Chapter 17 - Body count

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Author's Note

So in this chapter, I wanted to show you all a little bit more about Taylor and why she is the way she is. I believe that it's important to show why certain characters behave the way they do, it's a good way to show character development.

To get a clear picture of what her character is like, please please listen to the song that I have chosen specifically for this chapter!

Again this chapter does contain some graphic scenes. So if you are under 18 please read at your own risk!

If you spot any spelling mistake please point them out and I will edit this as soon as I can!


Chief Inspector Taylor Sharpe

I make my way through the door, where the corpse of young white Male lay. It was a bloody sight. When I got the call that there had been a murder, I put on a brave face and braced myself for the worst possible outcome.

Blood was everywhere. To say the scene was gruesome would have been a big understatement, it was horrific. The method of death was clear enough from the mutilated body on the tiled floor of the men's bathroom. The victim's trousers were pulled down to his ankles as he lay face-first in his own blood. From the severity of the crime, it was obvious that was personal as the victim's mouth was stuffed with his own genitals.

'The VIC was a white male, mid to late twenties and single. He was known as Daniel Foster according to his driver's license. He was a truck driver and lived in Manchester City Centre. According to his records, he has had some priors and was arrested for domestic abuse as well as sexual assault. He's served some time in prison but got released early last year.'

I scanned the body, listening closely to the details as Chris spoke. It's been a very long time since I've seen such a brutal murder and one that was committed in broad daylight in a pub full of people.

I walked to the door, popping my head around the corner and glancing up at the ceiling. As suspected there was a camera. Frowning I went back inside with a puzzled look on my face. Surely the murderer wouldn't be stupid enough to get caught in front of the CCTV camera? Something didn't make sense.

'What about the CCTV footage, did we get anything from that?'

'That's the thing Chief Inspector, there isn't any. It's gone.'

'What do you mean gone? Are you telling me that the only solid evidence we have to prove who the murderer is is missing?'

'Yes, we couldn't find anything because there is nothing to find, it seems that whoever did this wiped it clean.'

'My eyes widened and I folded my arms, tapping my foot impatiently on the floor as my mind began to wonder. How did the murderer sneak out then wipe the CCTV footage clean? It was impossible, unless.....unless he or she had help or there was some sort of distraction.

'Chris, did the manager mention anything to you about any fire alarms?'

'Actually, now that you've mentioned it, yes. He said before the body was found that there was a fire alarm, and he got everyone, staff included exiting the building.'

I slammed my hand on the countertop of the kitchen sink, startling everyone in the room, who all turned to look at me with curiosity. 'That's how the murderer got away! After the murder was committed, he or she quickly went out and pulled the fire alarm. After that, he or she hid in plain sight, waited then ran into the back office and demoted the CCTV footage. Then walker out just as the last people were exciting the pub!

'Does this part seen familiar to you Chris?'

I saw the look of confusion on Chris's face before his eyes widened and he looked back and firm between me and the body. At that moment I knew how was thinking the same thing. Back when we were investigating Sheila Watson's case, the CCTV footage was also gone, wiped clean, and we were at a dead end. There was no doubt in my mind that the person who murdered Sheila was also responsible for this man's death. The question is, why? Why murder this man when he wasn't in any way related to Sheila?

'Are you saying that you think this might be the same person who murdered Sheila Watson? But why? They aren't related, and why was this one more aggressive than Sheila's murder? It doesn't make any sense. Both victims were murdered in very different ways.'

My eyes drifted back to the body trying to come with some sort of conclusion that would me solve this case. So far we've got two murders, both personal with both the CCTV footage missing from each crime scene. Two victims both unrelated murdered for personal reasons.

I rubbed my chin with my left hand when suddenly it dawned on me. What if the murderer was protecting someone? That would explain everything and why the murderer was so insistent on getting rid of any footage of themselves. Whoever we were dealing with was smart and very clearly protecting someone they care about, maybe even love.

'We are dealing with someone very clever here Chris, very very clever. It seems to me that the murderer is protecting someone. Both victims were different, this is the only conclusion I could come up with.'

We both walked out of the pub and down the escalators where two police officers stood, preventing anyone from going up. So far we've got two victims, but no hard evidence to trace whoever did this. Despite the horrific and grisly nature of the crime, the only motive we have, or rather what the crime appears to look like, is a crime of passion. But perhaps that snag the murderer wanted us to believe to throw us off their scent. It would make sense, especially when the victims own genitals were cut off and stuffed in his mouth.

'So what do we do now?'

'We interview all the people in the pub, hopefully, someone can identify something and we also check other CCTV footage in the area, we will take a look at all of them if we have ti, I want whoever did this caught and behind bars, before another body turns up on our doorstep, whoever did this is smart. But not that smart.'

It was only a matter of time before the murderer slips up and gets caught. Whoever did this was clearly protecting someone, we've just got to find out who to get a clear link. The one mistake he or she made was deleting and removing the CCTV footage. It wasn't a coincidence, it was thought out.

'You've got that look on their face again Taylor. I know you!'

I shrugged and stopped to look at my partner Chris, staring at him with a look of confidence and determination in my eyes. For a moment he faltered at me hard steely gaze and looked down, but just as quickly he looked back up and nodded with a look of confidence of his own. It was obvious from that one look that he was trying to match the air of authority that surrounded me, reminding me of a pack of paparazzi following a celebrity. I smiled and patted his shoulder.

'What's with the smile, we've not got any evidence or got any suspects.'

'I'm smiling because now we at least have a very possible reason for why both victims were murdered. It might be vague, but it's something, and it's only a matter of time before the murderer slips up!'

'All we have to fi now out who the murderer is protecting and why then we will get our answers.'

Chris's nodded and we both walked outside, the harsh breeze hitting our faces, causing me to shiver as we got into our car. I switched on the heating, grateful for the sudden orgasmic warmth that filled the car. I rubbed my hands together, blowing air in between them to relieve my numb hands. It was your typical British weather, cold and wet. I used to love the rain and how it's soothing sounds use to put me at ease and at peace, but now I detested it. The British climate was harsh and unforgiving and today wasn't any different.

The engine roared to life as Chris started the car, blocking out the howls and cries of the hail and rain as it smashed the windows mercilessly. I played my head back in the headrest and closed my eye, taking a deep breath to try and release some of the stress that's been consuming my body. There was a time when I would do anything just to sit down and listen to the rain. Once upon a time, I asked it, but that all changed when I witnessed a murder on a fateful night at my bedroom window. The memory was still fresh in my mind as if it only happened yesterday.

I was only young but after witnessing such a horrific act, I promised myself that I would never be afraid again and that when I grow up, I will become a police officer too and catch the bad guys. I was determined to back then just like I'm determined now, and it's my determination that will help me catch this psycho maniac.


'Taylor, go to bed, it's late and you've got school tomorrow, you know what your mum would say it was here!'

'Five more minutes then I promise I will, please dad?'

I looked up at him and poured, knowing he wouldn't be able to resist. He always said that I got that look from mum and that he could never resist it either whenever she used it against him. A smile lit job his face and ruffled my hair playfully, kissing my forehead.

'Oh alright! You got me, you know I can't resist that look! But five more minutes only, then I'll be coming up to check if you're in bed! Five minutes okay?'

'I promise! Five more minutes!' he shook his head and shut the door behind him as I shoved my earphone back in my ears, looking back out the window. I was in France, mesmerised by the beautiful angelic sound of the rain.

I look at the site before me, watching as cars beefed there horns and parents rushed their children inside. Once again it was raining just like I predicted. It wasn't unusual, it always seemed to rain no matter what season it was. But I didn't mind, I quite enjoyed it. I found it almost magical and radiant as the dark grey sky released endless teardrops, causing chaos down below. A loud rumble and a flash of lightning caught my attention and I removed my earphones.

I was so entranced by the sound, lost in my own world when suddenly I heard a series of loud bangs and I jumped away from the window. My heart was frantically beating against my chest and I swallowed, my eyes landing on the house across the road where a man stood at the window, shooting at someone in the room. I squinted, leaning forwards slightly when the shooting stopped and the figure in the window turned around. I gasped, covering my mouth with my hands to drown out my screams.

I was frozen in place, too shocked and scared to move. His shirt was torn and bloody as he stood there, smiling at me. Time stood still and for a month all I could hear was the sound of my breathing and my heart pumping uncontrollably in my chest. There was no hint of remorse in his eyes, no sign that he regretted his actions, he just kept staring, his eyes piercing into my own like a blade tearing into flesh and bone.

My door slammed open and the next thing I knew I felt my dad's arms around me, pulling me away from the window. I was shaking and trembling, trying to erase the image from my mind, but it was no use. It will never go away.

The next thing I knew police officers were in our house and I was being asked dozens of questions about what I saw. I answered them as best as I could, my voice shaking as I recalled the events that happened moments before, not leaving a single piece of detail out. I could never forget what I saw, it will forever be engraved in my mind like a permanent tattoo.

From then on and the night that followed, I made a promise to myself, that I would grow up to become a police officer and catch the bad guys. I knew the murderer. Our neighbour Mr Steven's, and I caught him murdering someone in cold blood. I couldn't exactly explain what I felt the moment I heard he got caught. But I knew one thing, one day I will be putting people like him away.


I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! It did take a while to write as I wanted to make this chapter as realistic and as detailed as possible! But I hope you all enjoy it!

If you've got any comments or feedback to give me please let me know. I would love to hear your thoughts on the new character and the chapter as a whole! ❤

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