Who I Am: Rebelliously_Yours

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Daughter of Two Loveable Parents

Name:Not saying, sorry!
Gender: Female

Birthday: June 24th
Star Sign: Cancer ♋
Favorite Food: Sour candies, spicy snacks, and Starbucks frapps!
Quote: The best is yet to come.

My Story So Far
For the past few years, I've just really began to discover and open my eyes to so many things. Now that doesn't make me a pushover, but I love to discover something I've never noticed before. Now that I'm about to enter a new chapter in my life as a teenager, I hope to see more and experience nostalgia again.

What's Your True Heart's Desire?
Other than peace in this corrupt world, right now I really want to make my parents and God proud of me this next school year. I'm going into high school after this year, so I really have to buckle down to show them I'm serious about school.

What "Magic Touch" Makes You Special?
Many people say I am incredibly sweet, modest, well-spoken, muse- ically inclined, and thoughtful. I am also very creative (I hate tooting my horn like that)!

Does Anything Make You Shout, "Oh Curses!"
Wow, let's see, improper grammar, things that make me easily frustrated, too much spotlight, people who chew with their mouths open, vain people, my trypophobia, copy cats, the list goes on and on and on...

What's Your Storybook Romance Status?
I had secret crushes on a small number of guys throughout my elementary and my 6th and 7th grade years. But I just want to focus on my schoolwork, not boy drama. Besides, I love secretly playing matchmaker for my friends :).

What's Your Favorite Subject?
Language Arts/Writing, my greatest strength, and orchestra, cause I heart music and my precious violin.

What's Your Least Favorite Subject?
Math and any other boring connection I've had to take over my 6th and 7th grade years. I'm so happy I got accepted into a year-long class I know I'll enjoy for the 8th grade.

Who Are Your Best Friends Forever After?
I don't have any best friends! I do have some very amazing FFA's, however.

I look like Cedar Wood, just without the wood-grain complexion.

So do you have any questions for me? I'll answer them in my next update. By the way, I need five comments (not including my replies) to post another chapter. Do you have a story to tell (everyone does)that you wanna share? Leave it in the comments!

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