(REDID) marina

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name: marina rinina harris
age: around 16 years-
sexuality: asexual
gender: female
nicknames: the most used one is mute box. the reason behind it? she never speaks usually, only if it's important or she knows them very well, like a childhood friend. the other is 'rini. she gets called rina because it's her middle name, rinina, and people shortened it. and it just kinda stuck. lastly, mari. mari was a nickname one of the newsies gave her (probably jack) when they were flirting with her. she hates the name to this day.
looks/faceclaim: summerella on instagram

voiceclaim: summerella


personality: as her nickname, marina is very quiet and introverted. she will speak up at times, only to stand up for her rights, but other than that, she's very silent, calm, and collected. though, the girl is very badass, and will fight if she has to. she may seem very tough and cold, but she's honestly very sweet and kind if you get her to crack a smile, or show a act of kindness.
>soft blankets
>long hugs
>people who think others are equal
>childhood friends
>small animals
>music boxes
>people who disrespect others due to their disorders (having asthma, autism, physical and mental illnesses, etc.)
>people who try and flirt with her
>getting sick
>failing at something
>the nickname 'mari'
>burning her tongue
crush: crutchie
>she has a mother, and two siblings, who are twins, mia and marcus.
>she bakes regularly, and will pass out treats to the newsies when she does.
>her and cructhie were friends when they were both a bit younger.
>she loves having her hair played with
>she has a lot of music boxes
>marina has ptsd
>is usually found looking unamused??
>the only one so far that could make her smile/laugh was crutchie.
> "you all are idiots."
> "i can wear clothes boys wear all the time. i don't care if i get in trouble."
> "call me mari again. i dare you kelly."
> "what were you doing with my stuff?!"
> "crutchie, i swear to god i will bust your other leg if you do something stupid like that ever again. got it?"
> "oh, look at the time!! it's time for you to shut the hell up."
> "y-you never saw me smiling, got it-"
historical -


backstory -
when marina was smaller, she was born into a middle class family, and her father wanted her to be like a doll. he had a image for her to fit in. he wanted her to dress a certain way, be around certain people, and have certain interests. in other words, he wanted her full obedience, along with her siblings, and mother. and you could say he had it most of her life. until she hit fithteen. instead of hanging out with 'perfect' people, she hanged out with people who didn't have the perfect life. instead of dressing in large, tight dresses and skirts along with her braids in a high bun, she wore looser dresses, and her braids were down. that's when her father snapped. he started to become abusive, and mentally beat every person in the house. everything her or her siblings did somehow turned into a burden for him, and if they did something wrong, they were punished. and it changed her, and her siblings personalities. marina, was a sweet type of shy when little. now, she was just a silent and cold teenager. markus, used to be calm and collected. now, he's hot headed, and looses his temper more than he should. mia, used to be very happy and bubbly, but now, she was a calm and monotone girl. but just underneath were terrified boy, who clung to their pillows and cried.

when marina hit sixteen, her mother came to her room in the middle of the night, telling her five words.

"pack your bags for tomorrow."

she didn't know what that meant, but she did that night. and when she woke up, it was to her siblings shaking her awake, telling her to wake up, saying that they were leaving, and that their ride was outside. marina, shooting out of bed in confusion and grabbing her suitcases had rushed downstairs to see her mother writing a note. when she walked up to her mother, she asked what was going on, and her mother told her these words.

"we're all leaving your father."

those words hit her like a train. she felt overwhelmed, happy, relief, excitement, and nervousness roll up into her. but nevertheless, she left with her family. she left and never looked back. once they all got to new york, the fear sunk in. her father would be pissed, no, he would be really pissed. more than ever. but, she reminded herself something. he doesn't know where they are. and they took most of the money they had, and her mom was a baker. so they were okay, for the time being.

skip to a few weeks later, marina is helping her mother in the bakery, occasionally longingly staring out the window. her mother, had noticed her looking out the window, and told her to explore for a while. "try and make some friends. just be home before dark." and that's what marina did. her mother, though had packed her a few pastries and breads, and a bit of money, incase she got hungry while exploring, or wanted to buy something. as she explored, she heard a few boys talking, laughing, and joking around. marina sighed to herself softly at the boys, walking past them. soon, she heard the boy's 'ooooooooo' and say 'crutchie is making goo goo eyes at a lady~' immediately, marina turned her head, seeing a blonde boy staring at her with a large amount of blush spread across his face. when he saw her look at him, he squeaked, tensing up, making the other boy's snicker at him. a small smile grew on marina's lips, her dimple's showing slightly as she walked over to the blonde boy.

after a few minutes of talking to him, she found that his name was charlie, but everyone called him crutchie due to the birth defect he had with his leg, and he was a newsie. they actually got along pretty well, either marina flirting with him and getting a blushing mess of a boy, or crutchie telling a joke, and managing to get her to laugh. when marina had to leave, she pulled out a cookie from her basket, giving it to him, and saying. 'i'll come back to buy a paper tomorrow, charlie. can't wait to see your face again.' and as marina walked off, all she could hear was clapping, whistling, and teasing. the day she met crutchie, changed her life. and she loved it.

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