Chapter Six

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Warning 8... Panic attack. I'm sorry if I get it wrong. It just seems fitting.

Chris's P.O.V

I was in the scrap room with my sister. Bryan didn't notice I took control but it seems like he doesn't care. He is trapped within his own memories.

I wish to help him, but someone needs to care for Elizabeth. I glance at the clipboard on the table and wait for the first test to start.


After shocking my sister twice, I was finally able to bring her back to the pizzeria. My poor sister is in shambles. Her face plate is broken, her dress is torn, and her voice box is tarnished.

We really need to find a way to keep the voice box's safe. They seem to be easily broken.

"Bryan?! Who is that?!" A Black bear asked me. 'That's Lefty,' Bryan provided to me. 'Ah, look who's aware of their surroundings!' I teased.

"This is El- I mean, Baby" I slipped. I cursed myself for almost saying my sisters name. The weight of her new body is starting to strain on my arms so I went to lay her down gently on the main stage.

"Are you going to make her an outfit too?" Asked a little purple and white bear. 'That's Helpy, and yes. I will if she wishes it.' Bryan replied.

"Yes Helpy, but only if she wants me too. I'm not going to make an outfit if she doesn't wish to wear it. I will ask her as soon as she awakens." I say, trying to sound as much as Bryan as possible. Who knew trying to act like someone could be so hard?

"Okay!" Said the happy little bot as she skips away with the black bear in tow. 'Chris, what the hell are you doing?' Asked Lumine. 'Nothing! I saw my sister through Bryan and I saw she was hurt. Even though I'm younger then her, I still wish to see her unharmed.' I told the wolf.

"Bryan!" Yelled a... Yellow... Bunny...

'That's Spring-trap, we call him Spring as a nickname. The day we found him, he told us his name was Afton.'


"Yes Spring?" I asked politely, I miss him...

"How did you know her name!" He demanded.

"I don't know what you're talking about. All I know is that I picked her up and headed to the scrap room to test her. I don't remember saying anything..." I trailed, trying to make my story believable, I hand over the controls back to Bryan.

Bryan's P.O.V

'What the hell Chris!' I mentally shout to the dead child. 'Technically I'm you and you're me but in different realities. So... Of course I'm going to give you back control!'  He replied.

While I had a mental battle with myself, Spring walked over and looked in my glazed eyes.

"Why were your eyes green a second ago?" He inquired. That made me freeze. 'Shit, I forgot about that!' I panicked. Whenever one of the others take control or share it with me, my eyes or eye respectively change to fit the personality, form or actual eye color of the person.

"My eyes are hazel, they change color depending on a variety of conditions." I lied smoothly. I quickly pull a mask up to cover my emotions, to the point where not even my eyes can betray me.

"Okay then... Are you alright? You were acting weirdly after we found Baby..." He asked with concern lacing his voice.

"Y-yeah, just a.... Really bad case of deja-vu." I said honestly, that vision-no that memory really rattled me.

"What was so bad about it..." Spring pushed, his concern for me erupting surprise from myself. I didn't think he would like me after today.....

"W-well when I saw her, my mind gave me the name 'Baby' before you said anything. Then I had.... A weird feeling that I saw her before, but with you and Helpy! Then... A few bad things happened too her and because of a version of her.... I... I don't know... It could have been a very messed up dream for all I know..." I replied confusedly.

This appeared to stump Spring. I tilt my head at his confused expression. "Nothing... It's just... How did you not realize you said anything..? And how did you know her true name?" He asked befuddled.

"I-I don't k-know Spring." I confessed, voice wavering leaving cracks in my mask to which show fear.

I fear this knowledge, I fear the few things it showed me. And by the looks of it? There is going to be a lot of hardships and pain.

I fear what W̴̏ͅį̶͕̩̍l̸̗̼̻͐l̶̢̞̤̐̽i̷̘̰̜̚ạ̷̼͆̈́͗m̷̨͐͘͝ ̴̪͓́͒Å̵̪͈f̸̢̙͕̎̌t̴̠͍͗o̸̺̻͉͑̚n̶̗͋͛ would do... I don't fear Spring. No. He has changed. I̷̧̜̙̔̓́̉̇̐̊ ̵̧̬̠͖͈͕̊̅̉̑͊̀ḩ̵̧̦̖̞̌̑̋̕͜͝o̷̧̦͔̱̩͓̯̤̞͑̅͑̈̑p̴̛̰̳̗̯̲̥̀̒̀͘ë̶͓́̈́̒. If the portal is truly this dangerous... What's stopping another version of him from coming through? I feel myself shaking... Why am I shaking..?

"Bryan... I'm not mad. Just curious on how you knew who she was. If you honestly don't know, I won't push it." Spring said. I don't know If he's lying, he places his paws on my shoulders. What's going on?! What's wrong with me?! Instead of calming down, I end up shaking more, it's getting hard to breath. Why can't I breath?

"Lefty! Helpy! Come here quick!" I hear, but it's... Muffled. I hear a small ringing in my ears. It's getting harder to breath.

Am I having a panic attack? I feel a big, furry paw on my back. It's rubbing my back up and down. It feels relaxing, it takes almost twenty minutes before I could breath normally again. Lefty hugged me once it was finally regulated.

"Bryan... I'm sorry for making you panic..." Said the old bunny guiltily.

"You didn't mean too, hell, I didn't even realize it. I think I was just worried about making you mad..." I trailed. I can't say anything else or i might just slip up. I can't do that. That would make them worry. I don't want them to worry about me. I don't deserve it. Not yet.

"Why would I be... Oh, yeah I could see how you would of thought I was mad. I did sort of barge in here and start yelling at you..." He said ashamedly.

"It's okay Spring! May I just ask one thing? It was in that weird deja-vu moment... Are you her father?" I ask carefully. Trying not to push a wrong nerve in my curiosity.

I tensed, waiting for him to shout or something of the sort. Instead, he looked over at the tattered animatronic with soft eyes and whispered, "Yes, I am."

I look at the sight and smiled sadly, "Do you wish to fix her? If you need any help I won't mind." I offered to the deceased father.

"Please..?" He slightly begged. I just smiled and held out my tool box to him.

He nodded gratefully and took the box. I noticed Lefty hasn't let me go yet, and Helpy has been watching the encounter meticulously.

"Guys let's let him be. I need to start heading home. It's been a long night..." I tried to say while attempting to escape.

"It's six in the morning Bryan! You're staying here. You could sleep in your office or the portal room. After this, we want to make sure both you and Spring's daughter are alright. We are closed tomorrow anyway. So might as well sleep on the stage." Helpy said, my eyes widened.

'Hey, guys? We have a problem...' I said and retold what just happened. Thirteen voices started yelling and that main me groan.

"You okay Bryan?" Lefty asked.

"I'm fine Lefty, I just had a particularly bad blast of pain from my headache. I need to get to bed." I lied, my heart clenched at lying to my new friends but... This is safer for all of us if they didn't know the truth.

"Okay then..." Trailed Lefty as he released me just to immediately grab my wrist and drag me to his stage. He bent down and swept me off my feet. I yelped and wrapped my arms around his neck. He chuckled lightly and stepped on stage, laying me down afterwards.

Helpy suddenly came out of no where with two blankets and laid one over me then handing me the other.

"Thank you..." I said gratefully. I took the blanket and placed it under my head. Once my head touched the makeshift pillow I was out like a light.

This was one of the most peaceful nights I had in years...

Phionex out~

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