Chapter 12 - First Kill

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I watched as he fell to his knees, his right hand clutching the back his head where blood was slowly trickling down the back of his neck, soaking the collar of his shirt. The back of his head was smashed in and I could hear him scream in pain, falling face-first onto the rough surface of the gravelly pathway that led deeper into the woods.

His body was lifeless, legs twisted at an awkward angle, hands plastered to his side. For a moment the sight caught me of the guard and I couldn't breathe. I was shocked that I actually killed him. But strangely enough, it wasn't the dead body that shocked me, but the fact that I enjoyed doing it. I knew it wasn't normal, that I should be feeling some sort of guilt or even remorse, but I didn't. It was the complete opposite, it felt exhilarating and exciting, two things that I thought they would never be.

The rock fell from my hand as I cautiously moved towards his body. My dress was torn and stained, soaked in his blood from our earlier struggle as he tried to pin me down. I kicked his foot, checking for any sign of life, for some sort of sound or movement. Nothing. A wave of relief flooded through me, and I felt myself releasing the breath that I held in earlier. I was glad he was dead, I didn't regret it and I would do it again if I have to. I would do everything in my power to protect Carly. Even if it meant killing.

Above me, I heard the sky roar to life, and I knew that the rain would soon follow. It was freezing, and my skin started to feel a bit numb from the cold. I cursed under my breath as the wind caressed my aching body and droplets of rain fell from the sky. As expected, the rain got heavier, soaking me from head to toe. I shivered, rubbing my arms as my dress clung to my body, kissing every curve and also every scar, briefly reminding me of all the pain I've endured over the years. The pain that I had to endure for Carly. I sighed, shaking those thoughts from my head. This wasn't the time to be thinking about that. Not when Peter Johnson's body was lifeless and the rain mercilessly crashed around me, tackling everything in its path like a pack of hungry wolves hunting their prey.

'Someone, please help me!'


He was still alive, I had to do something, anything. I bent down and grabbed both of his legs dragging his body down the dark pathway that led to the lake at the far end of the woods. I grunted, feeling the heavy weight of his body with every pull.

'What are you doing?! Stop. Please! Please stop! I'm sorry! Please don't do this, please' he said, his voice faltering with every word that escaped his lips. I could tell he was scared as he pleaded for his life, and that excited me even more. I'm going to really enjoy this!

It's funny how only a few days ago he was bragging about doing the unthinkable and links he was here, face-first into the ground, begging for his life. Oh, how the tables have turned and how the all-mighty Peter Johnson has fallen. An evil laugh escaped my lips as I recalled how easy it was to lure him out here. All I had to do was tell him to meet me here for a quick fuck and he jumped at the chance like a starving dog. Men! A lot of them would do anything for a quickie, and Peter Johnson was one of them. How pathetic!

'Oh god Ivy, no! No no no no! What have you done?!'

'Shut up Alicia! He had it coming! I wasn't got to sit by and let him violate Carly!'

'Fuck! Ivy! What did you do?!' Jess shouted over the pounding sound of the rain, eyes wide with shock and fear. She was beginning to panic. I could see it in her eyes and body language as she began to fidget with her fingers trying to assess the situation, trying to think of a solution or some sort of logical explanation. I dropped his legs, glaring at her as she just stood there, frozen to the spot.

'Don't just stand there! Fucking help me get rid of him! If he doesn't shut the hell up we are all screwed you hear me?! Screwed!'

'No, you aren't involving Alicia and me in this, this is sick! Twisted! We want no part of it!'

'Well tough, you're going to have to! If he doesn't keep quiet soon we will all be done for, now shut the fuck up and help me!'

'Someone help! Please help me! Help! Please! Somebody, please!

'Shut the fuck up!'

Fuck. This wasn't good! At this rate, someone will hear him. He just wasn't shutting up! I grabbed another rock, turning his body around so he could face me before straddling his stomach. His eyes went wide, realising what I was about to do and his body shook and trembled as tears fell down his cheeks. His eyes were silently pleading me to spare him, to let him go.

For a split second, it crossed my mind, letting him go. But only for a split second. All I could hear in my head was his voice as he laughed with his friends about drugging and raping Carly, and in one quick move I brought my hand up and smashed the rock down on his face, hearing his skull crack and his blood squirt. I kept on pounding and pounding as bits of his flesh and blood covered my face, ignoring Alicia and Jess's voice as they screamed at me to stop. But I didn't. I just kept going, enjoying the sweet melodic sound of his skull cracking to pieces.

'Hello? Is anyone there?!'

There you have it, everyone! A flashback chapter on what happened that night!

If you have any questions or any feedback please comment below or direct message me anytime. I would love to hear your feedback and thoughts on this chapter

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