x chapter zero x

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"Naruto?" I asked with a slightly shaken breath, as I placed my hands on the slightly rusting bars.

He hadn't been within these walls for too long, but it was long enough. Long enough to see his skin become paler, and his hair that once quite voluminous, had grown a few inches, and could hang past his nose, if it wasn't swept out of his face. His face didn't look as baby faced as it once had a few weeks ago, and those sparkling blue eyes, had seem to dull down slightly.

"Yeah?" He asked tiredly, as I stared deeply into those eyes I thought I once knew. I knew that he knew exactly what I was thinking by the expressions his face had left.

It was the talk of the village, the trouble maker Naruto Uzumaki, my best friend, was charged of murder in the first degree. Hearing such words, left me speechless, before a broken mess on the floor. Naruto wasn't capable of murder... I couldn't believe it, and I wouldn't believe it... Not a first anyways.

"Did you do it?" I asked, as he gripped the cold metal, his eyes a mixture of anger and hurt.

My heart dropped as I stared at his tired face. How could I even ask him that? How could I ask the one guy who had been by my side since what felt like the beginning, someone so selfless, manage to murder another human being? It was just a piece to the puzzle that I couldn't seem to fit together... Not at first anyways.

"Y-you don't really think I did this... Right
(Y/N)?" He asked with uncertainty, as I bit my lip looking down at the ground. He released his grip on the bars, and I felt his eyes on me.

The truth was I didn't at first... And part of me wants to force myself to believe that he was completely innocent. Part of me wishes I could open my eyes, and conclude that it was just some wicked nightmare.

"I..." I stopped talking, watching as his eyes broke away from mine, as he looked down at his feet, backing away from the bars that separated us. I let a soft sigh leave my mouth before closing my eyes for a brief second. I licked my bottom lip, as a lump hung in my throat.

Every time I thought he wasn't to blame, something in the back of my mind told me to stay clear, just until I knew he was one hundred percent innocent...
But the more I tried to convince myself of his innocence, the more it all made sense. The evidence added up. The finger prints on the weapon. The Motive... The location... Each little detail connecting together, creating the bigger picture of this cold case. But there was one thing that hung in the back of my mind that made that bigger picture fall apart.

How easily someone could have set him up. I mean, it's just a mere hypothesis, but it's the only other thing in my mind that makes sense. Whose a better target than Naruto, the troublemaker, the guy who was always pranking the village. The guy who was disliked by most... What a perfect target to throw all of the blame on.

Maybe that night if I didn't drink... I wouldn't have ended up sleeping in my best friend's room, and could have potentially seen what had really happened. That night is a blur, and the more I tried to the remember, the more my brain ends up disheveled. But if this was the truth, would I have wanted to see it?

Could Naruto really have done it?
If not, could he be proven innocent?
Why was his prints on the weapon?

"(Y/N)... Please... You have to believe me." He said, sounding hopeless.

"I don't know what to believe anymore Naruto..."

"I know." He said softly, as he placed his hand on mine, making me look into his eyes. I watched as his eyes fought glossing over, as I bit the inside of my lip.
"I don't care if the whole world doesn't believe me. But... I do care when it comes to you." He said taking a deep breath.


"It wasn't me. I don't know what it will take for you to believe me (Y/N)... But I didn't do it." He said with persistence, squeezing my hand lightly.

"Then who did it?" I asked, as he let out a frustrated sigh.

"I don't know." He said, as I sighed.

"Do you have any idea who it could have been then? No one else's finger prints were on the weapon Naruto! Just yours! And it all happened at your apartment!" I said frantically.

"Yeah I know that!" He replied back, as I stared at him.
"I know it all points to me, but I didn't do it!" He said as he let go of my hand, running his finger through his hair, giving the ends of it a slight tug.
"I sound crazy, but I need you to trust me."

"I want to Naruto, I really want too." I said as he frowned.

"But you don't." He said sadly as my heart raced.
"I don't know how I'm going to prove I'm innocent... b-but you just gotta believe me!" He said, as a tear slipped down his cheek.
"I mean... There's no yummy ramen in prison..." he said sadly as I looked up at him suddenly. Even in the confusion and seriousness of the situation I couldn't help but let out a small chuckle.

"You're in prison, and all you care about it your ramen." I said shaking my head lightly, with a chuckle. He gave me a small smile, as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"I'm glad I can still make you smile." He said with a light blush painted across his cheek, making me smile a little more.


"Yes (Y/N)?" He replied, as I let out a sigh. I held my pinky out, making him look down at my pinky before back at me.

"I want you to pinky promise that you didn't do it." I said as he looked back down at my hand.

Yeah he could be lying, but a pinky promise was something that we had always taken seriously, something that always kept our bond together. We've never broken a promise, and if he's truly honest, then we won't break one today. If he can promise me that he is innocent then I will go out of my way to find out who did this to my best friend.

I let off a soft sigh of relief when I felt his finger wrap around mine, and I looked back into his eyes.

"I promise, I'm innocent." He said as I looked at him seriously.

"If you're lying to me, I will never forgive you. If you truly value our friendship Naruto, if you truly care about me you-"

"I know." He said as he rested his head against the rusting black metal.

"Then I'll do whatever it takes to find out the truth and prove your innocence." I said as a smile slid on his face, making the room feel a little brighter.

I have no idea where to start, who to go to, where to try looking, who to question. But out of all the passing questions that raced in my head, one stayed permanently in my mind.

Who framed Naruto Uzumaki?


This is the start to Who framed Naruto Uzumaki?
Do you guys like this idea? And should I keep going? Lemme know!

Love you guys! :)

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