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     First things first, let's start with Clay. When I read the first book, I kept noticing Clay thinking and or saying things like, "man, they're so pretty!" And stuff like that. For example at one point, he said to Tsunami, "You look like you're made of saffires!" Wich is ship good ship material right there. The only reason I don't ship them is because that was one of their few interactions. They don't seem to talk much. 

     Him and Glory on the other hand, they talk a decent amount of times, and not only did Clay think about how beautiful she was when he finnally got a veiw of her in the sun, but he really worried about her alot, showing how much he cares about her. That right there is good ship material. 

     I think shipping him with Sunny and him would be really cute together because of their simalar personalities and that they already get along really well.  This is probably the one I ship with him the most out of the main 5. The only problem is, Clay thinks of everyone as siblings, so It's kind of hard to ship him with anyone in the main 5. 

     There is also a common ship outside of the main 5. Peril. I used to be all in on this, but to be honest, now I'm not that sure. It's like reverse Stockholm syndrome, in a way. Basically Peril sees the first dragon that is nice to her and is also close to her age and is like: *gasp* boyfriend. I mean, there was barely any chemistry between them! The only reason I guess I kind of ship them is because Peril loves him sooo much, and I really don't want to break her heart, because she is uwu baby bean. So this one is complicated. I just don't know.

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