RIP Laptop

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So, we actually found a computer store that was open. They checked out my laptop and stuff and basically it'll be more than it's worth to fix it than to get a new one.

My laptop is a Lenovo, and it's five years old now. So I'm cracking open my bank account — thank God have a lot of savings and I'm not a big spender, I dunno what's happening yet — and I'm gonna get an apple, because it seems better and it'll probably be better for animation when I finally go off to school.

I'm sad ;-;. I just hope I can get all my stuff onto my new one, whenever I get that. I have data and information not sure I have on my USB. And I have stuff I really want to have saved. But I don't know how I'll get it there ;-;.

All my story notes and the entire draft is in Word on my laptop, so I'm really sad right now 😂😂.

So I'm posting this here so people will know why there's such a big wait. So... yeah. 😅😐

That's that.

I'm gonna see what can be done and if I can try to make another chapter, but no promises since it's always easier when writing in my laptop. When on a handheld device it just doesn't seem the same.

Hopefully you all understand. I'll try my best to figure things out.

I hoped to update with the whole quarantine stuff up so people could feel some entertainment. Unfortunately that's not the case at the moment. Sorry.

Hopefully I'll write more chapters in my Sonic Group Chat Book. Or perhaps I'll make another "joke book" that includes the new characters Phantom created :3.

Why do I keep saying stuff that may not come true? 😂

Anyway, hope you are all doing well. I'll try my best to update, but, again, no promises.

Thank you for reading.



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