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Most of you guys have probably lost interest in TBHK, and thats alright!! Probably no one is going to read this sequel, after all this time xD-

But am back! I won't leave this book in a cliffhanger, as a reader myself it saddened me when an author would just leave their book unfinished.

So less views or more views, I'm going to finish this for those who wanted to see this finished. However, updates will be weekly since I'm busy with the webtoon.

Thanks for waiting! Also, I'm working on some original stories now.. and for those wondering when this book will end, it will stop at the 20th chapter Cx

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Y/N furrowed her brows and crossed her arms. Tsukasa wanted to confront her; she wanted the same.

Mistuba shot her an anxious look as he passed by, murmuring; "Are you sure you want to do this?"

The Sukora Wonder nodded, keeping her cool. He gave her a small nudge of good luck, before walking out the door Tsukasa closed after him.

A tense silence reigned the bathroom. Tsukasa stared down the shaky Wonder, before walking towards her, speaking at last.

"You've seen Yugi Amane. See how bruised and battered he was?"

"Very much injured." Y/N said with a guarded tone. She could not tell how much Tsukasa knew and did not know. He continued with a heavy tone.

"That was because he killed me."

Y/N's eyes widened in disbelief.


"Would I lie to you, Y/N?" Tsukasa frowned, holding her chin up.

Y/N snapped away from his grip, gritting her teeth in annoyance.

'You wouldn't lie to me... but you could ditch me when I need your help, joke around when I confide in you, and never take my problems seriously!'

"Tell me the truth, Tsukasa." Y/N spat. "Why would he injure himself to kill you?"

"I hurt him because he wanted to kill me!"

"He'd probably want to kill you, anyway!" Y/N drew herself to her full height, E/C eyes alight with fury.

"He treats you with peace  and you treat him like shit!"

The words tumbled out of her mouth before she could stop herself. She was too angry; the feeling of remorse about her past being kept from her, the confusion she had dealt with for almost two months - all fueled her to take a step closer and closer to the now awed boy.

Tsukasa backed up, and for a moment looked scared. Y/N had never seen him so shocked by something before.

But just when she began to feel triumph, Tsukasa had slitted his eyes, holding up his knife. Y/N didn't need to fear him anymore. She did the same.

"Why are you siding with Amane now, Y/N?" Tsukasa hissed. "Have you forgotten? Have you neglected the fact that he murdered you?"

"I'm not even sure if what you say is true." Y/N stammered, despising the strength Tsukasa held; the truth about her past.

"Hanako has helped me more than you ever could."

Tsukasa held back a yell of anger as his weapon slowly fell further away from his grip. But he kept his cool, putting his knife down. The Wonder put on an act, forcing a tone of hurt.

"I saved your life... and this is how you repay me."

Y/N flinched, looking unsure for a moment. Tsukasa held back a smirk.

"Who nursed you back to health?"

Y/N paused, finally dropping the knife.


"You."  Y/N sighed, disgruntled.

"Who found you Mitsuba, who you've come to trust more than me?"

Y/N looked up with a start.

"Th-that's not..."


"You!" She spluttered in frustration.

"So at least you remember," Tsukasa dipped his head in forced relief, letting out a light chuckle.

"And what did Hanako do to you, now? What is more 'helpful' than that?"

Y/N found she was at a loss for words. Other than helping her fight, their talks about their inner problems and worries, what could compare to Tsukasa saving her life?

She decided to be completely honest. She could not find hatred for any Yugi twin. Only confusion, and a suspicious feeling that something important was being kept from her.

"You saved my life," Y/N went on slowly. "Hanako helped me through it."

Tsukasa's eyes widened in disbelief, but he tried to mask it with understanding. She was still  not completely siding with him?

"Saving is just as well as helping!"

"No, Tsukasa." Aka Manto shook her head fiercely. "Saving and helping are two very different things."

"But he killed you!"

"Maybe that's his way of asking for forgiveness!" Y/N suggested meekly.

For the first time, Amane became more than an enemy. He was a key to finding more about her past.

"He abused you!" Tsukasa went on in frustration. "For heaven's sake, he slashed you with a knife!"

"You said all of those were by him..." Y/N frowned. "But honestly? The memories are foggy. He's a nice person, Tsukasa! Maybe you're mistaken!"

Tsukasa was fuming, now. He had planned every bit of his quest for control perfectly, and his brother had ruined everything again.

Before he knew it, he had pinned Y/N harshly against the wall. Aka Manto let out a mortified gasp.

"Ex-cuse  me." She scowled. "I've been pinned enough today. Get off."

Tsukasa held his grip. He had been waiting for this moment as well; if he'd force her to it, he would force her to it.

"Can't you see why I left you?" Tsukasa put on yet another act, forcing agony and want in his voice. "I wanted to protect you, Y/N!"

"I can protect myself." She snapped bitterly, already reaching for her coat pocket.

"I left you to go to Kamome and track down Amane." He leaned in closer. Y/N felt for the hilt of her knife nervously.

"Oh, would you?"

"I would, dear." Tsukasa's voice dropped to a low tone. It sent shivers down Y/N's spine; she felt as if she were in Hanako's shoes.

"I would kill him for you. He's abused and manipulated you for long enough."

Y/N felt more terrified than flattered.

"Abused me? He's very gentle, and sweet..."

Y/N blushed at the thought of his kiss. Maybe a little harsh, but he had been slow, and had enough respect to pull away.

Tsukasa's impatience got the best of him, he slowly reached for the knife in his pocket.

This was the moment Y/N waited for. With her own, she slashed Tsukasa across the chest.

The apparition let out a gasp of shock, stumbling back. Y/N, as much as she repulsed him, could not bring herself to inflict a deathly blow on anyone just yet.

'Not until I find the truth.'

"Y/N...!" Tsukasa shuddered, genuinely stunned.

"I'm sorry, Tsukasa-sama." Y/N pulled down her knife, unable to surpress a look of shame and hurt as he collapsed on the floor. She never thought the first person she would hurt would be the very person she thought was her friend.

"But if you won't tell me the truth, maybe your brother will."

Now Tsukasa had no more intention to fake. He spat bitterly;

"How dare you!"

"I'm sorry..." Y/N closed her eyes, opening her stall to enter the Rift.

"I'll find you, Y/N." Tsukasa cooed, amber eyes burning into her as she turned her back on him.

"You'll see. You'll be sorry for betraying me."

"No. If I find out you've been lying to me..."

Y/N glared down at him one last time from the stall.

"You'll  be sorry for betraying  me."

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