Everything has Changed

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'Cause all I know is we said hello
And your eyes look like coming home
All I know is a simple name
Everything has changed
- Everything has Changed by Taylor Swift feat. Ed Sheeran

9 months later

Athena's P.O.V.

I woke up to the blaring sound of music. At first I thought it was just something in my head but as I slowly gained consciousness I realized it was my phone. My head quickly shot up and I crawled over to the other side of my bed to get it off of my bedside table. Once I had it, I didn't bother to look at the caller ID, I just picked it up.

"Hello," I mumbled, still sleepy.

"Wazzup, bestie!" the male voice on the other end responded.

"Really Cisco?" I sighed slowly sitting up.

Cisco Ramon is one of the scientists who was taking care of Barry after the accident. He's one of the last employees who still works at Star Labs after the explosion. And I know what you must be thinking. Star Labs what?!?!?!? But yes its true. After everything, I woke up in the hospital with an unconscious Barry to my left. It felt as if all of it had been a dream. Maybe we were both just in a car crash or something had given me wild hallucinations in my sleep. Especially the Thawne part, but soon enough he showed up to take Barry to Star Labs saying he was the only one who could 'treat' him. I tried to convince Joe not to let him at first but Thawne brought up a very 'compelling' argument that would end in disaster if we didn't let him. Joe of course didn't know that, but I did. So we let him take Barr, but not without me right behind.

"Yes really, I don't like that attitude. Anyways, I think you'll be happy to know that your 'Barr' has been whispering your name all morning. It's getting annoying," he said slightly stifled, he was probably eating a licorice stick or something.

"IS HE AWAKE!" I pretty much yelled, now fully awake.

"No, calm down there. Although i feel like today might be the day, so I suggest you get your ass down here so you won't miss it," he chuckled.

"I'm on my way," I said before hanging up and making my way over to my bathroom.

I quickly washed myself, applying a bit of makeup that was tasteful but not too much. Then I ran to my closet and pulled out my red/pink, floral, long sleeved dress. Barry always said this dress was his favorite of mine so what would be better than him waking up to see me in it!

Once I was fully dressed I ran downstairs, grabbed a banana from my kitchen counter then sped out the door. I was almost at the elevator when I realized I wasn't wearing any shoes.

"Fuck," I grumbled before turning around and heading back to my apartment.

I opened the door and was shocked to be greeted by my boyfriend of now eight months, Roy Harper. He stood there completely naked with only a bed sheet wrapped around his waist to cover himself.

"Babe where'd you go? I woke up to the sound of you leaving. I thought your friend was coming to visit later today," he groaned, his husky morning voice still evident.

"Sorry to wake you babe," I said placing a soft kiss on his lips, "I just got a call from Cisco and Barry might be waking up soon. Don't wanna miss that."

"Oh okay, I'll just get my things and head home then," he sighed looking down.

"I'm really sorry, it's just Barry is my best friend and I don't want him to be alone when he finds out he's been out for 9 months," I smiled up at him sympathetically.

"Its fine don't worry, Oliver's probably gonna call for me soon anyways," he smiled back at me.

"Aww my little hero in training," I giggled pulling my heals on before giving him one last kiss and heading out the door.

Once I got to the parking lot I got into my little Prius (yes i drive a Prius, don't make fun of me they're really good cars) and drove off to the laboratory that started it all.


(At Star Labs)

"Hey Cait! How's he doing?" I waived at the scientist before sitting in the chair nicely placed right next to Barry's bed.

"He's been mumbling your name a lot recently, so we believe that this mean his brain is slowly starting to work again. He might wake up soon enough," Caitlin Snow explained. She is another scientist that continues to work for Star Labs. She's become a good friend of mine over the past few months although she can be cold at times (no pun intended). Its completely understandable though considering she lost her fiancé the night of the particle accelerator explosion.

"Good, he has enough catching up to do with the world as it is," I chucked although a part of me was breaking for him. Once he'd wake up everything would be different, both positively and negatively.

"Don't worry I'm sure he'll be awake in no time," she said giving me a smile before going back to her work.

I turned to look at Barry only to see that he looked the same as always. I feel like the saddest part was that he didn't look sickly or ill in anyway that would somehow explain his condition. He looked as if he was resting his eyes and would soon wake up, but he hasn't for the past 9 months and it was killing me.

"Athena..." I heard a soft mumble leave his lips which immediately caught both mine and Caitlin's attention.

I turned to her, about to say something when I was interrupted by a certain long haired boy.

"Hey Caitlin! I'm back from Big Belly Burger! Oh hey Athena!" He smiled brightly before placing the bag of food on the table.

We both turn to him sharply with our fingers over our mouth as in telling him to shut up.

"Sorry...did he talk again?" He asked, this time in a whisper.

"Ya but it doesn't matter," I sighed before picking up my bag, "I have to go pick up a friend for coffee, so text me if anything happens!"

Before they could say anything or ask any questions, I was gone.

I got into my car again and went to my next stop, The Wells house.

Before I tell my story to the fullest I need to ask you, what are you willing to do for your family? And I don't mean the fucked up people who have betrayed you or hurt someone you care for. I mean the family that you truly love.

Would you die for them?

Would you kill for them?

Would you put everything behind for them?

I did all three. All for one person.

"Morning sweetheart, she's been waiting all morning for you. She's anxious to go outside so the first time in a long while," my "father" smiled up at me from his spot on his wheelchair.

"Yeah whatever, asshole," I sighed walking past him, into the house.

"Hey Thena," smiled the young girl who was inside the house. She was a few years older than me with beautiful long black hair and caramel brown eyes. Although it had been years since we last met, she was still the young girl I once knew.

"Effie..." I smiled back, tears now filling both of our eyes. I couldn't say anything after that, all I could do was go up to her and hug her. I hugged her so tight as if I let go I'd lose her again. Never again would I do that.

"Don't say I never did anything for you," A voice came from behind us.

We both slowly let go and turned towards the source of noise. I glared down at him before taking Effie's hand and leading her out the door.

"Sorry about that I just needed to get away from that asshole," I sighed while walking over to my car. I was abruptly stopped however by the young girl holding my hand.

I turned towards her only to find her staring at the sky with pure happiness. The sun beating down on her face as she took large breathes of the new found fresh air.

"Let's go get a coffee," I smiled at her.

She turned her head towards me and nodded, letting me lead the way.

"So then Barry turned as red as a tomato, it was so great. He's honestly so adorable, he's like a little puppy, too pure for this world. Anyways, Joe didn't tell my adoptive parents though, he let me off with a warning," I laughed with Effie as I told her all the memories I had made with Barry, Eddie and the West family.

"I'm glad that although you didn't have a great family to care for you, you still had people there when you needed them," she said looking down, "I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you.... It's my responsibility to protect you and I failed."

"Hey I'm okay, I mean things aren't perfect but you've protected me all throughout my childhood. It's my turn to protect you," I told her while pacing a hand on her's.

"Anyways," she chuckled as I started to take a sip from my coffee, doing my best not to mess up my lipstick, "I can't wait to meet this Barry guy when he wakes up, he seems like the perfect boyfriend. I couldn't be happier for you guys." At this statement I almost chocked on my coffee. She looked at me in confusion, "You two are a couple right? I mean from the way you described him it seemed you were."

"No I'm dating this guy named Roy from Starling City. Barry and I are just best friends. Besides, I doubt he sees me in that way anyways," I said, accidentally letting the last part slip.

"But you do like him don't you?" she smirked while taking a sip of her tea, "And although you can't see it, just from these stories I know that he's head over heals for you."

"Oh please, no I mean I'm damaged and messed up meanwhile Barry is just... he's just..." I started but stopped once I felt a pair of eyes on me. I looked over Effie's shoulder only to find the man in question looking right at me, he was awake, "he's here."

At this statement she whipped her head behind her but I didn't pay much attention. My eyes never left his grinning face as I slowly got up and made my way towards him. Once I was right in front of his slender figure I just looked him up and down, checking if he was real. I then slowly placed my hands on his chest and felt his heartbeat, it was surprisingly fast.

"You're really here," I smiled up at him.

"Yeah I am," he spoke back.

God I missed his voice.

"I watched you die Barry, I felt you die. Your heart kept stopping. Every time it was like a part of me was ripped out of my chest," I told him as a small tear fell down my face.

He placed both his hands on my cheeks and wiped away the tear with his thumb, "It's still beating," He told me, referring to my hands on his chest.

I don't know what came over me but I jumped up and wrapped my arms around his neck to hug him. He quickly responded by wrapping his arms around my torso so that I wouldn't fall. We just stood there, embracing each other while my feet didn't even touch the ground. In that moment we didn't care if people were watching, we just knew that we had each other once again.

It felt like hours until Barry finally put me down at the sound of someone clearing their throat. We both turned to the source of the sound only to find Effie smirking at us.

"Aren't you going to introduce me?" she asked with a knowing look.

Barry turned back to me with a confused look on his face, "Oh umm right, Barry this is my new friend... Sam," I lied hoping he wouldn't ask too many questions.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Barry," he smiled while extending his hand which she happily took, "But you already knew that."

"Why didn't Star Labs call us?" I asked turning back to the green eyed man.

"I just woke up," he chuckled back at me.

"How are you even standing," Effie questioned looking from Barry to me with a knowing look that I copied.

At that moment a waitress dropped a few plates behind us. We all turned to the source but then quickly went back to our own conversations.

As Effie and I turned back to Barry he seemed to look incredibly concerned. Looking everywhere but us.


"You've missed a lot sweetie," I giggled trying to gain back his attention while placing my hand on his shoulder, "Time to get caught up."

He gave me a small worried smile; he had known that things were going to be different but what he didn't realize was that everything had changed far more drastically than he had first thought...

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