil I found on the floor at him. I took my tray up and hurried to my locker to put my phone away.

It was the end of the school day, I had collected Jungwoo's homework and started walking down the hall. Before I could get out of the school to meet up with my friends I was dragged to the locker room dropping my bag as I was pulled by the guy from lunch earlier. "Dude what the-" before I could finish I was thrown against lockers by the 'bad boys' of the school. "What the fuck?!" I shouted.
"I heard you talking at lunch, so you're gay now huh?" One asked with a smirk.
"What? No, the fuck?" I said confused. Is this what it's like to get bullied for your sexuality? Suddenly a punch was landed on my stomach and I groaned.
"Fucking faggot" one cursed me and a hit was landed on my face as they were pinning me to the lockers, the metal stabbing into my back.
"Pretty hypocritical of you to say that when you're pinning me to the lockers" I smirked and felt blood in my mouth from the punch.
"Shut up!" one yelled and was about to hit me but I tugged my arm out of one of their grasp and I punched the guy hard in the jaw and he fell.
"Mess with me again, I dare you" I spat and I broke away from them. They tried to grab me but I kicked one in the knee and he fell. I left while they cursed me and I walked out of the locker room and grabbed my bag that had dropped in the hallway and walked out to the gates and my friends looked at me confused.
"Dude what happened?" Yuta asked.
"A bunch of boys decided to mess with me" I shrugged and took my phone out.
"Jeez why?" Johnny asked.
"They think he's gay" Ten came out of nowhere.
"Dude you gotta stop surprising us like that" Taeyong cursed as he clutched his heart. Jaehyun patted his back.
"Lucas what happened?" Chenle said as he approached us.
"He was bullied" Doyoung said.
"They ended up worse don't worry" I smiled.
"Can I get a ride hyungs?" Chenle asked "I don't feel like taking the bus" he said and Taeyong nodded.
"Of course, we should head out to get Lucas home and healed up" Taeyong smiled. We said goodbye and Taeyong gave us a ride home and told us to tell Jungwoo he hopes he feels better.

Chenle and I walked in and saw our parents cars are gone meaning they aren't home. I set down my bag and saw Jungwoo in the living room with a blanket. He looked at us, I saw his bruises on his face were healing and he frowned. He got up and walked over with a small limp and Chenle looked at him concerned. "What happened?" Jungwoo asked me and looked at me confused. He then looked at Chenle probably seeing if he had any wounds. Chenle frowned seeing Jungwoo's face and Jungwoo sighed. "I-I'll explain everything, but let's patch Lucas up first" he smiled and led me upstairs to my room but he was limping up the stairs and looked in pain. I chuckled and picked him up and he groaned.
"Come on Chenle!" I said and my brother followed probably looking at us like we're crazy. I set Jungwoo on my bed and quickly changed into house clothes.
"I said we need to patch you up idiot, get me the basket" he pouted.
"I'll get it" Chenle said and left. He came back a minute later and Jungwoo made me sit in front of him while he applied medicine to my busted lip and bruise.
"Wanna explain what happened?" Jungwoo asked softly and Chenle joined us on the bed sitting by Jungwoo looking at me waiting for my answer. I leaned back resting on my hands as I sat crisscross.
"You look like kids waiting for someone to read them a story" I said jokingly. They both looked at me waiting. "Okay fine" I groaned. "So some guys that I used to hang with decided to mess with me simply because I stood up for Jungwoo when they called him gay and asked if he'd turn me" I shrugged "dragged me to the locker room and tried to beat me up but they're all bark and no bite" I smirked.
"Thank you for standing up for me" Jungwoo smiled at me with an angelic smile and I had to hold myself back from kissing him.
"J-Jungwoo hyung... are you going to explain what happened to you?" Chenle asked worriedly. Jungwoo looked at him with a sad smile and nodded.
"My parents found out I was gay and didn't take it so well so my father decided to...hurt me" he spoke carefully and Chenle frowned "and then kicked me out so I'm practically homeless? Anyways that's what happened, it's the shortened version though" he smiled and Chenle held onto his arm resting his head on his shoulder.
"I'm sorry hyung" he pouted.
"It's okay Chenle" he said and Chenle got off of him.
"We're dating" I spat out and Jungwoo and Chenle looked at me shocked.
"Wait really?!" Chenle screeched.
"Y-yeah" I felt a bit of regret but seeing Jungwoo's proud smile made me feel better. "But you can't tell mom or dad" I glared.
"I'd have to tell them my story though, maybe leave out the gay part just in case" Jungwoo shrugged.
"Yeah" I agreed. Chenle let out a snort.
"Imagine them finding out both their sons are gay" Chenle joked.
"Correction, one gay and one bi" I said and he raised a brow. Chenle's phone went off and he checked the I.D.
"Jisung's calling..." he frowned.
"Answer it, maybe he wants to apologize" Jungwoo said encouragingly.
"O-okay" Chenle said and walked out shutting the door behind him as he answered the phone.
"Are you okay Lucas?" he asked and I looked at him confused. He cupped my cheek.
"Yeah why?" I asked and put my hand on top of his.
"They made fun of you" he frowned. I lifted one of my arms and flexed.
"I'm strong" he laughed. I went towards him and grabbed him and switched out positions so I was at the head of the bed against the headboard with him in my lap. He was blushing. "Told you I'm strong" I said and he groaned and buried his face in my neck as he held onto my torso.
"You didn't have to stand up for me, what if something happens to you?"
"Nothing will happen to me" I said and ran my fingers through his hair. I felt him kiss my neck and my cheeks heated up. He did it again and gave a small bite.
"We're home!" I heard my mom shout and Jungwoo got off me with a blush.
"Uh sorry" he said awkwardly.
"It's okay, uh I have your homework downstairs" I smiled and we got up and I kissed him before we headed down. We made it to the end of the staircase and that's when I heard my mother gasp.
"What happened to you?!" She hollered and practically ran over and held my face studying it. I took her hands off me.
"Mom I'm fine" I rolled my eyes and my father looked over.
"Son, don't lie to us" he spoke.
"I'm not" I crossed my arms.
"Jungwoo" my mother said and looked towards him. I looked at him and saw he looked like a deer in front of headlights and he collected himself.
"Y-yes Mrs. Wong?" He asked.
"Do you know what happened to Lucas?" She asked and my father walked over. Jungwoo looked at me and I frowned.
"Jungwoo you don't have to lie to us" my father said and raised a hand to put his hand on Jungwoo's shoulder. Unfortunately Jungwoo must've read it wrong because he quickly stepped back and covered his face. Everyone froze and my mom looked at him puzzled and my dad just as confused.
"S-sorry" Jungwoo apologized and dropped his arms. "He didn't tell me what happened" he spoke looking down at his hands fiddling with his fingers.
"Okay..." my mom said awkwardly.
"I have some work to do in my study, I'll be down for dinner" my father said just as awkward as my mom. The air was tense and my father quickly grabbed his things and hustled upstairs. My mom went to the kitchen muttering something about cookies. Jungwoo looked at me with a frown and I went to him hesitantly.
"You okay?" I whispered.
"Sorry for making a scene" he whispered back and I smiled and made sure my mom's back was turned and I caressed his cheek.
"You didn't, it's alright" I smiled and he leaned into my hand.
"Okay" he smiled.
"I got your homework" I said and he nodded. We went to the living room to work on our assignments and soon Chenle joined us.

It was soon time for dinner and we were all eating until Jungwoo spoke. "I-I'm ready to tell you why I needed a place to stay" he said and I turned to him seeing he was playing with his fingers.
"Okay dear, we're all ears" my mother said and everyone put down their silverware to give Jungwoo their full attention.
"My dad and I got in a fight and he... he kicked me out. Obviously I got hurt in the process. He's-" a tear slid down his cheek and my heart broke seeing it. He wiped it away "he's abusive" he said softly and my mother and father looked at each other worriedly. She placed a hand on top of Jungwoo's.
"Shouldn't we tell the police?" She asked and he shook his head no.
"I can't ruin his career" he said softly and she sighed. "I'll get a job soon and I have money in my bank account to find an apartment or something so I'll be out of your hair. Thank you so much for letting me stay" he smiled and I inwardly pouted when he said he'll be leaving.
"Dear you're always welcomed" she said and my father agreed.
"I feel bad for living off of you. I have to retrieve my things anyways from my room and I need a place to put them" he said.
"You can have one of my spare bed rooms, I'll tell the maids to clean it up" she said.
"I-I can't do-" he started but my father cut him off.
"Nonsense. If you'd like you can pay rent for staying here if it makes you feel better" he said and I saw my mother pout at him.
"O-okay, thank you Mr and Mrs. Wong" he said and they said 'you're welcome' together and we continued to eat. Soon we finished and Jungwoo and I went upstairs, I had to help him up them. We went into my room and I shut my door.
"How will you get your things?" I asked and he shrugged.
"I'll go when my dad is at work" he said.
"Do you want help?" I asked and he smiled.
"That would be great" he said and I stood closer to him and held his waist and kissed him. His face went red and I smirked.
"You're like a hormonal girl" I laughed and he punched my chest playfully.
"Shit my uniform is at my house" he cursed and looked away.
"I have an extra" I said and he nodded.
"Okay, I'll get my things soon. Promise" he smiled and I smiled and nodded.
"Could I take a shower?" He asked and I nodded and told him to take anything from the closet. So he did and walked out of my room and I heard the bathroom door shut. I laid down on my bed on my back and got on my phone. I texted my brother since I was too lazy to get up.

What did Jisung want?

It my Jaemin who called me from his phone which sucks. Jaemin just wanted to see if I wanted to hang out with them but I said no since we had dinner and plus I don't want to see Jisung :(

Sorry about that

It's whatever ig

Okay gn


I set my alarm for tomorrow and a few minutes later Jungwoo walked in drying his hair with a small towel. God he looked so hot even in simple clothing. He was in one of my shirts and a pair of basketball shorts. The bruises on his legs were healing thankfully. He raised a brow. "You're staring" he said and I looked back at my phone.
"Was not" I said.
"Mhm sure big boy" he laughed and walked over and put the towel in my hamper and laid down next to me. I wrapped an arm around his waist continuing to scroll through my Twitter. He rested his head on my chest as he laid on his side with one of his legs resting on my own. "Hey Lucas?" He questioned and looked up at me.
"Hm?" I responded and looked away from my phone to look down at him.
"Can I... forget it" he blushed and looked away.
"What is it?" I raised a brow. He buried his face in my chest hiding it.
"Can I give you a hickey?" He muttered and I felt my heart hammer in my chest.
"What?" I asked.
"Ugh don't make me repeat it" he said shyly and I lifted his chin.
"Go ahead" I said and his face went red. I sat up bringing him with me and sat him on my lap. He nodded and hesitantly went to my neck and kissed it and soon I felt him nibble at it nervously and he started to suck and I rubbed his back. I had to hold back from laughing, his inexperience showed but it was cute. He soon finished and I saw the proud look on his face. He grabbed his phone and I raised a brow. He aimed it at the mark and took a picture and smiled down at it.
"Was it okay?" He asked me and I nodded.
"Mhm, you'll get better with practice" I smiled and he blushed. "Let me see" I said and he held his phone to his chest.
"N-no" he said and I laughed.
"Why not?" I asked.
"It's small" he said.
"And?" I asked. He sighed and held his phone out and I looked at it. It was light and small but nice. "You did great Jungwoo" I said and he set his phone aside and kissed me. I kissed back and we departed. "Are you sure you're ready to to back to school?" I asked and he nodded resting his head on my shoulder.
"Yeah... I can't miss too much" he said and I nodded.
"Okay, let's go to bed then" I gently took him off my lap and walked over to the light switch and turned it off and walked back over and got under the covers and he did the same. We laid on our sides and I held him.
"Goodnight" he said.
"Goodnight" I smiled and kissed his forehead.

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