Questions and Answers No. 3

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Wow you guys! I now have a great amount of questions and an interesting dare (that will be saved for last ;) )

But for now, the questions! We have a variety of questions from camillazoetanya, YourBookwormType, Rexter_fan_here, and MaddieHatterADemigod!

camillazoetanya asks,

"Who is your least favourite Ever After High character?"

Sparrow Hood, hands down. So annoying, invasive, and gets on more than just my nerves. I say, he needs character development in order for me to like him.

"What is your favourite story/fanfiction that you have read on Wattpad so far?"

Easy: I haven't found it yet! There are so many talented writers in the fandom, I honestly couldn't choose one. But what I have in my reading lists sort of shows what I like.

Thank you, camillazoetanya!


YourBookwormType asks,

"Who are your best friends (forever after) here in Wattpad?"

Well, I don't really have best friends, but three people that really stand out to me with their awesomeness:
•You (YourBookwormType)

Also, I've talked to some really nice, amazeballs and equally awesome Wattpaddees (um, okay.) including:

I appreciate my readers, commenters, voters, and followers, so I'm not picking favorites.

Thank you, YourBookwormType!


Rexter_fan_here asks,

"What are your favorite OTP's?"

Well, Rexter_fan_here, your name says it all.

Dexter Charming and Raven Queen, better known by their fans as 'Dexven' or 'Rexter'.

For real, that is it! Dexven/Rexter is my only one true pairing! I have never shipped anyone like I ship those two loveable kids.

They are like my little babies! Preciousness!

Thank you, Rexter_fan_here!


Our last question comes from MaddieHatterADemigod. She asks,

"Have you ever thought about getting your hair dyed?"

Well, I thought of getting an ombre or highlights, but my entire hair?

I don't think so, unfortunately.

My natural hair is well...interesting, so I'm not sure how that will fly with me or my parents.

How about you, MHAD?
Thank you, MaddieHatterADemigod!


Alright! Those are all the questions. Thank you so much, you guys!

YourBookwormType has submitted a dare, which will be on the next chapter. Please don't forget to continue asking questions about anything, from EAH to just me in general!


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